The Deal

1245 Words
Gale sat with Broin for a time, accepting the brew that he had made for her gratefully when he finally held the cup out to her. She sipped it, taking in the flavor of the herbs that he had used. There was a sweetness to it, as well as a bit of spiciness, but Gale didn't mind it one bit. She found it to be an interesting combination, something she had not had before. "Where did you learn to make this?" She questioned, looking up to Broin from where he stood. The young man smiled.  "My grandmother. It's got everything in it that should help your body relax and repair itself," Broin moved to sit down beside Gale, reaching into his pack to pull out some jerky that he had cured before he had come out to see Gale again. Leaning back against the tree behind him, Broin offered her a piece. Gale gently took the offered jerky, though she didn't eat it right away. Instead, she focused on the brew for a moment or two longer. It hadn't taken long for it to start working, the ache in her head being the first to start fading. With a sigh, Gale took another sip, being careful not to burn her mouth as it was still pretty hot. Once she was finished with the drink, she set the cup down and turned her attention to the jerky, taking a small bite from it. She savored it for a moment before she flicked her gaze to Broin. He was watching the fire, chewing on the jerky he himself was eating. Seeming to notice she was watching him, Broin lowered the jerky and gave her a soft smile. Gale looked away again, shifting around a little where she was seated. "I... wanted to ask you something. You know... I asked you to promise me you wouldn't go after the Wizard..." She started. She didn't have to look at Broin to know that he had tensed up.  "Yeah, I remember," Broin responded, clearing his throat a little before he sighed. "I was going to keep that promise I..." he started but stopped when Gale spoke up again. "I know... and that means more to me than I can express... but I wanted to make a deal with you," She set the jerky into the cup that she had been drinking the brew from. Moving a little to sit so she was facing Broin, she continued. He was watching her intensely now, curious as to what it was that she was going to say. "I... need your help. You've been more of a friend to me than I have ever had. With your help, I... I think we might be able to take him down together," Gale stopped, her blue-purple eyes intense as she looked up to her friend. She was worried, and it showed. Worried that he might say no. Broin watched Gale for a few minutes before he put his food aside and wiped his hands on his pants. "What did you have in mind?" He asked her. "I've seen the thing he controls, and if he did this to you there is no telling what he has done to others." Gale ran a hand back through her hair again, watching the fire for a moment. "The only one I know he has for sure is Grimora... she seems to be set on thinking I'm trying to take her place, whatever that might be," She sighed. Thinking back to what it was that Grimora had said to her, Gale lifted her head. "She did say that he was looking for others... that's how he found me. Until me, she said that he had her alone," Broin shifted a little to sit forward, his arms on his knees. "Okay, that helps. So he does just have her and the creature he had when he came out of the trees," He spoke, rubbing his chin. Gale nodded at this, looking toward the trees as if to see if anyone were there. Broin noticed this and frowned. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry,"  "It's alright. I was just... checking," were the words that met Broin's ears. "Grimora paid me a visit sometime before you showed up. I didn't even know she was in the woods until she had gotten ahold of me. She wants the Wizard to himself..." Broin cut Gale off. "Is there any way you can talk her into helping you then? Maybe she knows a way to undo what was done? If she wants him to herself that badly, maybe she'll think of something. I know if that were the position and mindset I were in, I'd do whatever I could to get rid of the competition in any way possible," He couldn't hide the chill that hurried its way up his spine at the wry laugh that left Gale's lips. It didn't fit the pretty young woman that sat near him. "She was more intent on killing me than anything else. I tried to explain to her that this was not my idea... that I didn't want this... but she was beyond reason. Her idea of getting rid of the competition is to kill me and anyone else that stands in her way," Gale explained the event between herself and Grimora, pulling her knees to her chest. Broin reached to settle a hand softly on her shoulder. Now that she had seemed to relax and wasn't aching as badly as she had been, he wasn't as afraid to comfort her.  "We'll get something figured out. It might take some time, but we'll get it. Our first step would be trying to find out where he is. In order to do that, we might have to follow him. But with that collar, I don't know if you'd be able to. You said you can only go so far, didn't you?" Broin's words brought a hum of agreement from Gale. She could only go several miles before the collar activated. "I'm assuming you can't break it either, that would have been the first thing I'd have tried. A nod of agreement. Broin sighed, moving his hand off Gale's shoulder and crossing his arms over his chest. "With your permission, I can see if my brother and some of our villagers might be able to help. Dragons are a bit of... superstition... in the village but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try to help you,"  Slowly, Gale lifted her gaze from the fire where she had been staring, settling her gaze on her friend before she reached over and hugged him gingerly. "Thank you. And my offer still stands. When and if we do get this figured out... I would still like to do my part to help you. My father is well connected... if you just name what you need, we'll make sure it's taken care of," Broin chuckled softly. "Thank you, Gale. But your friendship is all I need," With a sigh, he leaned back again against the tree, Gale letting go of his arm and reaching for her jerky. It would be a long process, and a dangerous one, but they might have some kind of a plan going. It would need work and a lot of help. If Broin could find someone that might be able to help, she would allow it. As long as they didn't get hurt in the process. 
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