A New Life

1459 Words
Gale woke in the morning, turning her head away from something cold that brushed against her cheek. Opening her eyes, she met the gaze of the wolf. She watched as one ear flicked back on the animal's head as she watched her. Gale sat up a little, resting her head on the wolf's head before she looked at Broin, who was sleeping soundly with his arm rested across his chest, the other tucked behind his head. Gale watched him softly for a moment, a smile touching her lips before she shifted to carefully get out of bed without waking him. Going over to the washtub, she used some of the cool water to wash her face before she picked up a dress that Snow had given her. Pulling it on, she glanced back over to Broin. He hadn't so much as shifted from where he had been laying. Turning away again, Gale drew her hair up from within the back of the dress and released it from its braid before brushing it out a little and making her way to the door.  As she stepped outside, the wolf squeezed out between her and the door. Gale watched as she trotted off toward the edge of the village. She knew she would be back. The wolf did this just about every morning, either to use the bathroom or to find herself something to eat. Looking away from her canine friend, Gale watched as the sun shimmered in shades of red and orange over the horizon. In the silence, she could hear the ever so faint sound of the chanting, but it was so quiet now that if she so much as ruffled her dress, the sound was drowned out. However, there was a sound that Gale couldn't drown out, no matter how much she tried. A cry rang out from a few homes down, making the girl's hair stand on end. Looking to the door behind her, she moved to start toward the source, though she stopped when she registered who it was. And then the cause. Turning around, she opened the door quickly and ran to Broin. She shook him awake, her eyes wide. "I think something is wrong with Snow!" She blurted out before she turned away from him.  Broin was normally difficult to wake up, however, when he heard something might be wrong with Snow, he jumped up. Grabbing his clothes, he started to get dressed, following shortly after Gale as she ran down the street to the aide of her friend. Her cries weren't as loud to Broin, but he knew that Gale had better hearing than his own. Something that he had often found was useful when he needed advice on where someone or something had gone. He was just about halfway to Snow's house when the wolf burst past him, making him jump a little. The she-wolf slid to a stop at Snow's door, Gale already inside. As he opened the door, the large animal pushed past him and into the house. Normally, it would have bothered him that the animal was near someone that was making sounds of pain, but something about the way the animal moved suggested that he didn't stop her. Broin came to a stop as he stepped into the house, looking to Gale and Snow as Gale helped her sit up a little. Gale propped pillows up behind Snow's back, her gaze shifting to Broin. "What should I do?" He asked, feeling a little helpless. "Go get her parents. Her mother will know what to do," Gale said, her attention returning to Snow as she let out another cry. "It's alright, we are here," She said softly, brushing some of her hair back off of her forehead. Gale had never birthed a child before, but she had been there with a friend before as they gave birth themselves. Sometimes just being there was enough. Broin did as he was told, rushing from the house. Gale stayed by Snow's side, Broin returning a few minutes later with Snow's mother and father, Wysteria tailing behind them. He had gotten her because of her knowledge of herbs and if something went wrong, she would be able to intervene. As soon as she was inside, Wysteria went to the woman's washtub and collected a clean cloth and some fresh water. Going to her side, she set the items there for Gale to use on Snow's forehead and face to keep her cool. "It's going to be alright, Snow," The young woman's father said softly as he knelt on his daughter's other side. Broin looked from them to the wolf, who sat down a little ways away. Her posture gave off that protective air again, and all doubt he had had for the creature was set aside. Chalking it up to that instinct that most females had when it came to their young and the young of others, he looked away from her. He himself was feeling a bit protective, but that was due to the friendship that he had with Snow and that he had had with Koda. Snow's mother situated herself at her daughter's feet, Wysteria getting a blanket to drape over the young woman to keep her privacy. She then got something to wrap the baby in when the time came.  "You're doing great, Snow. Just breathe," Her mother crooned, looking up to her daughter's reddened face. She then looked to Gale, giving her a soft smile. She wouldn't admit it right at that moment, but the fact that she had been so quick to get to Snow in her time of need meant more to her than she could ever express.  After several aching minutes that felt like an eternity, the cries of a newborn filled the little dwelling. Snow panted to catch her breath, watching with tired eyes as her mother wiped the baby's face and body clean with the warm water that Wysteria had brought to her. Gently, she moved to hand the baby to Snow, who cradled the little boy to her breast. Closing her eyes, she rested her face to his forehead, listening as his cries turned to soft, mewling whimpers. "Shhh, I'm here," She whispered breathlessly.  Gale smiled tenderly at the pair before she looked to Broin, who had moved to stand at her side. He watched Snow and the baby with a look of fascination, his gaze flicking from them to Gale after a moment. No matter how many times he had seen it, the gift of life was always something that struck him each time. He had been there for his sister when she gave birth, and again for his aunt. The thought of this made his heart ache. They lived in a village now far from where he was currently residing. Gale lifted a hand to rest it against his wrist. Her touch was enough to bring him out of his thoughts again. Kneeling down, he rested his hand against Gale's back as he once more took to watching Snow and the baby. "Have you picked a name out for him yet?" Broin asked softly.  Snow looked up, giving him a tired smile as she nodded her head. "Koda. After his father," She said, returning her gaze to her son. The newborn squirmed a little in her arms, making her laugh softly. "You are just as active out here as you were in the womb. You are going to make your father proud," She whispered to the baby. Wysteria smiled from where she stood, tears welling in her eyes. Gale took note of this, giving her a worried expression that was brushed off with a small wave of Wysteria's hand. They stayed with Snow for a while before they left the new family to their privacy. Gale walked with Broin and Wysteria until she reached the home she shared with Broin, the young man catching her lightly by her wrist. She looked up at him, an expression of surprise on her face as she looked away from Wysteria and the wolf. "Every day you become more amazing," Broin spoke to her, his tone barely above a whisper. Gale's face flushed. "I was just helping a friend in need. I couldn't help Koda... I wanted to be there for Snow," She said, her tone sad, though at the same time it held happiness to it.  Broin smiled faintly, pulling Gale to his chest. "And that's what makes you amazing. You always help others, even when you yourself are hurting," Broin kissed the top of her head. "One day, you will be just as amazing a mother as Snow,"  Gale's face flushed anew at this, a smile forming on her face. She hoped so. 
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