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As Gale walked, she couldn't shake the feeling that Wysteria might not have been truthful. She had been able to avoid it for a while, but there was something nagging in her mind, and it grew more and more aggressive as they neared the boundaries. Broin watched as one of Gale's ears turned back and tucked against the side of her head, her head lowering an inch or two. He was quiet though, understanding what it might be that was going through her head.  Recognizing an old tree that had been struck by lightning, Gale slowed to a stop. She wasn't close enough to the boundary just yet for the collar to react, but she was almost afraid to do so. Broin leaned forward, setting a hand against the side of her neck, though this didn't do much. Her other ear flicked back to listen to him if he chose to speak, though the other remained pressed against the side of her head. "It's going to be alright. If it doesn't work, we'll confront her about it next time we see her..." He started, though he stopped. No matter what he said, it wouldn't make it feel any better. Gale would still be confined to the area.  Gale gave a soft huff, slowly starting to walk toward the old tree, lowering her head further in preparation for the collar to react to her being close. Squeezing her eyes closed, Gale eased just a little closer. She stood where she was for a moment or two, and when the collar didn't react, she opened her eyes. Broin sat on her back, looking a little baffled, his eyes widened. The collar... Wysteria had been telling the truth. Gale looked over her shoulder at Broin for a second before he was forced to hold on. The dragon was filled with an uncontrollable glee, her back bucking under his bottom as she jumped, and then much like a giant horse, she trotted in a circle. Snorting and tossing her head, Gale lifted her wings, holding them up over her back a little. Broin laughed, leaning forward and staying close as she beat her wings once or twice, the wind from her wings blowing his long dark hair all over and into his face.  Without warning, Gale bolted into the clearing to their right, Broin letting out a startled shout that was followed by a laugh. He was glad to see her happy, even if it meant he was nearly tossed off himself. After a few minutes of prancing around just beyond the border of where she was normally forced to stay, Gale slowed down and let out a gleeful roar. "Hold on!" She spoke after the roar, Broin knowing better than to question what she was doing. As soon as his fingers buried into her fur, Gale crouched like a cat about to pounce on a mouse, her wings opening and stretching out to the sides before she launched herself into the air. She beat her wings a few times before she had enough momentum to soar, turning a tight circle in the air. She let out a roar that echoed about the mountain and reverberated in Broin's chest. Broin had seen Gale happy before, but this was a new level of happiness. This was the happiness of someone that had been partially freed from an unwanted limitation. He couldn't imagine how freeing that felt.  He was forced to hold on a little tighter when Gale dipped toward the ground, though he wasn't quite prepared for what she was about to do. She faced the ground for a split second longer before she shot back into the sky, her wings beating once before she arched herself backwards, spinning a loop as though chasing her tail. When they were upside down, Broin felt himself lift off of Gale's back, though he had managed to hold on just tight enough with his legs against her sides to not come off her back completely. He felt his stomach flip, a tingling sensation rushing through his body as Gale righted herself again. "A little warning next time please!" Broin shouted, though he wasn't displeased with the action, it had been something he had never experienced, and though it scared him a little, it was... thrilling. Gale snorted a playful sound that left her muzzle and reached his ears, making him smirk.  They remained in the air for what felt like forever, Broin realizing that they had gone rather far from the lake. Gale seemed to take note of this as well, turning back toward the lake and gliding through the air. She landed near the lake a little while after she had started, though there was a gleeful expression on her face. When her feet were on the ground, Broin slid down off her back, turning to watch her as she pranced in a circle. She couldn't help it She was exhilarated and beyond happy. Broin smiled. He was glad to witness such happiness. He couldn't wait until she could return home. He knew it wouldn't be right away, but at least with this new ability, she could make the flight out to see her father.  While Gale pranced around some, Broin went to check on the jerky and to remove the hide from the little setup that he had made to dry it. His attention was directed back to Gale when she stopped her prancing, his head lifting as she made her way over to him. She reached out with her muzzle, butting it against his side and making him laugh softly. He moved his hands away from the hide, softly hugging Gale's head. "We'll head out just before you take your human form. I can direct you toward my village and they should be able to direct us to yours from there. I know this is a bit of a way from your village, but we will get you there to see your father. That I promise you," He said softly, placing a kiss between Gale's eyes. Even under her fur, she could feel her face burn. If she had been in her human form, her face would have turned a dark shade of red.  "Thank you, Broin," Gale whispered, closing her eyes and soaking in his touch. She drew in a breath and released it, her wings folded softly to her sides at their place again. "Thank you for being my friend and having faith in my returning home. I know we have a long way to go yet, but with our new friend, I think we might have a chance," She added. Broin nodded in agreement. "And when I get some of the villagers to understand and follow us, we'll have an even better chance," Broin mused, patting Gale's muzzle before he gently let her go and looked up to the sky. It was a beautiful day so far, and he hoped it would continue to get better. Though, something came up in the back of his mind that made him worry a little, though he decided not to voice this. Instead, he pushed the thought away and turned to the hide, smiling a little as he set about folding it up carefully to place in his pack.
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