Chapter 37: Taylor

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Chapter 37: TaylorRebecca Bell looked down and found that this small dress was indeed not suitable for visiting a patient. She nodded, took her bag, and went to the bathroom. When she came out again, she had already changed. She tidied her collar and said, "Mr. Johnson, I'll go first. You should rest early tonight, or you will have a headache tomorrow." After that, she went out of the corridor and pressed the elevator button. Johnson stared at her from the back. It was not until the elevator fell that he withdrew his gaze, looked at the two words on the TV screen, and sighed. I was almost keeping her tonight. The feeling of falling short was not good. ... Bell almost ran to the bus station. After a few minutes, a black off-road vehicle stopped in front of her. The door of the driver's seat opened, and a tall gentleman got out of the car. He stood in front of her and asked, "Rebecca Bell, Miss. Bell?" Bell nodded. "Yes, you are, little Taylor?" In Bell's impression, her mother didn't have a friend named Steven Taylor at all, and his voice was so young. Therefore, without thinking about it, she guessed that this person was the little Taylor who praised heaven from her mother's mouth. This was also the reason why she agreed to let him pick her up. At least, he was not a bad person. Taylor said awkwardly, "I'm older than you. You can call me Steven Taylor. Don't call me little Taylor." Bell was also a little embarrassed. She nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Taylor, let's go." In the car, Taylor said while driving, "Auntie's foot is a little swollen. The doctor said that she was afraid of worsening, so she have an intravenous drip all night. That way she should be fine. But she is in a bad mood now. She said that she had looked for you several times, but you didn't answer the phone. She is a little angry." Bell could imagine her mother's expression and said helplessly, "It's also my fault. I was working before and turned on the mute. Later, I forgot to adjust it. I just saw it." "I also said that you probably forgot because you were busy with work, but she still a little unhappy. You have to coax her later." Bell nodded, but she found it funny. "Why do I feel that she is your mother, not my mother? You are more nervous than me." "Really?" Taylor blushed and said with a smile, "I guess I've been familiar with your family these days, but it's the first time I've seen you today." Bell smiled and said, "I live outside, and I've been busy recently, so I seldom go back. Thank you for taking care of my parents during this period. I heard that my father's pear blossom tea table was repaired by you." "It’s just that I happen to have a guest who is in the antique business. It's not difficult to find a piece of pear blossom wood," Taylor said indifferently. The two chatted from their parents to work. After more than ten minutes, Bell finally understood why her parents liked Taylor so much. He was not only gentle, easy to talk and had a good temper, but also knew a lot of things. Moreover, he was not boastful. He was a little bashful and blushed easily. It was the first time she had met such a pure and innocent man after more than a dozen blind dates. Thinking of this, Bell was curious and couldn't help asking, "My mother said that you haven't had a girlfriend yet. You are so excellent, and how can no girl like you?" "It's not that I haven't done it before, but I broke up with her." Taylor smiled and said, "I just changed my job at that time. I often went on a business trip, so I didn't accompany her for a long time, and I didn't come back on her birthday. So I broke up with her after a long time of contradiction. Later, I always focused on my career. Until now, my work is stable and my position is stable, so I began to rush for marriage." Bell nodded to show her understanding. At this time, the hospital arrived. They arrived at the ward, but as soon as they entered, Rebecca Bell was smashed by her mother's pillow before she could speak. Seeing the situation clearly, she held her head and apologized in a hurry. "I was wrong. Mom, I was wrong. Don't hit me. Where are you going to sleep tonight without a pillow?" "Don't talk nonsense!" Mrs. Bell was a middle-aged woman with strong power. She pointed at her legs with a straight face and said, "Look, I'm like this. If there is no little Taylor, who do I count on. I would be lame if I count on you!" Bell felt helpless. If her mother didn't count on her, she could count on her father. Even without Taylor, how could her father not send her to the hospital? Although she thought so in her heart, Bell did not dare to say it out loud. She just apologized desperately. Taylor said a few words for her, and then her mother's anger subsided. Bell looked at Taylor gratefully. Taylor winked at her and smiled. Since she didn't have to go to work tomorrow, Bell planned to accompany her mother tonight. However, according to the hospital regulations, only one person could accompany her at night. In the end, her mother still felt bad that her daughter was tired from work. She only asked her father to accompany her. Before leaving, Mother Bell told Taylor repeatedly, "Taylor, I'll leave Bell to you." Bell was speechless. It was as if she had been entrusted with him for the rest of her life. What did that mean? However, Taylor agreed with a smile. "Sure, Auntie, don't worry. Have a good rest. We'll go first." When she came out of the ward, Bell complained, "It seems that I am not their biological child. You are their son." Taylor put his hands in his pockets and walked beside her with a silent smile. On the car back, Bell's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Luis Johnson. Feeling a little suspicious, she picked it up. "Mr. Johnson?" "Where is it?" A low male voice came from the other end. "I just came out of the hospital and went home. What's wrong?" "Oh," he said and then asked, "Is mom okay?" Bell: "..." Did she hear it wrong? Did Mr. Johnson call her mother "Mom"? As if he had expected her hesitation, he calmly explained, "We're already married. Can't I call that?" "Of course, you can't call that. It's a fake marriage, a fake marriage!" she thought. However, Taylor was still there, so Bell couldn't say anything. In the end, she swallowed her anger, gritted her teeth, and said, "My mother is fine. My father will accompany her and let me go home first." When she said the words "my mother" and "my father", she deliberately emphasized her tone! Johnson sneered with the microphone in her eyes. "Since there's nothing