Chapter 10: What News?

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Chapter 10: What News?The two secretary interns outside came closer and said with a smile, "Rebecca, it's time for dinner." "Yep." Looking at the clock on the wall, Rebecca Bell said casually, "You two have lunch together. I'll be on duty this noon." The general manager’s office needed a person on duty at noon to deal with any urgent things. " Rebecca, it's Tina Evans's turn to be on duty at noon today. She brought her meal box." "Well, and then..." Rebecca Bell looked up at the two people. She didn't understand why they were looking for her. One of the two interns said, " Rebecca, we have been in the company for almost half a month and never have lunch with you yet." "Let's go together?" Rebecca Bell was a little surprised. There were several major secretaries in the general manager's office, and she was the last one who didn't even have the right to get an assistant. These interns and assistants usually had their circles and often flattered those major ones who had real power, such as Martina King, Angela Lewis, and so on. Why did they suddenly show kindness to her today? Indeed, they tried to be nice just now. Rebecca Bell had been working in the office for a few years, so she knew it well. But without knowing why, she finally went to the restaurant with them. The staff restaurant of Johnson Group was not bad. Before Rebecca Bell could get a meal, the two interns pressed her down on the chair and told her to wait for them. What was going on with them? Their excessive enthusiasm made her a little overwhelmed. However, Rebecca Bell soon found that not only these two interns were enthusiastic, but also the others in the restaurant were very kind today, including some colleagues who were in other departments and did not deal with her. They came up to greet her, and some even invited her to have a drink. Something that she didn't know must have happened! Rebecca Bell was very sure. But what was going on? Not long after lunch, her cell phone rang. When she saw the caller's name showing on the screen, Rebecca Bell looked sick. As soon as she answered it, she heard her mother's scolding. She was scolded for hiding away last night, missing the phone calls from home, and driving Mr. Young away. Mother said that she felt ashamed to introduce Rebecca Bell to other men. Rebecca Bell had been scolded for half an hour without talking back. She just listened silently, ate, took the elevator, and went back to the office. When the voice on the other end of the phone seemed to be tired, she heard a fiercely asking. "Are you hearing me? I'm questioning you." "Ah… what's the question?" She was not interested in what she had heard and her mother’s long speech went in one ear and out the other. "Have you heard what I said? I'm asking if you're in a relationship. Are you the person on the news? The photo on it was a little blurry. I can't recognize you, but your cousin said that it's indeed you. Tell me the truth now!" "The news? The photo? What has happened?" Rebecca Bell was confused. Hearing that, her mother breathed deeply for relief. "Then it's not you?" "What are you talking about? What's not me?" "Well, it's all right if it's not you." Her mother began to talk about another thing. "Aunt Carter sent a young man's photo to me again. He looks very good. I'll observe him first and then arrange a meeting for you in a few days. Listen, Rebecca Bell. Be a good girl and no longer make any trouble. If you blow it again, you will deserve punishment." Rebecca Bell sighed, answered casually, and hung up the phone. She was a little suspicious of the news and the photo her mother just mentioned. What the hell are they? Raising her head, she looked at the office door again. Then she had an idea.
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