Chapter 11

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Year 7 1997/1998 //Separation and Ron's Return// Sticks crunched under their feet as they walked through the forest with the sun warming above them. It had been three months since Robyn had seen Harry, Hermione and Ron. They’d been in Thetford Forest for a few weeks now and had found no sign of any of her friends nor anything at all. Draco handed Robyn a flask of water of which she took gratefully and drunk it. She pulled it away from her lips and panted in relief and handed it back over to Draco who shook his head, “Keep it." He told her and Robyn did so as they walked up the steps. Robyn looked upward at the tree tops then back down at Draco who smiled at her and reached over to hold her hand. Draco knew she missed Harry, Ron and Hermione – her brother mostly. At night she would say his name repeatedly and he saw it in her eyes. He knew that Harry had forced her to leave but even he knew Harry would have regretted it the moment she left the tent. Draco allowed his grey eyes to run over her, he knew that he would have to leave. The longer he was away from his family the more in danger they were. He hated it. Everything was wrong. The two eventually stopped at a small river and sat on the bank to eat. Robyn looked at the water and picked up a pebble and threw it down stream in thought. She stared as the ripples spread out until they were completely gone. She let out a small sigh from her lips as she said, "We should move on. They're not here." He nodded a little then waved his wand and the tent flew into his backpack. She went to turn around but stiffened when she heard a stick snap. She looked at Draco and his movements had stopped also. They listened out again and voices reached their ears. Robyn whipped out her wand and held it tightly in her hand. The voices became louder and she saw Draco take a sharp intake of breath as he said, "Death Eater’s.” He looked at her with a blank expression, “Run.” They two broke out into a run in the opposite direction from where the Death Eater’s seemed to be coming from but it seemed they had made their move too late. “OVER THERE!” Robyn heard a Death Eater exclaim from behind them. Robyn's feet pounded the ground as fast as she could with Draco right beside her. She jumper over a log as a spell flew past her, "ITS POTTER! POTTER!" A few minutes later and they were still running from the Death Eater’s that seemed to getting closer. Robyn jumped behind the large trunk of a broken tree, followed by Draco, just as a group of around five Death Eater’s past them running in the direction they were originally heading. Robyn turned to Draco,“You have to get out of here.” She whispered hurriedly and Draco stared at her in disbelief, “Are you insane?” He snapped lowly with his grey eyes alight with anger and fear, “They can’t see you Draco!” Robyn hissed at him, “They've only seen me. If they find you, you’ll be in much more danger. You need to disaperate as soon as possible.” “And you’ll come with me.” Draco finished but Robyn shook her head a little. A small smile formed on her face as she placed a hand on his as she whispered to him softly, “We both knew that we’d have to separate sometime.” Draco looked at her with a pained expression then shook his head A pained expression formed on his face as he shook his head again,“No, Robyn, I can’t leave you. I don’t care if I die.” He took her hands in his, “Don’t make me leave.” Robyn looked up at him with soft blue eyes, “I’m sorry.” She leaned up and kissed him softly, placing her hands over his face. and placed her hands on his cheeks and stroked it gently with her thumb. He kissed back and his hands brushed over her shoulders gently. Robyn pulled away with her eyes closed briefly then she opened them, “I love you.” She stood and set him one final smile then broke out into a run across the forest. “LOOK! ITS HER! ITS POTTER!” She heard a Death Eater shout loudly and jeers of glee from the other Death Eaters. Robyn’s heart pounded harshly against her chest as he feet thumped against the ground. She ducked as a jet of light was shot at her. “Stupefy!” Robyn cast pointing her wand backward without glancing back and continued to run as fast as she could. “Come here, Potter!” A Robyn breathing began to get harsher as she ran further and further into the forest. She had to get them as far away from Draco as she could. She couldn't let them get Draco. She wouldn't. The Death Eaters were still on her tail and starting to gain on her. However, Even Robyn knew that she would have to face them sometime soon, she couldn’t keep running forever. Out of nowhere, she felt a hurting sensation in her lower right leg which caused her to stumble slightly and hiss in pain. Robyn dived behind a large trunk and looked down at her leg. A large burn mark, around three inches long, across her calf. She brushed her finger over the mark it caused her to whimper under her breath. She leaned against the tree and pressed her wand to her chest as she heard the shouts and footsteps of the Death Eaters nearing her. She couldn’t out run them forever, especially with her