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Wysteria stayed with Broin and Gale for a little while, taking the time to make sure there were no effects from her magic or any way that her use of magic on the collar would be detected by her father. "When he tries to control you, the collar will still light up, but you will not feel the effects. I would still try to play along, just to keep yourselves safe," She spoke as she started to walk, gathering the front of her dress in her hands so as not to step on it, much in the way Gale herself had done on a number of occasions. Gale nodded, lowering her head to rest it on her front paws. She watched until Wysteria was out of view, her form seeming to melt into the trees. Broin seated himself beside Gale, watching the trees for a moment or two before he spoke. "So?" He questioned, sounding cautious. He knew that Wysteria was powerful, and it made him worry about what her true intentions were. Gale flicked her ear toward him, showing that she was listening to him despite not having turned to fully face him as she normally would. She was silent for a moment, her eyes still on the trees. "We wait. I want to see if there is anything that is going to happen between now and the morning," She spoke, her ears lowering to a rested state. "I want to see if her father shows up, or if her mother makes an appearance," Gale lifted her head off her paws, looking to Broin. There was a sudden expression of concern that drew across her face, her ears back against her head. "If Grimora shows up, please promise me you will hide and stay out of the way... I don't want you to get hurt," Broin looked up to her, watching her softly.  "I promise," Broin said, reaching out to set her hand on Gale's muzzle, brushing his fingers over her fur. Gale closed her eyes, taking in his touch and letting out a soft purring thrum. She stayed as she was for a moment before he moved his hand away, sitting up going over to the fire where he had set his food, taking a piece of it off the bone, and taking a bite out of it. From there he went to check on the hide, then the jerky. Both were well on their way to being finished. Once he was finished, he made his way back over to the fire. Whistling to Gale, he caught her attention, her focus having moved back to the trees. He lifted what was left of the deer meat he had been eating, Gale's ears perking up. She watched him, judging the distance between the two of them before he even started to throw it. She could feel her eyes making the adjustment, her pupil shrinking down just a little. When Broin tossed the remainder of the meat, Gale caught it from the air, crunching twice on the bone before she swallowed the chunk. Broin shivered. He'd never get used to the fact that she was able to simply crush the bone and swallow it as it was. The sound of the bones crunching between her teeth reminded him very much of snapping a twig in the forest when he walked. Gale licked her lips, a pleased grumble leaving her throat. She had already gotten over the sounds that came from the bones, though in the beginning, it was something that made her stomach turn, much like her having to eat raw meat a majority of the time. It was something she could tolerate now. Gale made sure her muzzle was clean before she rested her head back down on her forepaws, her eyes following Broin as he moved to finish what he was doing, though they soon drifted closed. She felt a sense of ease, allowing for her to relax more than she had been able to before.  There was still doubt in her mind that Wysteria was truly trying to help, though that was mostly in part to who her parents were. Letting out a sigh, Gale slipped into a light sleep. When she woke sometime later, Broin was asleep next to the burned-out fire, the hints of sunlight rising on the horizon just beyond the lake. Gale stretched, yawning widely before she rose to her feet and made her way to the lake for a drink, lifting her head to watch the sun come up. As she watched, it turned the water an orangeish shade of red, making her think of the flowers that grew outside the home she lived in with her father. She seated herself, curling her tail around her paws, losing herself in thought. Considering that no one had shown up the previous evening after Wysteria had left, and she and Broin were still alive and doing fine, a little trust for the woman had started to well in Gale. One ear back, she turned her head to look at her sleeping friend. She watched him for a moment before she stood, going back to him. Leaning her head, she gave him a gentle nuzzle with her nose, hoping to rouse him from his sleep.  Broin grumbled a little, not moving from where he lay on his side. Gale tilted her head some before she stuck out her tongue, drawing it up the side of Broin's face. He let out a surprised yelp, jumping up and pushing Gale's snout away from his face. "Hey!" He shouted though he laughed as he did so. Gale gave him a toothy grin. "Well, how else was I supposed to wake you? Nudging you didn't do anything," She hummed, pleased that she had been able to wake him. Broin rolled his eyes, getting up from where he was seated to wash his face in the lake. Gale sat as she was, flicking the tip of her tail back and forth in the amused manner of a cat as she watched him, the toothy grin still present on her muzzle.  "What did you want to wake me up for anyway?" Broin asked through his hands as he washed her slobbery wake-up call off his face. "I wanted you to go with me. I want to see if the boundaries are as Wysteria said they were," She seated herself again, her ears back against her head briefly before she allowed them to come up again. Broin shook the water from his hands as he stood, turning to Gale.  "As long as you don't plan to fly," His concern was clear in his voice. Gale nodded once. "I don't intend to fly, I don't want to get hurt and I don't want to hurt you," She looked toward the woods, her eyes tracing the trees for a moment or two, almost as though waiting for Wysteria to come out of the trees. When she didn't, Gale turned her head back to Broin, who had started toward her. Gale stood, lowering herself so Broin could climb up onto her back. Once he was in place, Gale started walking toward the first boundary that she knew was the closest. 
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