Chapter 5-Sneak Out

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Jemmica was alone in her room again. She is not allowed to go out and no one is allowed to enter her lair aside from Lidia and the Alpha. The only way that she can use to see the outside world is the ninety-by-one hundred-twenty inches window on the wall facing the forest. Fortunately, there was a comfy chair beside it, making that spot her favorite place. She was peacefully reading a novel about the life tragedy of an orphan when the Alpha entered with his usual poker face. She quickly stood up and slightly bowed her head as a sign of respect. The man walked slowly to her, making her tense and anxious. “What did my brother do here yesterday?” he asked. “We just talked about our childhood memories and ate the food that he brought. Then, he smashed the table because he lost his balance,” she answered. The mighty wolf looked at the broken table in the middle. “He needs to repair that or bought a new d*mn table. That f*cker is always been the mischief of this household!” “H-He told me that he will come today with a brand new table,” she commented. “He should be. I spent a lot of money to make your f*cking room!” the mighty wolf insisted. She can tell that he was saying the truth by just looking around her room. She was indeed living in luxury just like a queen in a novel but not allowed to go out. Just like an eagle with broken wings and a caterpillar that can't morph into a beautiful butterfly. She is a prisoner of her husband in their own households. They were in an awkward silence when the door burst open and the man that they were talking about earlier entered followed by two men holding the brand new table that he broke yesterday. Julien walked towards them with his usual smug face, making the Alpha groan in annoyance. “Hello, brother. Hi there, my lady!” he greeted. She smiled. “Hello, Julien. Thank you for replacing the broken table.” “I’m the one who’s at fault with that broken table so, it's my responsibility. I brought the same design but made of much more expensive wood than the one I broke. So, I guess that we are now even, right, brother?” Julien implied. The Alpha sneered at him. “I don’t f*cking care.” The kind wolf ignored his brother and just turned to her with a sweet smile. “I brought your favorite cupcakes, my lady.” She smiled. “Thank you, Julien.” “Don’t spoil her, Aaron,” the mighty wolf insisted. “Why? She deserves to be spoiled with beautiful things. Does his parent know about you treating her badly? I bet that they will declare war for this and you don’t want that even though you are more powerful than them. You have an image to maintain, brother,” Julien implied with a smirk. Drake seems offended because his face turned dark and serious as he gazes at his brother like he wants to kill him. “Shut the f*ck up, Aaron. You are in my territory.” “It’s our territory, brother. This is our family’s heirloom. I am part of the clan so, it means that I can do whatever I want here with or without your permission,” the kind wolf smiled. He really pissed off the Alpha because Drake stormed out of the room in an instant and closed the door with a loud thud. After the mighty wolf left, they laugh with each other like they were just hit a great joke. The two sat on the couch while Julien was opening the box of cupcakes he brought along with the new table. “I really like to tease him ever since we are kids. Do you see his face? It was so epic!” he exclaimed. She nodded. “Yes. He seems like he wants to punch you.” “He was so serious so, I always want to mess with him. He never changes, right?” Julien implied. She smiled. “I agree. He never changes.” Back when they were just little kids, every time Drake and Julien came to their pack together with their parents for a meeting, the little Alpha always secluded himself from the other children. They found him reading alone and studying advanced books. So, his little brother decided to mess with him to get his attention and drag him with them to play like some normal kids. “Can we go outside?” the kind wolf asked. She shook her head. “You can but I need to stay here.” “That’s okay. My brother won't find out. Come on. We’re going to sneak out,” her friend smirked. She frowned. “That’s not a good idea, Julien. I might get some punishment if he found out.” “Trust me, okay? Why? Are you planning on staying here forever? You are not a prisoner, Alaia. You are his wife,” The Alpha’s brother replied. He was right but sneaking out is not a good idea. They might get into trouble when someone caught them. She didn’t want to be punished so, she must reject his plan. But even though she was totally against with that thought, she just found herself walking slowly in the long corridor with her best friend, tiptoeing like a criminal. Julien knew all parts of the house because he lived in the pack house for a decade. They used the back door to sneak out and went to the garden to his secret spot where he used to play back when he was still a child. “How was the feeling of fresh air after a long lockdown?” he asked. She giggled. “This is refreshing.” “Indeed. Why did he lock you in your room? What’s the reason?” Julien implied. She shrugged. “I-I don’t know. Maybe he was just mad and he’s not yet convinced that Jessica is dead. He might be seeing my sister in me so, I might trigger his feelings.” “That’s not a very good reason for me. But, if that’s the case, we can’t do anything about it. You and Jessica are identical twins so, we can’t change that fact either,” the kind wolf replied. She nodded. “Yes. Understanding is what we need to do for him, I guess.” They sat on the bench made of wood and decorated with vines, and flowers, and shielded by the tree behind. She looked up in the skies as a sweet smile escaped from her lips when she finally break free from the crowded four sides of her lair even if this opportunity was just for the meantime. “You miss being free, right?” her best friend asked. She nodded. “I miss my life before this situation happened.” “Well, we can’t turn back the time so, the only thing that we can do now is to face the present and be strong for tomorrow,” he replied. He is right. If only she can turn the clock of life back in the past. But that request is too much and impossible so, she can’t do anything but do what the kind wolf had said. She will face her destiny and fight for it until she can. Her journey might be rough and full of hardships but she must endure it all because there’s always a rainbow after a long rain. There’s always an end to everything. They talked about random thoughts and ideas as they remained seated while watching the clouds passing by. They even made a contest of guessing the formation of the clouds such as animal figures. They spent their time together laughing and talking nonstop until they need to go back. It was almost three of the afternoon when they made their way on the same path that they take to sneak out of the house. They went inside in silence while tiptoeing and giggling with each other until they finally manage to arrive in her room. “That was fun!” Jemmica exclaimed. The Alpha’s brother chuckled. “It is. So, I need to go now, my lady. Have a good and safe night ahead.” “Thank you for your time, Julien. I really appreciate it,” she replied. She was startled for a moment when the kind wolf pulled her closer to him to give her a warm hug. She smiled as she return him the hug while feeling each other’s warmth. Then, Julien bid him goodbye and left her alone in her room, again. She just sighed in disappointment as she walked toward her favorite spot near the window. The sun is starting to set in the horizon and the air is getting cold, too, indicating that the day has now come to an end and night is ready to take over. Jemmica was about to close the window when she notice something in the skies, making her eyes wide. She quickly put her palms together and close her eyes as the shooting star slowly swooshes above her. “I wish to have freedom. Please, give me some freedom. Please. Please. Please,” she chanted over and over again. After wishing her thoughts, she opened her eyes and saw the clear skies again. She just smiled softly as she closed the door, hoping to have great news tomorrow morning.
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