Chapter 10

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Year 7 1997 //Muggle Shops, Death Eater's and Shocking Discoveries// “What’s the date?” Robyn asked quietly looking out from the muggle in she and Draco had taken refuge in from the snow a few days later. “I don’t know.” Draco replied flicking through the notes in her book from behind her. She stared down at the streets which were snow covered and Christmas lights hanging in windows along with other Christmas decorations then she decided, “Let’s go for a walk.” She over to the coat stand and grabbing her black coat before heading out the inn with Draco. The street was fairly busy as the pair wonders down the street. Robyn walked over to a small calendar that hung in a shop window and looked at the crossed out dates and landed on the date. “It’s Christmas Eve.” She murmered softly and turned to face Draco who was staring at the muggle shops with fascination. She smiled at him as he stared at the items in the window then walked over to him and held his hand “Come on.” She pulled him into the toy shop which was filled with children staring at the objects along the shelves. Robyn watched Draco walk over to the shelves of all rocking horses and push one gently and watched it with wide eyes as it began to rock, “Is that all it does?” He asked “Rock back and forth?” She nodded and he scoffed, “Why would anyone buy this?” “Well, it is for children.” Robyn pointed out with a small smile, a blushed flushed onto his face. The two teenagers walked around the shop before stopping at the fancy dress section, which Draco seemed to find very interesting. She watched with amusement as Draco pulled out a witches outfit in a plastic wrapping, he frowned as he read over the label. “This is a witch’s costume?” He said incredulously then looking at the picture of the girl dressed in the outfit with green face-paint on “Why is she green?” his eyes were wide with alarm as he looked up at Robyn. “That’s how muggles imagine witches.” Robyn answered with a small shrug, “Green and horrible fashion sense.” Draco frowned then he raised the picture up so it was beside Robyn. “I think they’ve got it completely right.” He said with a small smirk causing Robyn to gasp and hit his arm playfully with the edges of her lips twitching. “Shut up!” She rolled her eyes playfully and Draco sniggered quietly and placed it back on the shelf. Once they’d gone through the entire shop, with Draco asking her questions about every item they passed, Robyn and Draco made their way out into the street again. Only to have Draco drag Robyn into a nearby sweet shop. He picked up a mars bar and look at it inquisitively then move onto picking up onto popular muggle candy including twix, milky ways and jelly babies. Robyn ended up buying a whole bag of chocolates and other sweets for him – she had to do it because Draco tried to pay the man with a Gallon. Around an hour later, the crowd had lessoned slightly as the day slowly began to draw into a close but Robyn and Draco hadn’t even thought of going inside yet. “I’ve never done this before.” Draco said glancing down at her where they sat on a bench under a tree opposite a row of shops. “What do you mean?” She looked up at him and Draco shrugged, “Mother always had servants collect the presents or we ordered them via owl.” He explained casually and Robyn squeezed his hand comfortingly. “Did you enjoy it?” Robyn questioned with a small smile and Draco nodded in response and kissed her head. He looked at the shop windows with mild interest as he observed, “Though, muggles do have very weird sweets and toys.” “Not really.” She countered “I mean they don’t do much but that’s the beauty of it.” “Why?” Draco frowned “Christmas is about getting presents, so why get a boring ones.” Robyn looked up at him curiously as she inquired, “Don’t you want to spend time with your family?” “My family believe in spending money is the way to show you love someone.” Draco said with a small shrug, “So, birthdays, Christmas, Easter and other holidays are mostly spent give people presents.” “That’s awful.” Robyn frowned but Draco shook his head, “It’s not that bad. I’m so used to it that I can’t really imagine just having family time.” “Do you not get along with your family then?” She asked and Draco nodded in confirmation but then glanced down at her, “Yeah, except for my mother.” He said, “I’m closest to her out of all my family members. She knows about you and me, by the way.” Robyn raised an eyebrow which caused Draco chuckle to himself “I didn’t tell her, if that’s what you’re thinking. She recognised the necklace and…” He looked down “…she knows me better than anyone.” She squeezed his hand comfortingly and he smiled down at her gratefully. Draco then shook his head and asked “Do you spend time with you family then?” Robyn bit her lip and looked down and Draco immediately realised he knew the answer then quickly added, “I’m sorry, don’t answer that.” “No, it’s fine.” She dismissed his apology, “I do, though. I used to spend it with Harry in our room just talking really giving each other home-made presents or stories in our room.” “Why didn’t you spend it with your aunt and uncle?” Robyn laughed quietly at his words. “Let’s just say, they didn’t like Harry and I much.” Robyn put it simply and Draco frowned “Why? How couldn’t they not like you?” Draco questioned her and Robyn looked at him with a small smirk playing on her lips, “You didn’t like me once upon a time, Draco.” She reminded him and she watched Draco’s cheeks heat up in embarrassment “In my defence, you weren’t exactly the nicest person on our first meeting.” Draco pointed out hurriedly and Robyn rolled her eyes, “You insulted Ron and I was just standing up for him.” Robyn contradicted and Draco raised his hands in mock surrender, “Hey, I didn’t like the guy at the time.” He said “Still kind of don’t now." He muttered and she pushed him gently and he quickly said, “I didn’t say I hated him. Anyway, he did have a crush on you in fourth and fifth year, can you blame me?” “You know we only started dating in sixth year, right?” Robyn reminded him, “Yeah but I liked you since third year.” Draco said then flushed bright red and Robyn looked at him, “You did?” She asked, “Yeah, I mean, who else do