Chapter 38: The Bitter Man

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Chapter 38: The Bitter ManBell woke up completely. She sat up from the bed and asked in confusion, "Mr. Johnson, what did you just say?" The person on the other end seemed to have been suppressed for a while, and then said word by word, "Open the door." Bell was speechless. Open the door? She got out of bed, held her phone, and walked to the door uncertainly. When she looked out through the peephole, she suddenly froze. The one outside was tall and had a cold and unhappy face. It was Luis Johnson. She quickly opened the door and asked with sleepy eyes, "Mr. Johnson, why are you here?" Johnson's picky eyes swept over her spotless face and then turned to her thin pink pajamas. When a woman slept, she usually didn't wear a bra, so at this time, Johnson saw a thin cloth wrapped around her graceful body. The bulge on her chest was obvious even if she took off her bra. Because her pajamas were thin, he could even see the arc inside through the light pink part. He stared at her chest for a long time before he said in a hoarse voice, "Is this how you usually greet guests?" Rebecca blinked in confusion and looked down. Only then did she realize how awkward it was. She quickly covered her chest and ran into the room. Luis closed his eyes to calm himself down. Then he opened the door and walked in. The living room showed obvious signs of cleaning. The furniture and appliances were covered in multicolored sheets. After opening the blue sheet on the sofa, Luis saw a movie ticket on the tea table. He picked it up and took a look. It was five o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and the ticket time was 9:30 last night, but... His eyes shifted to the couple's seats. When Rebecca changed her clothes and came out, she saw Luis sitting on the sofa, holding a movie ticket in her hand. Shocked, she rushed over, grabbed the ticket, and stuffed it into her pocket. "You bought it?" Seeing her nervous look, the man leaned against the sofa and narrowed his eyes. Rebecca inexplicably felt a bit guilty. She bit her lip and said, "My friend bought it. She asked me to see it tomorrow, but I don't think we can make it." A female friend definitely won't buy a couple's seat, so... "A man?" Rebecca was speechless. Luis stood up and walked up to Rebecca. Looking into her eyes, he sternly warned, "Don't forget that you are my wife now. At least don't smear my reputation." Her words were so unpleasant that Rebecca was a little unhappy, but she also understood that if people in Luis's family knew that she was going to a movie with another man, Luis would be so angry. She lowered her eyes and took out the movie ticket. She tore it in front of him and threw it into the trash can. "Don't worry, Mr. Johnson. I'm not an irresponsible person. I will play my part well over the next half-year since we have already agreed on a time limit." Her expression was very serious and her voice was very cold. Luis knew that she was angry, but he didn't say anything. He just stared at her. After a while, he said, "You'd better remember what you are saying now. Don't let me remind you again." As Rebecca pursed her lips, she felt a little wronged, but not exactly sure how. Luis looked around again and said, "The car will be here soon. Is there anything else that needs to be done?" Rebecca shook her head vigorously and said, "No, there were just a few daily necessities and this box of clothes." He frowned. No one moved but only brought clothes. According to the mess in the room, she should have planned to clean up the photo frames on the living room cabinet. But now she doesn't want to do it anymore. "Really?" he asked after staring at her face for a while. Rebecca's attitude did not change. "No." Luis frowned more and more. As he reached out to hold her chin, she looked up at him. He stared at her coldly and said, "Rebecca, don't lose your temper with me. Are you upset that I'm holding you back? I have said everything before we got married. Are you not satisfied now? What are your options?" Rebecca's chin was in pain. She slapped him away. This was the first time that she showed her anger on her face in front of Luis. However, she was not happy now. She just felt wronged! She gritted her teeth and said, "Anyway, whatever I say is wrong. Can't I just shut up?" The atmosphere in the room became silent. After a long time, Luis's phone rang. He answered it directly without looking at the caller ID. "Hello." "How long do you want me to wait? You called me early this morning and asked to have me wait in the car. Luis, don't think I won't hit you." Taking a look at Rebecca's angry face, Luis told the other side of the phone, "Come to the seventh floor." After hanging up, Rebecca said, "Someone came to help. I have something to do. I'll go first." Rebecca remained silent. Luis glanced at the shelf again and advised her, "Take what you should take with you. In half a year, you will be well-prepared." After he left, Rebecca sat down on the sofa. After looking at the shelf against the wall, she pursed her lips before walking over and removing the items one by one. Her parents' photos and small objects familiar to her. She always carried them with her. If she were to move to another environment for half a year, she would not feel at ease if there were no familiar things around her. Luis left the door open when he left. Since Rebecca was packing, she didn't see a man come in from outside. The man wore a white suit. His hair was a little long, which was not in Luis's neat and capable style. Instead, it was more inclined to the messy hairstyle of stars. This man looked