The Encounter

1265 Words
Gale had laid down as Broin worked, her eyes drifting closed some as the smells of the cooking meat reached her nose. Broin had given her a couple of the larger chunks of meat that he wasn't going to cut down or dry, leaving her feeling quite satisfied hunger-wise. Gale was roused from her doze when she felt a soft touch on her nose, her eyes partially opening to look at her friend as he sat down beside her muzzle, one arm rested over her nose. She could smell the salted meat on his hands, as he had yet to go wash them. She hummed softly at him, acknowledging the fact that he had seated himself beside her. Broin turned his head to look at her, giving her a light smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," He said, moving his arm from her nose. Gale shook her head softly. "It's alright, I wasn't really tired. I was just listening to your work," Gale responded, lifting her head. She shook her head some, a yawn escaping her muzzle, causing Broin to laugh. "You weren't tired?" He teased, Gale rolling her eyes as she smiled a bit. She shifted a little, stretching her back much like a giant cat, her wings stretching out over her for a second before she lowered them back down to her sides again, tucking them in against her fur. Shaking herself out, she sighed, taking her place on the ground again beside Broin, who had been watching her with a smile. "The meat is all salted and set aside, the hide is on its way to drying, and I should be able to eat here soon," Broin informed her. Gale smiled once more, looking over toward where the hide was settled up over the heat. She was still surprised that it wouldn't be scorched with that heat.  "Sounds like you should have your supplies readied by the time you leave again," she purred, Broin nodding in agreement. With a sigh, he looked toward the fire again, moving only to test the meat that he had cooking over it. It was just about finished. Sitting back, he rested against Gale's shoulder. The dragon looked at him, a soft expression in her eyes. Leaning her head down, she rested her muzzle over the top of his head, her whiskers dancing softly around his shoulders. He watched the feathery tufts of fur at the ends of the whiskers, reaching to brush his fingers over one as they moved past him. Gale closed her eyes, purring a soft thrum at his touch. When Broin moved away from her again, it was to finally get himself something to eat. Taking a bite of meat, he was careful not to burn himself. While Broin ate, Gale looked up to the sky, watching the stars. She found herself thinking about her father and what he would say or do when he saw her again. Her ears went back against her head for a moment before she spoke. "I... think it might be better if you didn't bring my father here..." She whispered. Broin looked up, furrowing his brow a little. "Why not?"  "Because... what if the Wizard or Grimora show up? I... I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to him. I think seeing my necklace will be enough for him to know that I'm alive," Gale's eyes were locked on the stars, her ears drooping down a little and her whiskers seeming to lose the dance that they had had previously. Broin hated seeing her like this, but she did have a point. If one of the two showed up, there was a good chance that someone might get hurt. Gale could protect herself or him, but if her father was thrown into the mix...  "Alright," Broin agreed, nodding once. He stared at his food for a moment before he sighed. Gale turned her attention to her friend for a moment or two, watching as he picked at his food a little. He didn't seem to be as hungry as he had been before. Reaching over, she gave him a gentle nudge with her nose. Broin's green eyes turned to Gale, a soft smile forming on his face. "I'm alright. I just wish that there was something I could do that would make this all easier on you and your father. I know it's got to be hard on both sides. You because you can't go home, and your father because he doesn't know what happened to you. I can't imagine what he has been doing or thinking,"  Gale nodded once, lowering her head to rest in between her paws on the ground. "I know... I wish I could tell him that everything is going to be okay," She mumbled, her ears remaining drooped at the sides of her head.  "I may be able to help you with that..." A voice spoke from behind them, a soft, feminine voice that was unlike any that either of them had heard. Jumping up, the both of them turned, Gale baring her teeth and giving a warning growl. A young woman stood a little ways away from the two of them, and she didn't seem to be too concerned with the way Gale reacted. Broin stood beside Gale, his hand on his belt where his knife was still hanging after cleaning the deer. The young woman smiled. "I mean neither of you harm," her voice was still just as soft as it had been. "I couldn't help but overhear that you have a father that is somewhere away from here that you cannot get to?"  "That is none of your concern," Gale snarled, her ears pinning back against her skull below her horns. The young woman smiled. She was almost ethereal-looking, her eyes seeming to glow with their own light. Her frame was slight, and she was dressed in a gown that almost seemed to be made from summer mist. Her skin nearly matched the moonlight, a pale color that was out of place in most people.  "Maybe not when you think about it in normal terms, but my father made it my business to know what's going on here. I don't agree with what he did to you, and I don't agree with how my mother treats you. My name is Wysteria," The young woman took a step closer, though Broin drew his knife.  "Your mother and father? You mean..." he started, but the young woman stopped him as a smile crept across her ruby red lips.  "Yes. Grimora and Alerone are my mother and father," The name Alerone was confusing to Gale for a moment until she had thought about it. Knowing who they were dealing with, Gale grew enraged. Seeing this as some kind of ploy of the Wizard's to get to her, Gale let out a snarling growl as she rushed at the young woman, though as she lashed out to try to snap her jaws at her, she found herself closing her jaws around thin air. Her ears perked in surprise, she lifted her head to look around, trying to figure out where she had gone.  "Gale..." Broin spoke, sounding just as shocked as she was. Turning, she saw the woman standing beside Broin, a gentle smile on her face. Her hand was rested on the man's shoulder, her free hand rested on her own hip.  "Now, if we could just speak," She hummed, almost seeming delighted with the shock that she had put through the two of them. 
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