Chapter 9: Something's Wrong in Today's Office

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Chapter 9: Something's Wrong in Today's OfficeRebecca Bell covered her face. After calming herself down, she found green beans, red beans, and black beans from the cabinet. She was going to make a bowl of bean soup to sober him up. There was nothing special about hangover soup. Vegetables and fruits could make it. When Rebecca Bell finished the cooking, it was almost two o'clock in the morning. She took out the soup, only to find that there was no one on the sofa. Putting down the bowl, she looked at the second floor where there was a faint sound of water. Rebecca Bell thought that Luis Johnson was probably taking a shower. She took out a notebook from her pocket and wrote a line of words on it. Then she tore off the paper and pressed it under the soup bowl. After looking upstairs again, she left with her bag on her back. When Luis Johnson dried his hair and came downstairs, the living room was silent. He frowned and saw the steaming bowl of hangover soup on the tea table. Also, he saw the note below. The handwriting on the note was very beautiful, and there was only a line of words: "Mr. Johnson, please drink the soup while it's hot. Good night, and see you tomorrow." Raising his eyebrows, the man threw away the towel and sat down on the sofa. He picked up the soup and sniffed it. It smelled very delicious. He took a sip and found it tasted good. The beans were very rotten. He took a few sips, and his stomach was comfortable. After drinking the soup, he suddenly remembered something. He got up, put on his coat, and went downstairs to the parking lot. He opened the door of the car and looked for a yellow file bag in the front seat for a while. There would be a temporary business trip tomorrow, but the USB flash disk of the project had been left in the company and the contract had been left in the car. He had to stop drinking and left ahead of time. He had gone to the office to get the USB flash disk and then to the parking lot to get the contract. But he didn't expect that the woman thought that he was about to drive after drinking. Was he a man not following the law in her eyes? However, since the soup tasted good, he would not blame her. ... The next day, as soon as Rebecca Bell arrived at the company, she felt that there was something wrong in the office. A few of Luis Johnson’s assistants gathered together and whispered. When they saw Rebecca Bell approaching, they shut up immediately and looked at her up and down. Then, they dispersed quickly. Rebecca Bell was confused. She went back to the office in a daze and took out the documents that she had prepared last night. When she found that Martina King's office was closed, she asked Martina King's assistant, "Where is she?" The assistant was reading a colorful magazine. When hearing Rebecca Bell's voice, he was shocked and stuffed the magazine into some documents. Then he raised his head and said at once, "Oh, Martina has been on a business trip with Mr. Johnson. It's a temporary decision. Angela also goes with them." "Mr. Johnson has been on a business trip?" Rebecca Bell tilted her head and looked at the door of the general manager's office. The assistant smiled ambiguously and said, "Why? Don't you know Mr. Johnson's leaving, Miss? Bell?" But how did she know? She was not in charge of the daily schedule of Mr. Johnson. She was the secretary of documents, and only in charge of all the documents. Seeing that she didn't speak, the assistant thought that she was angry and quickly made up for it. "Maybe it's too hurry, and Mr. Johnson didn't have time to inform you." Why should he inform her? Rebecca Bell stared at the assistant suspiciously. The assistant scratched his head and hurriedly pulled out the keyboard to pretend to start working. Martina King suddenly went on a business trip, so these documents had to be moved back. As soon as her office door was closed, Rebecca Bell saw that the people gathered together again through the glass window. She couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but she could see that they were pointing at her. There must be something wrong in the office today. That morning, Rebecca Bell delivered the e-mails and reviewed some contracts in the secretary's office. At noon, someone knocked on her door. "Come in," she did not even raise her head and answered.
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