injury. Robyn squeezed her eyes tightly shut and held her wand tightly and counted in her head as a Death Eater past her. Then she shot a spell at one sending the man flying into a tree and the others looking at her and grinned manically at her: “So, it is Miss Potter.” Sneered one as they trapped her against the tree by surrounding her, “The Ministries got a large prize on your pretty little head.” Robyn glared at him as he spoke her sharp eyes fiercely staring at him wity a few strands of her black hair covering her face. She knew she couldn’t attack, they were too many for her to take on. The Death Eater smirked, “But, I know someone who’ll pay even more for you, Miss Potter.” Hee throat tightened and she felt a shiver run down her spine “The Dark Lord.” Agreed another Death Eater “Then again,” Robyn watched him run his eyes over her with a look of lust crossing his face, “I’m sure that he won’t mind if we take a little…payment from Miss Potter?” Robyn felt her heart begin to race and her palms sweat and the Death Eater’s nodded in agreement. “Just a little fun.” One began to step toward her but Robyn pointed her wand at his throat and the man stopped, “You will not touch me.” Robyn growled and the Death Eater’s laughed at her threat. “Darling, they is four of us and one of you.” The first Death Eater sneered and Robyn clenched her jaw and glared between them harshly. Robyn’s eye twitched as idea’s ran through her mind. “Come on, sweetie.” A Death Eater licked his lips “Let us see what’s under those clothes.” Robyn glowered at him but felt her arm beginning to shake slightly from fear. “Lower your wand, Miss Potter.” Ordered a Death Eater “Don’t make it harder for yourself.” Robyn bit her lip and lowered her wand with trembling hands and the Death Eater’s smirked and watched as she placed her wand into the back pocket of her hands “Alright...” Robyn whispered weakly but dug her hand into the back of her pocket and gripped a small rock. The Death Eater reached toward her and Robyn threw the rock at them and it exploded in black smoke. She didn’t even think to stop and watch before she squeezed her eyes shut and disaperated. *** She slammed harshly onto the forest floor with her body aching all over. Robyn rolled onto her back and yelped in pain and clamped her hand on the thy of her burnt leg. It was bright red and slightly dirty from landing in the leave strewn ground. Robyn pulled herself into a sitting position, whimpering as she did so, then pulled her backpack off and reached in and grabbed a flask of water and poured it over burn, flinching as the cold water ran over the burn. Robyn then wrapped her leg in a bandage and tided it up in a knot then leaned against the tree and looked up at the tree tops as she tried to slow her breathing. A few minutes later, tears began to slide down her cheeks as she stared up at the canopy. Suddenly, Robyn let out a small sob and placed her hands over her face and began to cry for herself, her family, her friends and…everything. She was alone. *** “Hermione!” Harry shouted as he and Ron walked toward the tent. Ron had just saved his life and destroyed the necklace with the sword of Gryffindor and now they were headed back to tell Hermione the good news. “Hermione!” Ron walked a long way behind Harry as he made his way through the forest to the tent. “Is everything all right?” He heard Hermione ask and a small smile graced his lips. “Its fine.” Harry assured her, “Actually, you know, it’s more than fine.” “Hey.” Ron greeted breathlessly. Harry grinned widely and watched as Hermione stormed up to him then embrace him in a tight hug - wait. That didnt happen. “You complete ass, Ronald Weasley!” Hermione shouted and shoved him backward and threw a handful of leaves at him. Ron looked completely bewildered, Harry couldnt blame him. What was she doing? “You show up here after weeks, and you say ‘hey’?” She snarled and hit him with his own back pack. Ron watched as Hermione spun around to face Harry, “Where’s my wand, Harry? Where’s my wand?” Harry walked back just as fast as she advanced on him - he had borrowed Hermiones wand as his had been broken. “I don’t know.” Shrugged Harry as calmly as he could, “Harry Potter, give me my wand.” Hermione snarled and pushed him against a tree, “I don’t have it.” Harry said quickly, “How come he’s got your wand?” Ron questioned, “Never mind why he’s got my wand.” Hermione snapped turning to face him and Ron saw her eyes landed on the sword and broken locket in his hand. She walked toward him, Harry hurriedly following her “What is that? You destroyed it. And how is it that you just happened to have to sword of Gryffindor?” “It’s a long story.” Harry excused and Hermione looked between the two boys before staring at Ron, “Don’t think that changes anything.” Hermione snapped, “Oh, of course not.” Ron said sarcastically “I only destroyed a bloody Horcrux. Why would that change anything? Look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn’t know how to find you.” “Yeah, how did you find us?” Harry questioned and Ron grinned and pulled out the diluminator “With this.” Ron said “It doesn’t just turn off lights. I