Settling In

1378 Words
By the time Gale had finished settling up what was needed for dinner, it was mid-afternoon. Broin couldn't help but watch how she had done what she had. The way Gale worked made him feel more curious than ever, her hands moving fluidly as she worked between the vegetables and the meat that would go into the pot. When it began to simmer, the smells of the cooking vegetables and venison flooded the little dwelling, making Broin's mouth water. He looked to Gale, watching her as she sat beside the wolf. Her eyes were on the fireplace, no doubt to keep an eye and ear out for the stew that was bubbling away in the pot. Gale got up from her resting place after a few minutes, giving the wolf a gentle pat on the head before picking up a wooden spoon that hung nearby on a hook. As Gale stirred the ingredients, Broin watched her lovingly as her hair slipped from behind her ear and fell across her face.  "That's starting to smell amazing," Broin said softly, the young woman looking up and over to him with a gentle smile. Her face had taken on a pink tone to it, and Broin couldn't tell if it was from the heat of the fireplace or his comment. Either way, it made her face look that much more lovely. Gale turned back to the stew for a moment, hanging the spoon back up.  "It should go nicely with the rolls Snow's mother gave us," She hummed, looking to the wolf briefly, turning to Broin. The young man stood, walking over to where Gale was standing beside the fireplace. Reaching out for her, he held his arms open for her. Without a moment's thought, Gale went to him, filling the space between his arms as she nestled into his chest, his arms closing around her shoulders. Where she had placed her head, she could hear the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat. It was soothing to the point that, if Gale were laying down, she might fall asleep. The two stood this way for a time before Broin moved a little. Gale looked up at him, her gaze studying his face briefly before he spoke. "I'm going to make a run into the marketplace real quick. I need to get some arrowheads. I have to replace the ones that I used and repair a few," He said, drawing his arms from around Gale's shoulders and taking her face in his hands. Smiling lovingly at her, he leaned in and kissed her. "I won't be long," he hummed against her lips before he moved away. Gale nodded, an almost dreamy expression crossing her face. Being in Broin's arms had that effect on her. Turning to pick up the coin pouch he kept on the small shelf beside the door, Broin caught sight of this look and chuckled. Blushing, Gale looked away. She heard him leave, and when he did, she settled herself on the hide beside the wolf again. The animal rested her head in Gale's lap, sighing. Gale turned her gaze to the wolf, rubbing her ear softly between her fingers. "I suppose, since you have decided to stay with us, that we should give you a name," She whispered to the wolf. She didn't respond to Gale's words, her head still where she had rested it on Gale's thighs. Smiling, Gale continued to rub the wolf's ear before she lowered her hand to rest it on the thick fur of her shoulder. Lost in thought, Gale's mind drifted away from Broin and focused on the idea of a name for the wolf, her thoughts only leaving the subject when she needed to get up to stir the stew. She looked at the wolf after some time had passed, watching her as she sat up. One of her ears had flicked back against her head, her dark amber eyes resting on Gale. It was then that the idea hit her. She remembered hearing a name once, one that meant exactly what the wolf was to her. Her friend. "Your name is Nikan," She said, her tone holding much love for the animal.  Hearing the name, the wolf's ears perked, her head c*****g to the side a little as if taking it in. Gale smiled at this reaction, hoping that that meant that the wolf accepted the name. Turning back to the stew, Gale gave it one more stir before she sat down again, humming softly to herself and Nikan. She opened her arms to the wolf, watching her amber eyes for a few moments. As she approached Gale, the firelight made the amber of the she-wolf's eyes glow as if they had a light of their own. It was enough to send a chill down Gale's spine, and it wasn't the first time she had looked into the amazingly colored orbs. Nikan bumped her head into Gale's chest, sitting down with her for a second before she lay down with her paws rested on either side of Gale, her legs rested over the young woman's. Smiling softly, Gale rubbed her fingers through the soft underfur, looking to the fire. The actions of the wolf had made her feel as though Nikan's name was a good choice. She truly was the young woman's friend, and her actions made that clear.  When Broin returned from his trip to the marketplace, he stepped into the dwelling to see that Gale had fallen asleep with the wolf. The young woman had leaned forward to settle her head on top of Nikan's. When Broin opened the door, instead of lifting her head and waking Gale, the wolf simply opened her eyes and looked toward the door. She eyed Broin for a moment or two before her eyes slipped closed again. This signaled that Broin was alright with the wolf. Smiling gently, he went to check on the stew before he sat down and began to work on his arrows.  The dwelling smelled of stew, and Broin could see how it would lull Gale into a nap. The soft pop of the fire, the simmering of the stew on the fire, and the warmth of the dwelling were enough to make him feel a little drowsy himself. If it hadn't been for the need of the arrows, Broin might have very well taken a nap. After some time passed, Gale began to rouse herself. Broin lifted his gaze away from the arrow he was working on to watch her. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked toward the fireplace, not yet seeing that he had come home. Nikan stepped over Gale's lap as she stood to shake herself off before she went over to investigate what Broin was doing at the table. This drew Gale's attention away from the fireplace. When she saw Broin, she smiled at him. "I didn't realize I fell asleep, sorry," She muttered, her voice still showing that she wasn't yet awake. "It's alright. You looked like you might have needed it," Broin responded as he rubbed between Nikan's ears. "Anything eventful happen while I was away?" He questioned as he looked over to Gale again. She had gone to check the stew while he spoke. Setting the spoon back in place, she turned to him. "I found a name for the wolf," She said, the curious expression on Broin's face his way of asking what it was. "Nikan," As she said the wolf's name, she turned her head away from Broin and looked up at her. Smiling, Gale knelt, the wolf wandering over and setting her head against the young woman's chest. Broin gave another smile at this. "Well, at least now we don't have to refer to her as the wolf," He said, chuckling a little. Gale laughed herself. It was true, however. With their friend having a name, it would be easier to call her and to introduce her to those around her. Giving Nikan another soft rub to the sides of her head, Gale sighed. She was beginning to feel a lot more at home, from the dinners that were made to friends that they cared for. It was starting to feel like that was where she belonged. 
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