Visiting Friends

1657 Words
Once their dinner was finished and eaten, Gale stood from her seat. Her face was still flushed from Broin's compliments as she plated some of the stew for the wolf and then added some into a larger bowl. Broin watched her curiously for a moment. When she noticed, Gale smiled. "I'm going to take some down to Snow and her mother. I'm sure that, right now, they aren't really in the state to cook for themselves," Broin smiled warmly.  "I'm sure they will love you for that," Broin said, sitting back in his own chair. He had just finished a roll that he had used to soak up the stew's remaining juices. He looked to his bowl with a satisfied sigh. "Would you please tell Snow's mother that the rolls were just as delicious as they were the last time?" He asked. Gale nodded, her smile widening a little before he allowed her to finish what she was doing for her to do what she had set to do. Once finished with the bowl, and Nikan had finished the stew she was given, the two left the dwelling and left to go to Snow's. The walk was silent, save for the sounds of her feet and Nikan's paws against the dirt. She came to a stop, knocking lightly on the door. It was only a minute before the door opened and Snow's father was standing in front of her. Smiling, Gale looked up to the older man. "I brought this for the three of you. I figured it might be a little easier on you all, with all the excitement," She motioned to the bowl that she was carrying.  She had covered it with the same cloth that Snow's mother had used to cover the rolls, the cloth keeping the warmth of the stew inside the bowl. The older man smiled, moving aside to allow her to come into their home. She took it to the table, looking over to where Snow was still resting in her bed, her baby cradled to her breast. When she heard Gale, she looked up, her face seeming to light up at the sight of her friend. "You will be staying for a little while I hope," She heard Snow's voice, having looked away to make sure she didn't knock over the bowl of stew. Nikan had followed Gale inside, sitting down near the table. As Snow spoke, Nikan's tail wagged.  "I can stay for a little while. Broin is working on his arrows, I'm sure," Gale chirped, going over to see Snow and the little one. She crooned at the baby, gingerly placing her finger into one of his tiny hands. "You are such an adorable little thing," She whispered, Snow giving a soft laugh.  "He's got more energy than I have at this point. I knew it was going to be tiring, but I wasn't aware on what level," Snow said. She did, in fact, sound like she was still tired. However, she sounded rather happy as well. She shifted her arms a little, holding the baby out to her. Being as careful as ever, Gale accepted, lifting Koda out of his mother's arms and holding him against her breast as though she were holding glass. The warmth of the baby against her arms and chest made her feel unlike anything she had ever felt. A soft, thrum of a purr left her throat, making Snow laugh a little. "There it is again. I have been telling my mother and father that they needed to hear it and there they have," She said, referring to the sound that had left Gale. The young woman's cheeks flushed, Snow's mother looking to Gale with admiration.  "Hearing about it and actually hearing what it sounds like are two different things. Snow said it sounded like a large cat, and I can see why she would think so," She heard the woman say. Sitting down beside Snow, Gale watched Koda as his eyes fluttered open to look up at the woman that was holding him. He seemed to study her a little, almost as if trying to register who she was. He didn't start to fuss, as she had expected. Instead, his eyes slipped closed again and he went back to sleep. She held him for a little while, letting Snow and her family have the chance to eat before she gave Koda back to his mother. They spoke for a little while before Gale finally excused herself and started back home.  Nikan walked with her, looking a bit pleased. She had gotten table scraps from them as well, and it had settled the wolf quite well. If there was one thing she loved more than the rabbits that she caught in the woods, it was the table scraps that she got from time to time around the homes that she visited. Occasionally, she would get a treat or two from the shopkeepers in the marketplace. Upon reaching home, Gale went inside. Broin was sitting at the table, having put away the dishes and set the stew aside so it could cool and be put away. Looking up from the arrow he was working on, he smiled at her.  "I was wondering when you would be back. How is everyone?"  "They are doing well. That little one of Snow's is so cute," Gale responded, sitting down across from Broin. She reached out to take one of the arrowheads, turning it over in her fingers. There was a look on her face that Broin couldn't quite read, his brow furrowing a little. It wasn't a sad expression, but... there was something about it that brought a curiousness forward that he didn't usually feel unless there was a good reason for it.  "And you?" He asked her. Broin's words drew Gale from her thoughts, her hands lowering the arrowhead from the eye level that she had been holding it at while inspecting it. She watched him for a moment.  "I'm alright... what makes you ask?"  "You had a look on your face. I was just trying to figure out what it meant," Broin responded to this, setting his arrow down. Gale's lips turned up in a smile. "I was just thinking about Snow and her baby. She seems to be so happy with him," She started, though she stopped again. Broin c****d his head to the right a little, his eyes still on the woman across from him. It seemed he might have caught on, Gale's eyes meeting his own.  "And?" "A-and... I..." Gale started, but the flustered state that had rushed upon her kept her from answering. Broin understood, however. Getting up, he moved over to her, kneeling beside her chair. The way he looked up at her made Gale's face grow a deeper shade of red. "W-well..." She managed to stammer out, though Broin chuckled. "You don't have to say anything further. I understand," He said, lifting a hand and brushing her hair back from her face and tucking it behind her ear as he stood. Gale looked at him for a moment before she turned her head to kiss his palm, placing one of her own hands on the back of his. "I'm glad you do... I don't know how to answer you," She mumbled against his skin, making him laugh softly again. Taking her face in his hands, Broin gave her a soft kiss. "I want your father's blessing first," He whispered. Gale looked up to Broin, smiling tenderly. The simple fact that he didn't seem to deny the idea made her heart sing. The thought of being a mother herself scared her, but it also brought a sense of belonging forward that Gale had only ever felt one other time. It wasn't something she was going to forget anytime soon. "If that is something that strikes you as a good idea, I mean. I don't want to do something that is going to put me in a bad position with your father. I have a lot of respect for the man," Broin spoke honestly, his tone holding the same respect that he felt for Harland. It wasn't just something he said, it was something that he meant. Gale nodded. "Honestly, the fact that you want his blessing first... well... that makes me feel much better than it would have if we just... went for it," she admitted, lifting her hands to rest them against Broin's, the man's larger hands still holding her cheeks. "My father has been a big part of my life, and like you, I don't want to do anything that would upset him either," Gale finished. Smiling a little more, Broin nodded.  Nuzzling Gale's nose and closing his eyes, Broin focused on nothing but the young woman that was sitting in his home. Their home. Losing himself in the thought, he could already hear the sounds of little feet running back and forth between the kitchen and what served as their living quarters. It was a sound that made his heart sing. He had always wanted children of his own, but he had never found anyone that he could really trust with something so special. He hadn't yet found his soulmate. However, in Gale, he found all of this. Opening his eyes, he looked to the young woman again, kissing her nose.  "When he comes back, we can ask him then," His voice held just how the thought made him feel. Gale could hear this, and it made her feel elated. Nikan watched the two of them from where she lay, her amber eyes on the two that she considered her new pack. There was something in the way they stood and spoke that told her it was a moment that meant something to them. Her tail gave a slow swish across the hide that she used as her bed. If they were happy, so was she. 
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