Chapter 36: I Didn't Look at a Horrible Stone by Accident

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Chapter 36: I Didn't Look at a Horrible Stone by AccidentThroughout the whole process, Bell felt uncomfortable. Fortunately, a bowl of mixed bean soup could not be used for a long time. She took the soup out and gave the bowl to Johnson and said, "Mr. Johnson, I want to pack up. You can go out first." With this man standing beside her, she was uncomfortable. "You don't have to pack up. The part-time worker will come tomorrow," he said casually. Then he held the bowl with one hand took her arm with the other and walked into the living room. Bell was stunned for a moment, and then she asked, "Do you hire a part-time worker? The vegetables and decorations ..." Johnson glanced at her indifferently. "Otherwise, what do you think?" Bell felt that she had made a big joke. She touched her head awkwardly, but somehow, she felt more comfortable. Sitting on the sofa, she looked at the man beside her blowing on the soup while turning the TV. The channel changed so fast that her eyes were dazzled. After turning around, he still couldn't find a good-looking TV. Johnson simply turned on the DV mode, threw the remote control away, and said to Bell, "Go to the cabinet over there and look for a movie to watch." Rebecca Bell was stunned and a little surprised. She didn't expect that Mr. Johnson was the man who liked watching movies. She took a look at the whole cabinet beside the TV wall, then walked over, opened the cabinet, and looked carefully. Luis Johnson didn't seem to like popular movies. There were some relatively unpopular movies here, and there was even a lot of documentary. However, there were no commercial or funny movies about hundreds of millions of yuan box office sales in the outside world. It took Bell a long time to find a black cover with a film of "Dark Night" written on it. Looking at the cover, it should be a movie that exposed the dark side of society. It was a bit of a negative influence, but it was also a real film. She took out the CD, waved her hand, and asked the man on the sofa, "Mr. Johnson, is "Dark Night" okay?" Johnson took a sip of the soup. His eyebrows moved and said, "Okay." Bell put the CD into the machine and looked at the time. It was getting late, so she decided to leave. As if he could read her mind, Johnson put down the soup bowl and said casually, "It's still early. Come with me to have a look." Bell: "..." She didn't like dark movies at all! "Mr. Johnson, it's already very late. I want to go now." "What's the matter?" Bell said, "It's not..." Johnson said, "Then sit down and watch with me." At this point, it was not convenient for Bell to refuse directly. She thought, "Maybe this place is too boring. When Mr. Johnson is about to sleep, I can leave." Thinking of this, she sat down on the sofa and began to watch. The atmosphere in the room was very quiet. The title of the film was over. At this time, Johnson suddenly got up, walked to the wall, and pressed the switch. The living room suddenly turned dark. Bell was shocked and stood up. "Mr. Johnson." "Let's raise the atmosphere," the man said flatly. Then he walked back and sat on the sofa. He glanced at her and said, "Sit down." Bell sat down silently. At this moment, the first scene had just begun. Before Bell could react, a girl's scream came from the speaker, which startled her. Her heart shrank and she turned to look at the TV screen. Then she saw a pair of horrible red eyes that were still bleeding. "Ah..." She screamed and quickly turned her face away. Her whole body shrank. Johnson looked at her and smiled softly in the darkness. The film was placed frame by frame, and Bell now realized how naive she was. The negative energy movie she thought was a super realistic horror film! From the beginning, the whole movie had entered a heavy flavor mode. All kinds of eyeballs with blood, broken limbs with blood and scalp with blood made Bell couldn't help trembling. She wanted to get up and leave several times, but the lights around her were turned off. It was dark. As soon as she stood up, she felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes looking at her from behind, and it was dark outside. She was afraid that there would be ghosts running out of the corridor now. She was trembling in her heart, and she was more and more careful to shrink back. The man beside her saw that she was stiff and did not dare to move. He asked lightly, "Are you afraid?" He suddenly spoke, and Bell almost jumped up when there was a horrible shot. She stared at the man beside her, who seemed not to be afraid at all, and asked in a trembling voice, " Mr. Johnson, aren't you afraid?" "Yes." Rebecca Bell's heart was about to break when she heard him spit out the word "yes". She swallowed slowly and quietly approached him. She asked carefully, "Then, can I get closer to you?" The man raised his eyebrows and leaned on the back of the sofa carelessly. "Whatever." With his permission, Bell became bold and moved a little closer to him. It was not until she could grab the corner of his clothes that she felt more comfortable. At this time, another horrible scene appeared in the movie. The heroine was about to be killed. Bell didn't want to watch it at all, but she couldn't help looking at it. However, she didn't expect the scene was so bloody. Half of her body immediately shrank to Luis Johnson. Looking at Bell, who was biting his arm and so eager to bury her face in it, Johnson's smile deepened. He thought that it was unexpected that such a boring film could have such an effect. At this time, the film had already reached an important part, and the most terrible part was about to come out. Now the hero took his friends to save the heroine, but they didn't know that the heroine was dead, so they were still shouting the heroine's name in the shabby teaching building. The atmosphere became tenser. At the moment when the audience's nerves were about to stand straight, footsteps suddenly came from upstairs. Then, with a "dong", the blood-red