Chapter 11: splashed Water

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Chapter 11: splashed WaterShe walked out. Her colleagues, who were chattering outside, suddenly became quiet. They all looked at her in silence. Then, they returned to their work silently. "Bess Carter, come in." Bess Carter was an experienced assistant. Rebecca Bell didn't have any private assistants, and she usually asked the public assistants outside for help. Among them, she had cooperated with Bess Carter for the longest time, and they were much closer. Bess Carter stood up with a smile and followed her into the office. "Tell me, what happened?" Rebecca Bell asked after closing the office door. Bess Carter blushed and immediately leaned on her. "Rebecca, why did you ask me? I'm scared to death. Knowing that you are so awesome, I have applied to be your assistant. With your power, maybe I can be promoted in the future." "What are you talking about?" "You're still keeping it a secret? What, to be a low-key lover?" "Bess Carter, tell me what the hell is going on! " Seeing that she didn't seem to be pretending, Bess Carter took out the mobile phone, opened a web page, and showed it to her. "Look at it yourself." Rebecca Bell looked for a while and her face suddenly turned pale. It turned out to be a scandal between her and Luis Johnson! "This... this..." Bess Carter pointed to the photo that Rebecca Bell was fastening Luis Johnson's seat belt and said exaggeratedly, "The angle is good, and the light is a little poor, but the accuracy isn't bad. I recognized you as soon as I saw the photo." "You don't believe it, do you?" Rebecca Bell pointed to a pile of words under the picture, and her face looked quite bad. "It's made up." "But I think it's true." Bess Carter put her mobile phone back into the pocket. "I believe in what I have seen." "Your eyes are blinded!" Rebecca Bell was angry. "So, those people outside changed their attitude in the morning. Was that all because of this?" "That's right. Now the whole company is eager to suck up to you. In the past, they thought that Martina King would have a good chance. No one thought that it could be you. Now they are regretting it. They said that they hadn't seen through Mr. Johnson's fancy before so much that they had flattered the wrong person. They will put all their attention on you from now on. Their promotion and salary will all depend on you." "Oh my God." Rebecca Bell was completely desperate. In the whole afternoon, her office door was knocked on dozens of times. It was either sending snacks or drinks and also movie tickets. After sending the tickets, the one said, "Rebecca, the film will be shown the day after tomorrow in the afternoon. I've asked that Mr. Johnson will be back by the morning of the day after tomorrow. It will be just in time." Rebecca Bell couldn't speak. For two days in a row, Rebecca Bell felt very uncomfortable. The things those people sent were still there. She was waiting for Mr. Johnson to come back on the third day so that these rumors would naturally be broken. At that time, these people would regret that they had flattered her wrong. She would return all these gifts to them politely for she had never been a person who liked to take advantage of others! On the morning of the third day, the rain kept falling. Summer was always like this. The storm would always come. After getting off the bus at the stop, Rebecca Bell held an umbrella and walked steadily toward the company. All of a sudden, a black car ran past her, splashing water all over her skirt. Rebecca Bell was stunned. She looked down at the black mud on the light-colored skirt, and her face instantly darkened. She wanted to see the car that caused the accident, but she found that the black car was slowly retreating. Looking at the license plate, Rebecca Bell swallowed all her complaints. The black Jaguar retreated to Rebecca Bell's side. The driver's seat window slid down, revealing a handsome man's face. "Sorry, I didn't see you." The driver apologized. Even if he didn't apologize, Rebecca Bell really couldn't do anything to him. She forced a smile and waved her hand. "Mr. Johnson, what a coincidence. I'm fine. I shouldn't have worn a light-colored dress in such heavy rain."
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