Chapter 39: Jealous

1999 Words
Chapter 39: JealousTen minutes later, the faint aroma of rice came from the kitchen. Winston had been watching TV on the sofa like an old man. When he heard it, he jumped up hurriedly and walked over. "Have you finished?" As Rebecca was serving the dishes, she told the man outside, "Okay, wash your hands first." "To wash your hands before eating. You're really a good girl." Winston laughed and went to wash his hands. As Luis opened the door and entered, he smelled the strong aroma of rice. He narrowed his eyes and turned his eyes, only to see a man and a woman standing side by side beside the stove in the kitchen. The woman was wearing an apron, holding a shovel in her right hand, and a plate in her left. She was serving rice. The man, on the other hand, stared at the pot with shining eyes. He quietly picked up an egg from the pot and put it into his mouth, but his hand was very hot. The woman smiled and asked, "Aren't there chopsticks there?". While chewing, the man murmured, "I don't want it." This scene was so dazzling that it made people feel annoyed. Luis said sinisterly, "What are you doing?" When they heard the voice, they turned their heads at the same time. When they saw it was Luis, Rebecca was stunned and stopped serving the rice in her hand. The man next to her said shamelessly, "Are you blind? Can't you tell that we're eating? But why are you here now? I thought you were going to hide from me for the whole day." Luis's face gloomily looked at the two people with a serious expression, and his dark eyes were fixed on them. Winston finally realized that something was wrong. He took a step forward and raised his hands to show his innocence. "Don't get me wrong. Although I like women, friends and wives can't be played. I understand that." After that, he grabbed the bowl from Rebecca's hand, took the chopsticks, and hurried to the living room. Only Rebecca and Luis were left in the kitchen. Rebecca still felt a little embarrassed. Just a few hours ago, they had a quarrel. Rebecca was not good at handling the cold war. Seeing Luis remained silent with a gloomy face, she felt fear in her heart, so she asked with fear, "Have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten yet. There are still some left here." "Leftovers for me?" Luis walked to her step by step with his lips tightly closed. "Rebecca, I really underestimated you. How dare you play kitchen games with someone else?" Rebecca was just about to lower her attitude and rebuild her relationship with this guy. After hearing this, she was not in the mood at all. As she turned her head to serve the rice, she stopped talking. As Luis walked to her side, he put his hands in his trousers pockets and stared sharply at her face. "Why don't you respond?" "I suppose it's wrong for me to say anything. What else can I say?" After serving the rice, she was about to go out with the bowl. With one step, Luis stopped her, and his tall figure blocked the door tightly. "I asked him to help. But what are you doing? Don't you know how to order takeout? Do you have to cook?" Rebecca deemed this person unreasonable. "Mr. Johnson, you lured him here to help me move, and he left again. He doesn't like it, so I have to appease him." "If he is unhappy, you can appease him. But if I am unhappy, why don't you coax me?" The shock had Rebecca speechless. She looked up at him and lowered her head, but said nothing. Seeing that she was silent, Luis's eyes narrowed. But when he thought of the dispute in the morning, he didn't want the moment to repeat itself. He had to try his best to suppress his anger and said in a low voice, "I didn't eat either." Rebecca was silent for a while, then handed him the rice bowl in her hand. "Eat first." "What about you?" Rebecca walked silently to the side of the stove and poured out the last bit of fried rice in the pot. She then washed two tomatoes and cut them. She put them in the bowl. Two tomatoes and half a bowl of fried rice were enough. When they went out, Winston had already finished eating. He knocked on the empty bowl and looked at Rebecca's rice in her hand. Rebecca's hand froze and she hesitated to hand the bowl over. "Maybe you can..." Luis stopped him halfway. "He won't starve to death." he said. He carried two bowls to the table and placed one on the table. Winston stood up unwillingly and snorted. "What's wrong? I haven't had enough to eat. Luis, do you know how much I have worked this morning? Do you see that? I cleaned up that place. It's all me!" He pointed proudly at some little things like the hair dryer. Luis glanced at him and didn't look very good. Did Rebecca accept the rest of the items since Winston only packed a few things all morning? After considering this, he felt that it was a little inappropriate to argue with her in the morning. Despite Winston's unreliability, he was still able to suppress him. With Rebecca's character, she would definitely be defeated. The meal wasn't the best, but Luis still ate it all. Once the meal was over, Rebecca washed the dishes. Luis thought of her hand, walked over, picked up Winston from the sofa, and said, "Go wash." Winston seemed to have heard a fantasy. He snorted, turned around, and ignored him. Luis narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "Are you going or not?" The sound of his tone made Winston's hair stand on end. After struggling for a moment, he reluctantly