head flew into the man's arms like a ball. It was the heroine's head. The hero was frightened, screaming, and running back with his friends. Bell was also frightened. She buried her head in the man's arms and even couldn't stop trembling. Johnson pulled out the arm that was held tightly by her and held her from the outside. He comforted her faintly, "It's fake." Bell was so depressed that she didn't dare to look back. She just shook her head in Johnson's arms with a hoarse voice and said, "It's so realistic. I don't dare to look at what's coming. Mr. Johnson, how's it going? Did the hero run out?" "No." Johnson said casually, "No matter how he ran, he returned to his original place." Bell was so scared that she didn't dare to look at what was coming. She almost hid in Johnson's arms and peeked in the second half of the movie. When she saw the horrible parts, she turned around and buried herself. She only felt a little relieved when she smelled the familiar masculine smell of him. When the film was finished, it was already two hours later. Until the last scene at the end of the film, it was still horrible. The final ending was that everyone was dead. The police came to investigate but found nothing. The ghost hidden in the darkness was a person's desire and fantasy. The heroine was killed by the hero. The hero committed suicide, and the so-called hero friend was a person who did not exist from beginning to end. After giving a reasonable explanation at the end, Bell also breathed a sigh of relief. The end of the film was over, and the screen became dark. Bell thought that it should be over, and she was about to turn on the light. But the heart-shaking event was always at the end. Less than 20 seconds later, a human head suddenly flew out with a terrible special sound. The hero's bloody face was stuck to the TV screen, and even his face was deformed. "Ah—" Bell screamed without thinking and buried herself in Johnson's arms again. She was a little embarrassed before. Even if she hid in his arms, Bell still held her hands in front of her chest, trying to separate them from each other as much as possible. But this time, her whole body was almost sticking to him. In addition, she was already wearing very cool clothes tonight. The thin cloth could not cover up her exquisite figure. The soft part of her upper body was also squeezing and sticking to Johnson's chest. The woman put her hands around his neck and pressed her body tightly. Her nervous breathing sounded in his ear. Luis Johnson’s desire began to rise because of her hug, and some parts of his lower body began to swell. However, at this time, the woman still stuck to his ear and asked in a choked voice, "Is it over?" Although he was reluctant, Johnson still agreed. Finally, it was over. Rebecca Bell took a deep breath and got out of the man's body. She saw that the screen said "the ending of a drama". She patted her chest, stood up, run to the wall in a few steps, and turned on the light. When the lights in the living room turned on, the light instantly lit up the darkness. It seemed that even the dark elements hidden in human nature had been scattered by the light. Bell was still a little unsatisfied. Although the movie was a little hardcore, the plot was tense and the whole process was complicated. It was quite good. She used to be someone who liked to watch horror movies but was afraid to watch them, but after watching them now, she suddenly felt quite happy. It was already 10 o'clock. Bell looked at the time and said to Johnson, "Mr. Johnson, I'll go first." "How can you go back?" Johnson looked at her indifferently and deliberately said, "This area is quiet at night. It's dark everywhere. Are you sure that you can go to the bus station alone?" Bell was speechless. After hearing his words, she suddenly became uncertain! Bell was struggling. Don't bring such deliberate intimidation, but she had to go home. She muttered in her heart, but when she saw Johnson staring at her as if he was watching a good show, she became depressed again. She pursed her lips, took out her phone, and was ready to call a taxi. But as soon as she turned on the phone, she saw that there were three missed calls from her mother. When she was in the Cad private room, the phone had been muted, so she didn't hear it. She was afraid that there was something urgent at home, so she called back. After the phone rang for a while, it was picked up. "Hello, Mom, I saw your phone number. What's the matter?" As soon as Bell finished speaking, another voice came from the other end of the phone, but it was not from her mother. "Hello, are you Rebecca Bell?" Bell was stunned and nodded. "Yes, this is Bell. Who is that?" "This is Steven Taylor." The other side said, "I'm your mother's friend. When she was going downstairs, she was squeezed by the elevator door and sprained foot. I'm in the hospital now. I called you before, but you're not there. I don't know if you have time to come here now. It's in the Four Seas Hospital. The doctor said that she may stay in the hospital tonight." "Is it that serious?" Bell was shocked and hurriedly said, "Well, I'm coming now, but I may be late. It's not convenient for me to take a car here." "I see." The voice paused and said, "Where are you? I'll pick you up." Bell thought about it and was about to tell him the address, but Johnson stood up, walked over, and asked lightly, "What's the matter?" Bell explained in a low voice, "My mom sprained her ankle. She's in the hospital. I'm going there now." "I'll give you a ride," he said as he picked up the car key on the table. Bell hurriedly stopped him and said, "No, Mr. Johnson, you've drunk a lot, so you can't drive. My mother's friend will come to pick me up." Then she said to Taylor on the other end of the phone, "Sorry, you can go to the public station on Road H. I'll leave right away." After hanging up the phone, Bell had no time to be afraid of ghosts. She opened the door and was about to run out. Johnson grabbed her and said, "Change your clothes."
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