quite young, probably in his twenties. At this moment, he leaned leisurely against the doorframe with his arms crossed. He looked at the slender back of the busy person in the room with her back to him. Finally, he said, "Hello." Rebecca was startled by the sudden voice. Turning around, she saw a man exiting the door. "Who are you?" she asked as her eyes widened. "Luis asked me to come. Where is he?" Winston looked around but failed to find the person he was looking for. He was somewhat dissatisfied. Rebecca said, "He just went down. Didn't you see him?" "No, he left?" Winston frowned. Rebecca nodded and said, "Mr. Johnson said you were coming to help me move. Take these two boxes first. I'm still taking the rest. You are better off if you are willing to help, because after you take them all, you may need some more time." Winston raised his eyebrows and his face became ugly. "Did you say that Luis asked me to help you? Who are you?" Rebecca didn't know what to do with his question. Was he here to work as a coolie? Generally, if he is helping to move, he won't wear a suit. Did Luis trick him into coming here? Rebecca was a little speechless as she thought about this. What was Mr.Johnson doing? Winston, who was at the door, had already taken out his mobile phone and quickly dialed a group of numbers, waiting for him to answer. However, when the music was over, no one answered. Winston was so angry that he turned off the phone and glared at Rebecca. "Don't count on me to help you move. What does Luis think I am? A cheap laborer? I really wish I could smack him." Rebecca was afraid to ask him for help because she saw how fierce he was. She nodded repeatedly and said, "Then I'll do my own work. You can go now." Winston snorted and put his hands into his trouser pockets. He turned around and stared at Rebecca suspiciously for a while before asking, "Your voice sounds familiar. What's your name?" "Me?" Rebecca pointed to the tip of her nose and said honestly, "Rebecca." "Rebecca?" the man asked. His expression changed instantly when he looked up. "That rumor about Luis?" he asked. "...Yes." Rebecca felt that this was definitely a dark history. However, it seemed that there were only a few vague photos in the magazine. Winston was so excited that he didn't want to leave. "Damn, it's you." he exclaimed. He stepped in, looked Rebecca up and down, and asked, "Were you the one who answered Luis' phone call that day?" That day? Rebecca thought for a moment, and then she remembered she had indeed received a call from Luis. That was the night they were photographed. Winston couldn't help but say excitedly, "It's really you, big news. I thought that guy would be grounded for the rest of his life. I didn't expect that he would hide someone without saying a word. Hey, I will help you move. Tell me, where else haven't you cleaned up?" Rebecca didn't dare let this mysterious person touch her things anymore. "Sit down first. I can do it myself," she said awkwardly. "Don't be shy, sister-in-law. I'm a good person." As he said this, he placed his arm on Rebecca's shoulder, as if they were brothers. Rebecca: "..." In the end, under the insistence of this man whose name was unknown, Rebecca finally let him to help her. However, there were too many things to pack up. The man was excited at first, but later he became unhappy. He complained and threw things around. Rebecca was anxious, so she asked him to sit down and poured him some water while she was already in a good mood. Then she quickly packed up the things. By the time she was done, it was almost noon. Winston leaned back on the sofa and looked at the clock. "How long will it take?" he asked. "We're almost done. Just clean this place up at the end." Winston was unhappy. "Is there any takeout nearby? Order two. I'm hungry." "It's the rush hour for them now. It may take a long time." Rebecca stood up from the ground, walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and looked at it. She said, "There are some ingredients at home. If you don't pick them, can I cook a meal for you?" "You know how to cook?" The man raised his eyebrows and followed her to the kitchen. Rebecca smiled and said, "How can you not cook when you live by yourself? Tomatoes, eggs, and fried rice?" "Whatever." After getting permission, Rebecca started whipping eggs. Her movements were very skillful. While she was busy, she was looking at the situation in the room and calculating. Winston looked at her with curiosity. How did Luis become so tacky? Her style was totally different from Belinda's. Why did he suddenly like it? He looked at it with a hint of cunning in his eyes. He went to the balcony and made a phone call. The call was connected quickly this time. "Luis, what am I doing?" he said to the other end. Luis was driving and had no time for his nonsense. "I'll hang up." Winston immediately shouted, "Don't hang up, don't hang up. Luis, did I owe you in my last life? You asked me to come here early in the morning to help your little lover. You should at least pay me some money." "How much do you want?" "Hah." Winston chuckled and said, "I'll tell you later. It is not necessary to pay me if her cooking is good. If her fried rice is not delicious, you can wait for me to ask for more money." Luis was silent for a moment, but then his face changed slightly and he asked, "Is Rebecca cooking?"?" "Yeah, I haven't finished cleaning up yet. I'm hungry." Luis snorted heavily and hung up the phone. "Hey, hey..." Winston took the phone and noticed that Luis had hung up. He became angry immediately. "Hmph, there is something wrong with it."
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