stood up and walked towards the kitchen. To let the guests wash dishes, Rebecca was a little embarrassed, but Luis was not. He took Rebecca into the room and grabbed her hands, which were not bandaged. He asked, "Have you recovered?" His palm was warm and powerful. Rebecca felt that her palm was a little hot when she was caught by him. She pulled it back, but the man used up his strength, so she couldn't pull it back. She could only say dryly, "It's all right now. The medicine was used up yesterday. The doctor said that if the medicine didn't cause obvious discomfort, it would be all right." Luis nodded and asked, "Did it hurt when we were cooking just now?" "It doesn't hurt." She wasn't used to this kind of behavior. It should be said that she was not used to Mr. Johnson, who would take the initiative to show his kindness. They had quarreled before, but now they suddenly cared about her. She always felt that her mood changed a little fast. In fact, Rebecca didn't understand Luis's current mood. She had been forced too hard, rebellious. She couldn't stand it anymore. In the end, he had to give up her usual habit and tried another way to please her. Yes, he was trying to please her now. Luis had never done anything like that before, and it had never gone smoothly. Looking at Rebecca's face, he decided not to take it seriously. Rebecca's love experience was zero, and there were some things that needed to be taught by him. Winston washed his bowl, and when he came out, his whole face looked bad. He had lived his whole life, and he had never done such a heavy job as washing dishes. Besides, washing clean would hurt his hands. Now he touched his fingers, which were always delicate and tender, and he felt his palms begin to hurt. Rebecca couldn't ask him to help move things because he was so fragile. As for Winston, he didn't want to help move things either. Luis avoided him by washing his bowl and going downstairs in secret. Anyway, he drove an extended Lincoln today. At least, he would be the driver. As Rebecca and Luis finished preparing things in the room, Rebecca felt a little guilty when she saw Mr. Johnson, who was always high and mighty, take off his coat and tie and roll up his sleeves as heavy goods. The hands that should have been in the office with a pen and a free signature were now moving around. She felt distressed and said, "Mr. Johnson, I'll take care of the rest. You can leave now.". Luis glanced at her, drew his eyes away, and continued to move. Rebecca felt a little embarrassed, so she could not say anything. She had to speed up to move the luggage into the elevator. When everything was dragged into the elevator, Rebecca turned to lock the door. When she saw the empty room, she couldn't help feeling a little bit sad. Putting aside her own home to live in another man's house, she was unsure if her decision was the right one. What should she do if there is a conflict between her and Luis? Rebecca finally understood why married women liked to go back to their parents' homes after pondering it for a long time. The house was empty now. She couldn't tell her parents that she had married. She suddenly felt lonely. On the other side, Luis, who was pressing the elevator button, saw that she had not moved for a long time. He could not help but call her from behind, "There are still many things to do when we go back. Do you really want to waste your time here?" After this, Rebecca regained her senses. She rushed into the elevator and locked the door as quickly as she could. Luis went out of the elevator to ask Winston for help. As much as Winston did not want to take the suitcase, he was a little afraid of Luis, so he had to drag it to the car. Seeing that he had put his luggage into an extended luxury car, Rebecca was so surprised that her eyes almost fell out. Seeing her ignorant look, Winston snorted and said, "Do you really think that I drove a truck? Please, I'm a noble young man. Besides, there's a lot of space in there." Rebecca was speechless at this point. She glanced back at Luis, who looked natural, and then at the luxury car. According to her, she was a born citizen who could not comprehend the world of rich people. Rebecca fastened her seat belt in the car and secretly looked at the vehicle's decoration. It was the first time for her to sit in such a long car. Luis saw it and asked, "Do you like it?" Rebecca pursed her lips. "It's so long." "Yes." Luis commented rudely, "So it has no other use except for moving around." Winston, who was sitting in the front seat, was unhappy. "What are you talking about? My car is limited edition." "So, aside from moving, do you still drive it?" Winston choked and was rendered speechless. As he snorted, he ignored the two people behind him. When the car arrived at its destination, Winston was unwilling to help him move up. Luis stopped forcing him and asked him to go first. He called the security guards to help him. Winston waved at Rebecca from the car. Rebecca walked over in confusion, and Winston said with a smile, "When did you and Luis get along so well? You are willing to move to his house. Belinda has never been treated like this before." Rebecca blinked when she heard the strange name. "No, no, no Belinda. You heard me wrong. Go on. See you next time." Winston realized that he had said something wrong. He waved his hand and said.
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