you think pulled you pack from riding that killer creature." He shrugged as they got up and began making their way back to the Inn. Robyn raised an eyebrow and Draco rolled his eyes and clarified “Buckbeak.” “That was you? I thought I was Ron.” Robyn furrowed her eyebrows and Draco shook his head, “Nope, it was me.” He grinned before his expression turned glum, “It seemed everything I in third and fourth year for you was taken credit by someone else.” Robyn was about to open her mouth to ask a question but Draco suddenly slammed a hand on her mouth and dove into a small alley way. Her eyes widened at his actions as he pressed his body flush against the brick wall. He glanced at the street then looked up at the light above them then pulled out his wand and muttered something and the light extinguished immersing them in complete darkness. The sun had gone down completely now, even though it was only five. Robyn looked at Draco with questioning eyes, Draco looked back down at her and placed his finger over his lips and removed his other hand from her mouth, “Draco, what are you doing?” She quietly whispered and Draco looked out at the street then back at her, “Death Eater’s." He whispered and her eyes widened “Thatch and Golton. I recognize them from the meetings.” Robyn peered around the corner and her eyes landed on two men who was dressed in all black looking around with a blank expression, she recognised them from wanted posters. Robyn looked back at Draco, “Do you think they saw us?” He didn't reply, he didn't know. Draco then shoved back into the alley way as they began to walk in their direction. She was dragged further down the alley way and they dropped behind a large bin and crouched against the wall. As quietly as she could, Robyn pulled out her wand and clutched it tightly in her hand as she listening to the crowds light chatter. Footsteps echoed in the alley way and Robyn’s hand sub-consciously gripped he as they listened. She risked a peek around the edge of the bin and saw Thatch and Golton standing a few meters from their hiding spot looking around. Her eyes widened and she moved back and looked at Draco who was already watching her with his back completely against the wall. In Robyn’s peripheral vision she saw Draco move his wand slightly and held three fingers, she nodded. “One…” Draco mouthed and dropped a finger, “Two…” Robyn gripped her wand tighter, “Three…” the pair jumped up and Robyn pointed her wand a Thatch, “Petrificus Totalus." She said as quietly as she could and it hit Thatch in the stomach before he could even get his wand out and he backward. She saw Golton fall beside Thatch and looked at Draco who was already staring at her. “We’ll have to wipe their memories.” Draco said as they walk over and looked down at the two Death Eaters, Robyn nodded and they pointed their wands at Thatch and muttered “Obliviate.” Robyn looked at Draco with their bags packed with all their belongings. They couldn’t say here it was too dangerous. Robyn strapped her backpack and turned to Draco who smiled at her encouragingly and squeezed her hand gently. She closed her eyes and then they vanished once again. *** “Draco, what did you mean when you said ‘everything between third and fourth year was taken for credit’?” Robyn asked quietly as she sat beside Draco with a small fire in front of them and a blanket covering them. It was Christmas Day and the pair had taken refuge in a forest in a clearing and set up their tent and started a fire. The trees above them protected them from the snow fall. It was around four in the afternoon and the sun had begun to set, nearly fully hidden by the trees and darkness. The pair had spent the day eating the muggle chocolate they had bought yesterday. Draco looked down at her with a slight frown, “Have you really no idea?” he asked quietly and Robyn shook her head, “There’s been many.” “Like what?” “The dress.” Draco said simply, “The dress that ‘appeared’ on your bed in a black box a few days before the Yule Ball.” Robyn shook her head as she corrected, “No, Chadek gave me that.” Robyn corrected him and Draco grumbled quietly, “That stupid git. Like he could even tell the difference from a dress and a skirt.” “It said C.M on the letter.” Robyn pointed out and Draco shook his head, “No it didn’t, Robyn. It was signed D.M, the ink must have smudged slightly.” Draco explained and Robyn thought about it for a moment. That would explained Chadek confusion over the dress when she’d thanked him for it. Robyn looked at Draco and saw he was grumbling still under his breath, clearly annoyed at the thought of Chadek. She smiled softly as she said, “Thank you. It was beautiful.” “You looked beautiful in it.” He kissed her head and Robyn laughed quietly then looked at her fire and her expression turned to one of guilt. “Where you going to ask me?” She asked him softly still staring at the flames, “Yes.” Draco answered rubbing her shoulder “I was but of course that i***t beat me to it.” He added bitterly and Robyn leaned her head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry.” She said honestly, “Make it up to me.” Draco said suddenly and Robyn removed her head from his shoulder with her eyebrows furrowed, “How?” A grin appeared on Draco’s face and he stood and held his hand out to her, “Dance with me.” He said and Robyn blinked and stared at his hand then looked up at him, “Are you being serious?” “Completely.” “We have no music.” Robyn pointed out and Draco rolled his eyes, “Imagine it.” Draco shrugged “Please, Robyn.” She sighed then nodded and took his hand. Draco pulled her up gently and place his other hand on her waist whilst Robyn placed her free hand on his shoulders. “Let’s see if you remember the moves.” Draco smirked and Robyn glared at him playfully. “Please, I probably remember them better than you.” A laugh escaped Draco as he looked down at her, “Darling, I’ve been learning ball room dancing since I was able walk.” Draco grinned and moved slightly to the right bringing Robyn along with him then spinning her and pulling her back into his chest. Robyn laughed as they continued to dance for the rest of the night. Once again, everything bad was dropped from their shoulders just for one night.
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