The Promise

1202 Words
Gale had dozed off after the conversation with Broin, though it wasn't a very restful sleep. Broin, who had been watching the fire again, heard a soft whimper beside him. Turning a little, he watched Gale, noting the way her face had scrunched up. Reaching over, he softly placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped awake, looking around wildly before she snapped her gaze back to Broin. He had pulled his hand back away from her shoulder when she had woken, a little startled himself. "You... were having a nightmare," He said softly. Gale relaxed, sighing. It wasn't the first nightmare she had had, but it was the first time she had someone to wake her up from one. "Sorry if I woke you," She spoke, rubbing her face some before she stood up. Broin's eyes followed her as she moved, though he didn't speak right away. Instead, he watched as Gale moved to start away from the camp, getting up to follow after her.  "Where are you going?" He asked, his tone holding a curious note, though it was also protective. Gale looked over her shoulder. "To the lake," Was the short answer to his question. She didn't seem bothered by his following, or by the fact that he had questioned where she was going. Instead, she turned to face the direction of the lake again and continued on her way. Following behind her, Broin was silent.  Something about the way Gale moved was mesmerizing. It was almost soothing. When she walked, the soft fabric of her dress flowed like water and her hair seemed to shimmer in the silver light of the moon as it filtered down between the leaves of the trees overhead on the path to the lake. Both in her dragon form and her human form, he had come to the conclusion that she was... well... beautiful. Broin felt his face flush a deep crimson before he looked away from Gale. Once at the lake, Gale wandered down to the water's edge, kneeling down onto her knees and scooping water into her palms. Bringing it up to her face, she used the cool liquid to wash away the fear sweat that had beaded onto her forehead and cheeks in her sleep.  Broin himself went over and sat at the water's edge, removing his boots and rolling his pants legs up, allowing his feet to rest in the water with a sigh. It felt nice after the long travel it had taken to get to where he was now. The village was some distance away, but it was worth it to see his friend. "So, have you thought any more about what we had talked about?" Broin spoke up, wanting to see if Gale had any other ideas. The young woman lifted her face away from the water, turning her head to face him. He watched as droplets of water trickled down over her cheeks and chin, his eyes flicking back to the water. "I have. Though mostly about whether it's really a good idea or not..." She started, stopped, then started again. "I... don't want to put your life or the life of your village in danger if something goes wrong. I... I think it might be something I would be better doing on my own,"  Broin shook his head. Pulling his feet out of the water, he turned to her. "Not going to happen. I already made a promise to help you. The village is safe, it's far from here. The only way he would find it is if he followed me back, but I've made sure to cover my tracks both here and on the way back,"  "But what about..."  "Secondly, I'm not going to stand by while he or Grimora pass through with the intent to torment you all the time. It's not right..." Broin stopped himself, feeling his face flush again. This time, out of anger. It wasn't anger directed at Gale, but the Wizard and Grimora. He drew in a breath, held it, then slowly released it through his nose as he flopped back into the seated position he had been in. "Look... I just want to make sure you are safe. Especially when you are in this form. You can fight back when you are in your dragon form... but what are you going to do if Grimora shows up here while you are in your human form? Or what about that creature that he was here with? Think about it, Gale,"  The young woman nodded, strands of her hair sticking to her cheeks as she did so. Broin had a point. While in her dragon form, she could fight but in her human form... she might as well be a kitten facing wolves. If Grimora had really wanted to, she would have torn her apart. For all she knew, if the collar hadn't lit up the way it did, she very well might have. Tears began to burn at the back of Gale's eyes. Sniffling a little, she brushed them away. "Can... can you do me a favor?"  Broin nodded. "You don't even have to ask," he said softly, the anger gone from his voice.  "I need you to take something to my father... so he knows I'm alive. Please, tell him not to worry," She lifted her hands to place them at the back of her neck, unhooking something before she held it out to Broin. "This was my mother's. He will know it was from me. Tell him that I'll be home soon,"  Holding out his hand for the object, Broin nodded once. As Gale set the necklace in his hand, he couldn't help but admire it a little. It was a small shell and stone, pieced together with a thin silver chain. It was a wonder it hadn't been taken from her. The Wizard seemed to be keen on taking everything else. Broin shook away the thought, wanting to keep his mind clear. If he were to take this to her father, it would raise questions as to how he got it and how he knew she was okay. "What do I tell him if he asks where you are?"  Gale frowned. "I... don't know..." She started, though she stopped and looked up at Broin again. "What if you brought him? I can go to the very edge of my territory, but no further. Bring him to the edge and let him see me," She knew it would be some time before then if the collar only changed her form on full moons. Broin was hesitant, but he nodded again.  "Alright. On the next full moon, your father will be here. In the meantime, I'll get some people together from the village that will be willing to help. When they hear what happened to you... I don't think they will have a problem," Broin opened his pouch and removed a small piece of cloth. Carefully, he set Gale's necklace inside and folded it over, tucking it into a safe place in his pouch. "I'll see to it that he is brought here and returned safely," Closing the pouch, he returned his gaze to Gale. "I promise,"
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