Chapter 12: I've bought All of them

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Chapter 12: I've bought All of themLuis Johnson looked at her for a while and said, "Get in the car. It's still early. There is a shopping mall nearby. I'll pay for your loss." "No, it's just some water stains that can be washed. You don't have to pay for it." Rebecca Bell hurriedly waved her hand. "You want me to get out of the car and invite you?" The man's eyes were cold, and his eyebrows were slightly knitted. Rebecca Bell swallowed hard without saying anything. Since she also wanted to talk about the scandal with Luis Johnson before arriving at the company, then she got in the car. The car took a turn and drove to the pedestrian mall. Luis Johnson took out two sheets of tissue paper and handed them to her. Rebecca Bell thanked him, buried her head, and wiped her dress. After wiping, she held the dirty tissue paper and asked, "Mr. Johnson, um, did you see the news?" "This?" The man pulled open the box. In addition to a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and a few little things, there was an entertainment magazine with an awesome cover. Rebecca Bell took it out and looked at the title on the cover-Love-struck Secretary Swooning Over Boss with a RESTRICTED show in the Parking Lot. She gave a wry smile. To be able to write such a title, it could be seen how cheeky the content was. Rebecca Bell covered her face and put down the magazine. She said embarrassedly, "Although it is fake, the colleagues in the company all think it's true. So, Mr. Johnson, will you clarify it when you go back to the company?" Luis Johnson said nothing. At this time, the car arrived at the nearest shopping mall. He got out of the car. Rebecca Bell quickly followed. The shopping mall before 10 o'clock was a little deserted. Luis Johnson went straight to the floor of women's dresses. Rebecca Bell struggled to catch up with him in high heels. When they went up to the third floor, some ladies at the counter saw them. They suddenly turned their lazy expressions to warm smiles. "What may I help you?" A beautiful lady in a short skirt came over with her eyes fixed on Luis Johnson's face. "Pick a suit for her." The salesgirl seemed to see that there was another person behind him just now. Her bright smile was replaced by a commercial smile to Rebecca Bell immediately. She asked a colleague to service Rebecca Bell and went away. Rebecca Bell didn't want to be compensated by Mr. Johnson, but before she could say no, Luis Johnson answered the phone and turned his back to her. The salesgirl recommended several new styles of the season. When Rebecca Bell saw the price tag, she took a deep breath and refused with a stiff expression, "This isn't suitable for me." "Miss, try it on. Maybe you will be satisfied with the effect." "It's not suitable." The price was particularly inappropriate. A woman's suit was sold for 2,000 dollars? The suit that she was wearing was just 60 dollars. When she bought it at that time, she also got a silk scarf for free! "Have you picked one?" Luis Johnson hung up the phone and came over. He looked at the suits on the counter lady's hands and said straightly, "Pack them up." Rebecca Bell's eyes widened. "No, I don't like this one. Mr. Johnson, there's no need to spend too much money." Luis Johnson looked at her panicked look and frowned. "It's almost nine o'clock. Do you want to continue shopping no matter losing the perfect attendance bonus?" She had lost the bonus because she was late for 10 seconds that day! However, if she was late today, there would still be a penalty. Rebecca Bell hesitated for a while. She didn't want to be punished, but the suit was too expensive. Luis Johnson hurried her with his impatient expression, and she chose the cheapest dress in the end. She said with a dry smile, "This, I like this." Luis Johnson glanced at the short dress and then paid up.
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