Chapter 6-Wish came true

1578 Words
The singing of the birds and the beaming of the sun woke Jemmica from her slumber. She softly stretched her hands up while sitting up and leaning her back on the headboard of the bed. Then, she gently rubs her eyes while yawning and kicking the blanket out of her body. She also slid herself down the bed and walked lazily to the bathroom to wash up. “Good morning, Luna.” She frowned when she saw Lidia waiting for her when she comes out of the bathroom. She proceeds to the vanity table to fix her hair and face then, change her clothes after putting on some light makeup. “Hello, Lidia. Good morning,” she greeted. “The Alpha is requesting your presence to join him for breakfast, Luna,” the woman informed. She looked at the lady through the mirror. “Why? Did my parents come to visit again?” “No, Luna. He just ordered me to tell you that without telling me why. I’m sorry,” her maid answered. She nodded. “No. It's okay. I’ll be there in a minute. Thank you.” But Lidia didn’t leave her instead, the lady waited for her to finish her morning routine and then they went out of the room together after a couple of minutes. She just walk behind her maid silently as she was trying to figure out why did the mighty wolf suddenly summoned her. Then she remember Julien and her brave actions yesterday. What if the Alpha found out that they sneak out of the house? Fear started to crawl all over her spine as she was getting closer and closer to the dining room. “I’m worried, Lidia,” she mumbled. “I’m not going anywhere, Luna. Don’t worry,” the lady replied. She took a deep breath when they finally reached the double door of the dining room. Lidia quickly moved and opened the door for her, revealing the long table and the Alpha sitting on his spot. He was waiting patiently for her, making her terrified. She gulped and walked fast toward her seat even though she didn’t know what was the summoning was all about. “G-Good morning, Alpha. Thank you for inviting me,” she said. “Let’s just eat our breakfast in silent and fast,” he mumbled. She nodded. “Yes, Alpha.” Jemmica obeyed his orders and eat her breakfast in silence just like what he wanted. The food was delicious but she cant enjoy them because of the heavy and awkward atmosphere circulating around the room. She didn’t let her guard down also and was ready for his possible actions. She can't help but to frowned when they both finished their meal and nothing bad happened. She jolted because of too much tension when the mighty wolf stood up. Then, she quickly looks away when his gaze turn on her. “Join me for a walk.” It was a command and not a request. She just nodded and stood up quickly. Then she followed the Alpha out of the dining room. She halted for a bit when they reached the front door. She was hesitating to step out of the house because of all the negative things in her mind. Also, the mighty wolf’s order was to stay inside her room and never leave the pack house. “Hurry!” She was startled when she heard the Alpha’s loud voice. She run out of the house and followed him to the front yard. Her mind was clouded with questions but she just remained silent. “I didn’t want this at all. I just don’t have any other choice. My d*mn brother used that nonsense words at me to convince me to do this,” he grunted. She smiled. “T-Thank you for consideration, Alpha.” “I just don’t want a war between packs because it can ruin my reputation. Also, I need to make some good public image as a great husband so, go on and act like you are having fun,” he insisted. She nodded. “Yes, Alpha.” Jemmica can’t help but to show her true smile because of the happiness that she was feeling inside. She don’t need to fake the joy because she was indeed happy about the little change that the universe has given to her. The shooting really grants her wish. They just walk along the rocky road toward the packed village. This is her first time seeing the entire territory of her husband so, she hide the excitement that was lingering inside anymore. She didn’t care if the mighty wolf might find her weird for grinning and giggling alone behind him as long as she was happy, she will show her true self. The palace of the Alpha King is located on a high part of the land of the Crescent Moon pack. It was surrounded by tall and abundant trees and the path was slightly slanted for it was like a small hill. Jemmica’s lips parted when she saw the entire village as they walked down the trails. It was just a simple environment with nature and without tall buildings that can cause pollution unlike the Capitol, the center of the werewolf society where the trade, businesses, and other establishments are located. “This is amazing,” she mumbled. “I am the mighty Alpha so, what did you expect? Werewolves are part of the nature so, we need to preserve them,” Drake insisted. He is right. Werewolves are depending on the blessings of nature aside from the moon. They need the trees, water, air, and the earth. All the natural living things are part of them but the most important thing to them is the moon for it was the source of their power and they considered it as their Goddess. They just walked on the path until they finally entered the village. Pack members are greeting them warmly as she gave them her sweet smiles in return. Her heart flutters as the people see her as their Luna even though her husband didn’t treat her as it was. She was just enjoying the warm welcome by the villagers when the mighty wolf stop, making her to halt and startle. “You are now allowed to wander around the pack but make sure that Lidia is always with you. I am just so tired of hearing the same nonsense questions asking where are you over and over again. I also listed the duties that you need to do so, you better behave and comply with all your work for you not to be locked up again,” Drake blurted. Her eyes widened as her mind was trying to understand and absorb every word that the Alpha had said. She can't believe what she heard, making her look at the mighty wolf with a confused expression. “Do you have any complaint about it or you didn’t like it?” he questioned. She shook her head eagerly. “N-No! I mean, I like it. Thank you, Alpha for your kindness.” “I am not doing this for you. I just want to have some peace of mind. Why do they always ask for you in the first place? Also, remember that you are still my slave,” the Alpha hissed. She nodded and slightly bowed her head as the mighty wolf walked passed through her side, leaving her on the path alone. She watches him make his own way back to the palace while her lips are slowly forming a smile. Finally! She is finally free. Wishing in the shooting star really did work. If she knew that star can help her fulfill her wishes, she should've done that ever since. She giggled with that thoughts as she continued her way to wander around the village, enjoying her first day of freedom. “Luna! Luna, wait for me.” Jemmica grinned as she heard the familiar voice of her personal maid. Then after several minutes, Lidia copes up with her while panting and sweating. She giggled at her as she patted the lady’s back to comfort her. “The Alpha told you to keep an eye on me, right?” she implied. The woman nodded. “Yes, Luna. I’m sorry. I just need to do this.” “No. It’s okay. Just obey his orders and be with me. I won't mind it,” she replied. “This means that you don’t really have freedom because I need to watch your every move,” Lidia said. She smiled. “That’s okay. Breathing fresh air and being able to walk like this is some kind of freedom for me. I’m fine.” “The villagers and other Alphas were asking about you so, the Alpha didn’t have any other choice but to do this. If he continues to hide you, people might doubt his power,” the lady explained. She nodded. “I understand. He is doing this for his reputation and I am not even mad about that it. I am thankful instead so, no worries, Lidia. I am fine.” “You really have a good heart, Luna,” the woman smiled. There is nothing else to do so, she didn’t have any other choice but to be grateful for that opportunity. Who is she to be choosy? It is better than being locked up inside her room.
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