Returned Kindness

1384 Words
For the rest of the day, Gale wasn't quite sure what to do. Her mind was still buzzing from the events of the morning. She had stopped in to see Snow again, checking in on the new mother and her son. Both were sleeping soundly, exhausted from the start of their adventure together. Snow's mother had remained with her while her father had to return to his work in the fields, no doubt brimming with pride at his new title of grandfather.  Keeping herself busy, Gale roamed the village with her canine friend, exploring a little before she returned home. Broin was sitting at the small table in their home, adjusting the strap on his quiver. Looking up as Gale entered the dwelling, he smiled. "Feeling okay? You look like you are walking on a cloud over there," He said, setting the quiver aside as Gale approached. She settled herself in his lap, resting her head on his shoulder.  "I'm alright. After this morning, I don't know what to do. Everything pales in comparison," Gale hummed, closing her eyes as she set her hand on the shoulder opposite from where she had rested her head. Broin nodded in understanding.  "I know. I've been to two births before Snow's and everything just seems to be less interesting afterward for a while. That little one of hers is going to be just like his father. He just has that feel about him," Broin looked toward the door for a moment before he returned his focus to Gale. She too had looked to the door. However, he wondered what she was thinking. Before he could ask, there was a knock on the door. Gale moved off of Broin's lap, allowing for him to go check to see who it was. While he did so, the wolf got up from her resting place to stand beside Gale. As Broin opened the door, they were greeted with a soft smile from Snow's mother. In her hands, she held a basket covered with a cloth.  "I wanted to thank you both for helping my Snow," The woman said, her eyes moving from Broin to Gale and her wolf. "It's not much, but I baked these this morning," She added, holding the basket out to Broin. Gently, he accepted the gift, lifting a corner of the cloth to reveal freshly baked rolls. Gale approached from behind Broin, peering into the basket with a smile of her own. "It was the least I could do. If you or Snow need anything, just ask. I am more than willing to offer help," Gale responded, the woman's smile softening from where she stood outside. Her gaze turned to the wolf as she stood up and started toward them. "I haven't forgotten about you either," She said, her voice gentle toward the animal. Gale watched as she knelt level with the wolf, holding something out to her. The wolf sniffed toward the woman before she gently accepted the gift that was given to her. In the brief glimpse that Gale got to see what it was, she saw that it was a chunk of deer. The wolf skirted past them and outside, sitting down a little way away to eat. Snow's mother looked from the canine and to the pair as she spoke. "It still surprises me that you have a wolf in your company. The other dogs haven't seemed to give her a moment's glance. I guess that's for the better. She is at least twice their size," The woman brushed her hands on her apron before she returned her sight to Broin and Gale.  "I will admit, it worried me when we got here," Broin said, watching the wolf a little himself. She looked over to the three watching her, licking her chops for a moment before she looked away to clean her paws. The woman gave a soft laugh.  "Well, she's proven that there is nothing to worry about," This statement brought a smile to Gale's lips. She was worried from time to time about how people saw the wolf. The animal stood from where she was seated, starting back toward the dwelling. She paused, sniffing at the older woman as though seeing if she had any venison left on her. When she didn't smell any, she huffed and moved on. Gale watched her as she passed by them and went in to lay on her hide bed. Broin chuckled at this, looking from the wolf to the older woman that stood outside. She was smiling at the two of them in a motherly sort of way. "I should head back before Snow wakes up. Thank you again. Both of you," She said softly, turning away from them and going back to her daughter's dwelling. Gale smiled, standing where she was in the doorway for a moment as Broin took the basket to the table. She turned after a moment, closing the door before she went to him.  Broin took one of the rolls from the basket, looking over to Gale before he offered it to her. "I've had her baking before. I want to know what you think. She always has some of the best-baked goods in the village," He hummed, watching as Gale gingerly took the roll from his hand. She smelled it, her mouth watering instantly. It was warm, to begin with. And the smell that came from it was enough to make her stomach growl with anticipation. When she took a bite, she let out a thrumming purr that made Broin laugh a little. "I know... if I could react that way, I would too," He said, sitting in the chair he had been occupying before Snow's mother had arrived. Gale didn't speak, almost too involved in the roll to form words.  The taste reminded her of something that one of the servants made when she was a child before her father had decided that they could do things on their own. She finished the roll after a couple of minutes, having been savoring the flavor of it. When she went over to sit with Broin, she had to resist the urge to eat another, wanting to save them for dinner. "Those are amazing," She said softly, the fresh bread flavor lingering in her mouth and on her tongue. Broin smiled.  "Well, the next time we see her you can tell her so. I'm sure she'd appreciate it," He said softly as he kissed Gale's shoulder. Smiling, she rested her head against Broin's. "So, what would you like to do with the rest of our day, hmm?" He asked, settling his chin on her shoulder after a moment or two. Gale thought about this, shaking her head a little.  "I'm not quite sure. I've been trying to decide that myself," Gale said, looking around the house for a moment before she turned her head to look at Broin again. "I think I might work on making a stew for tonight," Broin c****d an eyebrow at this, smiling a little. "I wasn't aware you knew how to cook," He said, sounding a bit pleased. Gale felt her cheeks warm up and thinking he had upset her somehow, Broin's smile faded. "I didn't mean..." He started, though Gale shook her head.  "It's alright. My mother taught me a little before she passed," Gale replied, standing up. Broin watched her as she went to get a pot from where he had set them beside the fireplace. She went from there, to the small, dark bin that he kept his veggies in. She set them into the pot, placing them near the fireplace before she turned to him. "Where do you keep your venison?" She questioned. Broin got up from his seat, showing her where he kept the meats stored.  The bin he kept the meats in was constructed of heavy wood, the inside lined with clay that was left to dry until it was solid. This was built into the floor of the dwelling, the lower level making it less likely to get warm. From it, he drew the venison that Gale would need to make the stew. Once she had everything she needed, Gale went to sit in front of the fireplace. Starting with the venison, she began the process. 
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