The Transformation

1265 Words
Gale was in the water for only a few minutes before she went to the surface, feeling as though things might settle. Chalking her sensations, and the light she had seen, as her body and collar reacting to the attack launched on her by Grimora. Shaking the water from her fur, she had only gotten a few steps away from the lake when her entire body seized up, making her muscles lock up and rebel against her. It happened so quickly that her breath was stolen from her lungs and she was left fighting just to breathe. It felt as though she were still under water. Trying to fight for a breath, she tried as well to take a step forward but fell to her side.  When she could take a breath, she released it as a bellowing roar, her paws lifting to grab the collar about her neck as it sent an electric shock down her spine, causing her back to bow up. Rolling onto her stomach, Gale spread her wings, bringing them down heavily on the ground to either side of herself, her tail lashing behind her. In the midst of her struggle, she couldn't hear what was going on around her. Not hearing someone approaching her, she continued to try to fight her way away from the collar before it sent another wave of pain through her that made her stiffen. A burning in her wings began to form as they began to shrink, pulling themselves back into the spaces they occupied on her back.  The roar in her throat broke into a scream as she felt her body shrink and tighten further, pain ricocheting and spreading off every joint as it popped back into a smaller frame. Over her screams, she could hear a familiar voice calling to her, though through her haze, she couldn't do much to respond. "H-he-lp!" She cried, drawing her limbs to her stomach. In the end, she was left in a shivering, sobbing heap, but back in her human form.  "Gale!" Broin shouted over her sobs, finally approaching. He had hesitated to do so before, not wanting to get in the way of her flailing tail. Slowly, he crouched down beside her, moving a hand out to make the attempt to rest it on her shoulder, though he stopped himself. He didn't want to touch her if she was still hurting. Frowning, he sat back on his heels. "I'm right here," He whispered, his heart aching with what he had witnessed. "What did they do to you?" The question was more to himself than to Gale, who had yet to move or speak. When she did finally move, she buried herself against Broin's chest, her sobbing still continuing. It sounded ragged, broken. Gently, Broin placed an arm around her shoulders, his free hand resting softly against the back of her head, his fingers burying softly into the soft white strands of her hair. "I'm here," He whispered once more, stroking her hair in a comforting manner. "I'm right here, you take as long as you need,"  When Gale finally stopped crying, her voice was hoarse, and barely above a whisper. "I'm... s-sorry you had to see that," She managed, lifting her hand to wipe the stray tears from her face. Broin stopped her hand, moving to wipe away her tears with his thumb. She looked up to him, her blueish-purple eyes searching him carefully for any hint that he might change his actions. He was being just as genuine in his mannerisms with her now as he was when she was in her dragon form, and part of her seemed to distrust this a little. The Wizard had shown false kindness. Taken an interest in her dragon form. Broin shook his head. "Don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for. This was not your doing, though... I do wonder what it was that allowed you to..." He started, then paused. Broin looked to the collar around her neck, which had begun to glow softly, the blue gem in the center glowing a faint white. Furrowing his brow, he looked up to the sky as the clouds cleared away from the moon. It was full. Gingerly, he placed his hand under Gale's chin, lifting her head so her gaze followed his own. "It's a full moon," He whispered.  Gale felt her heart skip a beat, briefly holding her breath when she understood. "S-so... this means..." "This means that you can become human once every full moon..." Broin finished her words. Lifting her chin out of Broin's hand, Gale cast her gaze back to the ground beneath them. "This isn't fair..." Broin spoke again, his voice holding a note of anger instead of the sadness it had had. Gale looked up from the ground to her friend. He was still facing the sky, the silver light of the moon lighting up his features. However, when the sky darkened again with the clouds, the expression on his face made her shudder.  "Broin..." Gale started, reaching to set her hand on his shoulder. When he looked at her, she shook her head softly. "It's alright... I mean... it's not alright, but it's alright," He studied her softly before he looked back up toward the moon again. With a sigh, he lowered his gaze again before he moved to stand, offering her his hand.  "I was going to make a fire nearby and I was going to see if you wanted to join me," He started, offering her a sad smile. "I guess now it's more of a suggestion than a question. I don't want to see you being hurt by a wolf or something. Being a dragon is different, but when you are in this form..." He started but stopped, clearing his throat.  "Thank you," Gale spoke softly, gently taking the offered hand and standing up, though her legs were a bit shaky. She looked up with a startled gasp when Broin wrapped an arm around her waist, supporting her when she nearly toppled over. With Broin's help, Gale was able to walk to the fire where he had begun to set up camp. "Broin... can I ask you to make me a promise?" She questioned him carefully as they reached the camp. He turned his head, looking at her softly, though, through his dark hair, she couldn't really be sure if he was looking at her or not. "Promise me you won't go looking for him..."  Broin stopped, turning so he stood in front of her, his face scrunched up in a manner that suggested he would normally object to such a promise, but after a moment he sighed. "I promise..." He spoke, sounding a little defeated, but he didn't dwell on it. Giving her a tender pat on the arm, he moved to start walking again, leading Gale to where he had set up a sleeping area, helping her to sit before he set about to make her something to help with her aches and pains from the transformation. "I wonder if you only get this transformation at night, or if you get to keep it through the day into the next night," He mused, Gale shaking her head.  "I'm not sure," She responded. In truth, she hadn't expected to be able to take her human form again at all. It was just as much a surprise to her as it was to him. Lifting a hand, she ran it back through her hair, closing her eyes against a headache that was raging in her brain. 
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