don’t know how it words, but Christmas morning I was sleeping in this little pub keeping away from some Snatchers and I heard it.” “It?” repeated Harry “A voice…” Ron turned to Hermione “…your voice, Hermione…coming out of it.” “And what exactly did I say, may I ask?” Hermione shot back harshly, “My name.” answered Ron “Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. And sure enough, it floated toward me, the ball of lightly…went right into my chest, straight through me. Right here” he pressed his hand over his heart “And I knew it was gonna take me where I need to go so I disapparated…and came to this hillside. It was dark. I had no idea where I was. I just hoped that one of you would show yourself. And you did.” Ron smiled softly at her and Hermione looked away then began walking down the slope back to the tent. Harry headed back but then noticed that Ron had stopped, he looked over his shoulder at him as Ron asked “Where’s Robyn?” Harry tensed and his stomach twisted uncomfortably. Beside him, Hermione stopped walking. A frown formed on Rons face and Hermione look slowly up at Harry then entered the tent, Ron turned to his best friend, “Harry?” Harry took a deep breath and turned to fully face him as he said, in a soft and guilty voice, “When you left that night, Ron…you weren’t the only one.” “Robyn left? But why would she leave?” He asked Harry, confused. Harry’s jaw was clenched and he shifted un-comfortably as a quick flash of himself yelling at his sister appeared his his mind. He quickly pushed it aside as he replied, “When you said that you two…” Harry looked down and flinched, forcing the words out, “…kissed. I…felt so betrayed. Neither of you told me. You kept it a secret from myself and Hermione.” Ron sighed and looked down then shook his head, “Mate, it wasn’t exactly a kiss.” He admitted and Harry raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?” “I had a crush on Robyn during fourth and fifth year.” Ron explained, “I thought that she might like me back, well I hoped she did. In fifth year, I found her in one of the abandoned charms class rooms just relaxing with her eyes closed.” Ron gulped ashamed at what he was about to say, “I couldn’t help myself, Harry, she just looked so beautiful…I kissed her. She didn’t kiss back though, she was sort of frozen. When she opened her eyes she immediately pushed me off. Sort of make me realise that I didn’t like her as much as I though it did. We promised not to say anything because, well, I didn’t really matter. Its not like I like her now, she’s like a sister to me. So, yeah…wasn’t exactly a kiss.” Harry was staring at him with his eyes slightly wide and his throat working tightly. More images of Robyn trying to explain to him and begging him to listem flew threw his mind. “What?” Ron asked and Harry looked at him with a guilty and heartbroken expression and, slowly, Rons eyes widened in realisation as he understood. “You forced her to leave, didn’t you.” Harry gulped at Ron’s furious glare “Didn’t you!” He shouted angrily and Harry nodded and looked down shamefully, “How…how could you do that to her? Shes your sister!” “I was just angry, I didn’t mean – “ Ron cut Harry off, “You don’t send your sister off because you’re angry!” Ron yelled loudly and Harry squeezed his eyes shut as Robyns tearful face flashed again, “Where did she say she was going?” Harry shook his head and shrugged a little and, if it were possible, Rons glare at him intensified, “You didn’t even ask her?!” “I…I told her I didn’t care as long as she left.” Harry admitted painfully and Ron tightened his jaw his face turning slightly red, “YOU GIT!” Ron roared loudly charging up to him and gripping his collar in his hands yanking Harry threateningly, “You sent your sister out alone with the entire wizarding world after her!” Ron began furiously shaking his friend in rage, “You don’t even know where she is! She’s lost, alone and afraid!” Harry shoved Ron off him and stumbled backward slightly Ron stormed forward again without hesitation and pushed him back harshly, “All because you couldnt told your temper back! She could be dying! She could be freezing!” Harry’s eyes beginning to water, “She could be being tortured! She could already be dead!” Harry let out a loud shout of defiance and pushed Ron off him and dropped onto the snow covered ground. He curled in a ball at the base of a tree with his hands over his face and sobs escaping his lips. His body shook from the sobs and his face became drenched with tears. After a few moments, Harry slowly move his hands away from his face and looked up at his friend. Ron was looking down at him with a mixture of pity and confusion. “You think I don’t know that.” Harry whispered painfully, looking directly at his friend, “You think I haven’t thought about that every single night after she left. You have no idea what horrors my dreams are filled with about her. Every single time I hear a name on the radio I think its Robyn’s. Everything I turn a corner I cant help but hope Robyns there. S-She could be dead, Ron. My only family...and it would be all my fault.”
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