The Discussion

1241 Words
Gale stood where she was for a moment, ears perked and her eyes wide. How had she been able to move so fast? Turning around so she wasn't looking over her shoulder where she could keep a better eye on her, Gale faced Wysteria and Broin. Broin looked to the woman, almost as though expecting something, considering her parents. However, she simply seated herself down on the ground beside the fire. Tucking her dress about her legs as she pulled them beneath herself, she gave the two a pleasant smile. Broin moved away from her, going over to stand beside Gale, resting a hand on her shoulder. Gale lowered a wing down around Broin's shoulder, protecting him against anything that might have happened.  "So, what do you think? Can we speak?" Wysteria questioned. Broin turned his attention to Gale, seeing what she thought. What her father had done to Gale, she was the one that would decide. Gale's ears went back against her head again, her eyes narrowing a little. "We will listen," She said quietly, shifting a little to sit down. Broin remained standing beside her, though his focus remained on Gale. Wysteria, pleased with the choice, smiled.  "Alright. Now then," Wysteria hummed. Gale could see a twinkle in her eyes from where she was seated. "My father wants me to keep a tab on you... especially now that your friend is here. He doesn't trust that things are going to go his way," her words were clear, the lightness was gone and a more serious tone taking over. Broin looked between the two of them, watching to see the reaction on either of their faces. Gale's expression hadn't changed, and neither had Wysteria's. Gale flicked an ear, waiting. "However, I understand he has put a limit on where you can go. I can adjust that for you," Gale lowered her head at this, a low growl leaving her throat. "I don't trust you..." She hissed, baring her teeth as she stood from her seated position. Broin moved his hand to rest it on Gale's shoulder, though it didn't do anything to stop Gale. Her growl rumbled up from her ribs and into Broin's hand. Looking up to her, he felt his face pale a little at the way she looked. He had only ever seen her get that way a couple of times, but being at the level he was, it seemed to be worse.  "Gale..." Broin tried to get her attention, but Gale ignored him. Wysteria didn't move, her eyes on Gale, almost as though Broin didn't exist. "You don't have to. I am not asking for your trust," Wysteria spoke after a moment or two, moving to stand. Gale's growl grew in volume as the woman moved. Broin moved his hand away from Gale's shoulder, his fear beginning to well. Wysteria didn't move further, her arms moving to cross over her chest. Her eyes began to glow, driving Gale to act. The dragon lunged forward, though something made her stop. Her collar had begun to glow, her feet sliding in the dirt as she tried to stop herself quickly enough to keep herself from hitting the fire as Wysteria vanished. She slid to the side, tripping on her own feet as she finally came to a stop. She looked down at her collar, watching as it started to glow brighter, the two gems on the sides of the larger center gem glowing as well, something she had never seen. Without warning, Gale's body tensed and she looked up to the sky, her eyes wide and locked on the stars. Broin looked to Wysteria where she had stopped a few feet away, her eyes still glowing brightly. "What are you doing!?" Broin shouted, starting toward the woman, his hands balling into fists. Wysteria didn't speak, her eyes burning on Gale where she stood. Broin stopped in front of Wysteria, her eyes flicking from Gale to Broin and back. "Stop it!" Wysteria reached out and set her hand to Broin's chest, making him freeze. He could see something, feel something.  It was a strange sensation, like being out of his own body and mind and seeing through someone's eyes. He was looking up at the sky, though he was facing Gale. A chill ran down his spine as he tried to put his thoughts together, though he found that they were not his own. The thoughts were of freedom, fight, and fear. Longing. "You are seeing through her eyes and hearing her thoughts... do you really want me to stop? My father will have the illusion that she cannot leave, she will be able to go further than what the collar now allows..." She spoke, her words almost echoing in Broin's head. It was a strange thing, hearing her without hearing her. Almost as though from far away. When she moved her hand from his chest, his knees weakened under him. When the collar finally dimmed, Gale lowered her head, her fur fluffing as she shivered.  "What did you do?" Broin questioned, his voice shaking. The experience had left him feeling a little drained. Wysteria crossed her arms over her chest, looking between Broin and Gale.  "I gave her freedom without setting her free. That is all I can do without my mother and father finding that I have helped you in any way. I wish that I could do more to help, to set her free. It's not right, or fair, what my parents have done," Wysteria shifted her footing a little before she started back toward Gale, who turned her head a bit to look their way. Broin stayed put, his legs too weak to walk. Gale seemed to be a little less hesitant than before, though she allowed Wysteria to approach. Slowly, Wysteria set a hand on Gale's forehead, the dragon having lowered her head some. "As I said to your friend. I wish that there was more that I could do. With the gift that I have given you, you will be able to go see your father. The collar will allow you to go further than before, while also alerting you to when my father is near. Please, take care of yourself. I will keep in touch with you. I need to keep the appearance for my father and mother,"  Gale gave a soft hum, her eyes closing as Wysteria ran her hand gently down over Gale's muzzle. "Thank you... I am sorry that I doubted you... I am sorry I didn't trust you," Gale's voice was barely above a whisper, her ears drooping down a little. Wysteria moved to set her hands on the underside of Gale's jaw, lifting her head a little to look into her purple-blue eyes as they opened.  "Do not apologize. What you have been through is enough to make anyone doubt. Please, I would like for you to see me as a friend, though your doubt is not unwarranted," Wysteria whispered back, resting her forehead against the bridge of Gale's nose. Broin watched this from a distance, righting himself again. His legs now able to allow him to walk, he started toward the two, though he stopped far enough away so as not to disturb the two. Gale hummed, nudging her nose against Wysteria's stomach. "Thank you," Gale whispered softly, feeling the smile against the bridge of her nose as Wysteria snuggled her face closer into her fur. 
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