Chapter 13:Why Are You So honest?

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Chapter 13:Why Are You So honest?In the car, Rebecca Bell didn't want to waste any more time and went straight to the point. "Mr. Johnson, the colleagues misunderstand us. This magazine is irresponsible, but it will affect our work. I think that you'd better clarify it." "But how?" Looking at the road ahead, Luis Johnson asked coldly. Rebecca Bell said excitedly, "I've already got an idea. Mr. Johnson, it needs you to cooperate." Luis Johnson glanced at her sideways and said indifferently, "Hmm." After solving the big problem, Rebecca Bell took a deep breath to relax. When the car arrived, she got out of the car and pressed the elevator for Luis Johnson. Then she climbed up the stairs and rushed to the first floor to clock in. She thought that when she took the elevator from the first floor, Luis Johnson had already gone to his own office. But when the elevator door opened and she saw Luis Johnson still in there, she was stunned. It was work hours, and there were still many colleagues waiting for the elevator on the first floor. When they saw that it was Mr. Johnson inside, they all looked at Rebecca Bell. Under everyone's gaze, she walked stiffly. But the others didn't move in with her. Rebecca Bell felt awkward and said politely, "Well, why don't you come in?" A colleague among them smiled and said, "We'll wait for the next elevator." Rebecca Bell tried hard to ignore the profound meaning in their smiles. She straightened her neck and when the elevator was closed, she looked at Luis Johnson innocently. Luis Johnson remained calm and did not look at her at all. She bit her lip and sighed deeply. What else could she say? Could she blame Mr. Johnson for going to an elevator with her? On the tenth floor, Luis Johnson went out first. Rebecca Bell planned to sneak to the bathroom to avoid showing up with Luis Johnson at the same time. However, as soon as she went, a low male voice suddenly sounded in front of her. " Miss. Bell?" Rebecca Bell was shocked. Everyone in the office looked at her. Martina King was standing in the innermost part of the crowd, but the expression on her face was the most sinister. Luis Johnson, who was a few steps away from her, seemed to think of something. He took out the car key and threw it to Rebecca Bell. "I forgot a document in the car. Go and fetch it." Rebecca Bell hurriedly took the key and was somewhat at a loss. "Me?" Luis Johnson nodded and reminded her again, "It may have fallen under the seat you just sat on." Rebecca Bell was speechless and only got some strange looks from everyone in the office! What the hell? Everyone seems to misunderstand their relationship even deeper... Why did Mr. Johnson speak so frankly? Rebecca Bell fetched a blue folder in her hand. When Martina King saw her coming back, she threw a document on the table and said coldly, "Do the filing before lunch and draw up the latest business contract of Planda Company. By the way, put together the sales target amount for last Wednesday. I will come back after lunch and see these things neatly placed on my table." She replied dejectedly, picked up the document, and looked at the blue folder in her hand. "This is Mr. Johnson's..." "Give it to me." Martina King grabbed it, stepped on her long and slender high heels, and passed by her. Martina's shoulder hit Rebecca Bell rudely, causing her to take two or three steps back. Bess Carter came up with folders and comforted Rebecca Bell, "Don't be angry. At worst, you can complain about it and ask Mr. Johnson to avenge you." Rebecca Bell glared at Bess Carter who was smiling cheekily, and then she hung her head and went back to the office with a dusty face. All the documents were very trivial. Things like drawing up a contract could not be completed in one or two hours. That handing them in before lunch couldn't be done and was obvious that Martina King made things difficult for her. What should she do? She would be punished if she failed to finish the work. Throughout the morning, Rebecca Bell was too busy to sip water. The people who fawned on her two days ago kept silent today because of the pressure from Martina King. They dared not act recklessly. Finally, ten minutes before the afternoon working, Rebecca Bell finished her work. She quickly packed up and moved the documents to Martina King's office. Fortunately, Martina had not come back yet. Then she touched her stomach. She had missed her lunch for so long a time that she didn't feel hungry, but she had better eat something in consideration of keeping healthy. She made herself a cup of oatmeal and stood in the tea room, stirring it while sighing. However, she did not see that the man in a dark blue suit behind her was getting closer and closer. "Oatmeal?"
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