else, let's go home and pack up early. I'll send someone to move it tomorrow morning." Bell: "... I got it." After hanging up the phone, Bell always felt that it was false to ask about her mother’s case on the phone. It was the real thing to make sure that there was no accident in tomorrow's move plan. "Does he wish me to move in so much? Or does he want to save money on hiring part-time workers? At least, if I were at home, I would be able to cook sober soup for him at any time..." "Is your boss?" While she was thinking, Taylor's voice suddenly came from beside her. Bell came to her senses and nodded. "Our general manager, I am his secretary. I was with him before, so he asked my mother about the situation." "Your boss is very good," Steven Taylor said. Rebecca Bell thought for a while. If she ignored the forced marriage and forced kisses, he would come to her rescue and let her see Minister Watson. She was scared to death when she saw the horror movie before. She shrank to his side and he did not dislike her. Indeed, he was a good boss. Thinking of this, she nodded and said seriously, "He is indeed a good boss at work, but in private, he is not easy to get along with." "The boss is like this. A little sense of distance can restrain subordinates." Steven Taylor said with experience, "My boss is almost the same, but your boss even called specifically to ask about aunt's situation. He should be a good person." "Right?" Bell muttered. At this time, Luis Johnson, who was taking a shower, had never expected that his rival in love would give him a good man card! After sending Bell home, Bell thanked him. When she was about to get out of the car, Steven Taylor suddenly stopped her. "Miss. Bell, um, the day after tomorrow, Sunday. I don't know if you have time. I want to invite you to watch a new love art movie. Many female colleagues in my company said it was wonderful." "..." Bell was a little embarrassed. She was very happy to talk with Taylor today. Both of them knew that her parents deliberately wanted to match them. Now that Taylor had spoken, Bell felt that she would agree before she married Luis Johnson. But now, it was a little inappropriate. She paused for a moment and thought about how to refuse him with the words "don't hurt him". After thinking for a while, she could only be more tactful and said, "I may have to work overtime on Sunday." "I see." Taylor was a little disappointed, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his white face. Bell was also annoyed. After so many blind dates, this Steven Taylor was the best one she had ever met. Maybe she would not meet again in the future. However, a marriage made it impossible for her to accept him. Even if she wanted to accept him, she could only wait until half a year later, after the divorce. But if she had waited for half a year, he would have already found another woman to marry. Maybe his wife was pregnant. Even if he was single, she was not sure that he would want a divorced woman. In short, it was not the right time. Bell sighed and said, "Sorry, I'll go first." Then she opened the door and got out of the car. But as soon as she entered the community, Taylor called her from a distance. "Rebecca Bell." She turned her head and saw the young man running over. He took out a movie ticket and stuffed it into her hand. He said stubbornly, "It's five o'clock on Sunday afternoon. I'd better go to the cinema. If you can't come, forget it. If you can, I hope that you can sit beside me at that time." Taylor didn't seem to be good at saying such words. Before he finished speaking, his face turned red again. Bell was stunned. When she came to her senses, the man had already returned to the car. He drove the car away. She looked back at the movie ticket in her hand. The ticket date was 9:30 tonight. After they arrived at the hospital, Taylor said that he wanted to buy something to eat and did he buy it when he left for half an hour? Bell put the tickets into her coat pocket with a complicated mood and turned to go upstairs. After returning home, she turned on the light. The small room was still the same as when she left this morning. Bell entered the room, pulled out the suitcase from under the bed, put it in front of the sofa, took out the movie ticket in her pocket, and spread it on the tea table. She held her chin and stared at these two things, looking around. After a while, she got up, picked up the suitcase, walked into the room, and began to tidy up. It was not a difficult choice. Whether she and Steven Taylor could be together or not was different. However, she and Luis Johnson had already gotten the marriage certificate. Under the law of the country, they were already a legal couple. Although it is false, the marriage certificate and the information of the Civil Affairs Bureau were real. Since she had promised Luis Johnson that she would get married in half a year, she had no excuse to break her promise in the past half a year. In addition, Johnson was her boss. Bell did not dare to imagine what would happen if she offended her boss. After weighing the pros and cons in all aspects, she decisively chose Johnson, while she and Taylor could only be regarded as not fated. That was what life was like. When his mother wanted to introduce Taylor to her, she and Johnson were not married yet. And when his mother promoted Taylor for the second time, it was the night before his marriage with Johnson. If she had gone to see Taylor at the beginning, she might not have agreed to a fake marriage with Johnson. However, there was no "if" in life. At that time, she was deeply troubled by the scandal, and she couldn't be in the mood to go on a blind date. After packing up all the clothes in the cabinet, Bell covered some of the electrical appliances that might not be used for a long time. By the time everything was done, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and many things had not been packed yet. She was a little tired. She thought that if she couldn't finish tomorrow, she would move slowly later. So she decided to take a shower and went to bed. Probably because she was too tired today, she was so tired that she almost choked. She fell on the bed and fell asleep soon. The next morning, Bell was awakened by the ringing of the phone. She opened her eyes in a daze and picked it up without looking at the caller ID. "Hello." On the other end of the phone, when he heard her lazy voice, he said, "Open the door." Bell recognized that it was Johnson's voice and immediately woke up halfway. "Mr. Johnson?" "Yes." It was him.
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