Chapter 33: There Must Be No problem

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Chapter 33: There Must Be No problemRebecca Bell quickly opened the door and got in. The car started. Seeing that Luis Johnson did not speak, Bell focused on the information in her hand. This was the information of the nail households, including the area, the population, and so on. Looking at it, she became depressed again. She was not good at dealing with such disputes at all. Today, it was the two male colleagues who helped her, but the men were tough and impulsive. What’s more, the attitude of the nail households was very bad. Even a good-tempered person like her could not help but want to get angry, let alone two hot-blooded men. Therefore, no matter how they talked in the end, they broke up. Thinking of this, Bell suddenly tilted her head and looked at Johnson. It was easy for other men to be impulsive, but Mr. Johnson couldn't do so. He was only 30 years old, so he should not be so steady. However, Bell felt that Mr. Johnson was wise and profound as if he was more composed than those seniors who had been immersed in the business circle for decades. If Johnson handled this matter today, it would be solved perfectly. She didn't know where this kind of inexplicable confidence came from, but she felt that it would be like this. "Have you seen enough?" The man's cold voice suddenly sounded. Bell came to her senses and found that she was staring at him. She quickly looked away, feeling a little embarrassed. Luis Johnson smiled faintly and asked, "Tell me, What catches your eyes?" Bell scratched her head and didn't dare to look at him. She muttered, "No, I was just thinking about something." He glanced at her and saw that her face was about to burn. He stopped teasing her and asked, "What are you thinking about?" "Thr case..." Bell said vaguely, "This case is very troublesome. These nail households can't handle it. These people's requests are unreasonable, and their words are particularly harsh." For the sake of personal interests, such ordinary people would not show much quality. Even if he did not see that scene, Johnson could imagine it. He hummed and said casually, "If their request is not too excessive, you can agree." "Myron Jones also said that if they lowered the price a little more, we could agree. But the problem is that they have colluded with each other. They will not lower the price." Johnson narrowed his eyes. "Myron Jones?" "Oh." Bell explained, "Jones is a colleague of the real estate department. He came with me today. If he hadn't been supporting me all the time, I might have died on the stairs. If I had known this, I wouldn't have worn high heels today." Johnson glanced at her feet. He could vaguely see that her heel was red. However, the focus of his attention was another thing. "support you? How?" Bell was stunned for a moment and did not know how to answer. "Just support." "Ha." The man sneered and stopped talking. The atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became a little strange. Bell did not know what she had said wrong. She thought hard and finally came up with a possibility. "Well, Mr. Johnson, I don't complain about work. Don't worry, I will work hard. I will wear flat shoes tomorrow." She thought that he was dissatisfied with her nagging, so she quickly expressed her attitude with sincerity. Luis Johnson didn't even look at her. He stepped on the accelerator and the car suddenly sped up. At seven o'clock in the afternoon, Angela Lewis was standing at the entrance of the hotel. When she saw the familiar car coming, she hurried to greet it. But when she saw Bell coming out of the passenger seat, she was stunned. After getting out of the car, Johnson threw the car key to the doorman and asked Lewis, "Has Minister Watson arrived?" "It might be a few minutes late. Because there was a traffic jam." After saying that, Lewis looked at Bell and said, "Mr. Johnson, Secretary Bell is..." "Where are the clothes I asked you to prepare?" Lewis's eyes moved and she immediately understood. She hurriedly said, "It's in the room." Yesterday, Mr. Johnson said that he wanted to invite Minister Watson. Lewis knew that it was probably for the land of Soungdon Real Estate. No matter who followed up, Martina King or Rebecca Bell, they would probably use Luis Johnson's reputation in the end. She was not surprised, but Mr. Johnson ordered her to prepare a dress today because he would bring someone. It was strange. Lewis had been with Johnson for so long, but she had never heard of him bringing a female companion, especially in such a private meeting. However, she was still well prepared. She did not expect that the person who came was Bell. It seemed that the relationship between these two people was deeper than she had imagined. But since Mr. Johnson was so kind to Bell, he must have known about King's little tricks. But why didn't he deal with King? Lewis didn't want to think about it, so she took Bell upstairs to change clothes. Hearing that she was going to change clothes, Bell looked down at her professional suit and felt a little embarrassed. The environment of the old building was not good. Her white suit was stained several parts. She looked embarrassed. It was impolite to see the government official in this way. After entering the elevator, they stopped on the 18th floor. Lewis opened the door with Bell and said to her, "Get changed, Minister Watson is coming." Bell looked at the small dress on the bed, which had never been worn before. She felt a little embarrassed and asked, "Have I to dress so grandly?" "You're Mr. Johnson's female companion tonight. That's how the female companion wears. If you were a secretary, you would have been dressed like me." Bell thought, "I am the secretary. When did I become a female companion?" At this time, Lewis's phone rang. She picked it up, said a few words, and then urged, "Minister Watson has arrived. Please change." Bell had to go to the bathroom to change her clothes. After changing, she looked at herself in the mirror. The white dress was simple and elegant. The cloth wrapped her exquisite figure. It was a little tight, but it was acceptable. However, her exposed shoulders made her a little uncomfortable. She had never worn clothes that exposed her shoulders. No matter how she looked at it, it was strange. After a moment of hesitation, she simply loosened her ponytail and covered her shoulder with her long hair. Then, she adjusted her left and right to make sure that she was fine before opening the door to go out. Outside, Lewis had been waiting anxiously. When she saw the door open and wanted to say something, she was stunned when she saw Bell’s new figure. Lewis looked Bell up and down and couldn't help saying, "You usually wear it fully, but I didn't find that you have such a good figure." Bell blushed and complained, "Sister, don't laugh at me." "Well, you can leave now. Your clothes are here. The room will be closed tomorrow morning." With that, she took Bell out of the room. After going down to the restaurant on the third floor, Lewis took Bell into the high-end VIP room. After walking around for a while, she stopped in front of a silver metal private room. Lewis knocked on the door. Soon, someone came to open the door. It was an assistant of Minister Watson. Recently, the new mayor was in power, and some officials were very cautious. This was also the reason why Luis Johnson praised her for being smart when Rebecca Bell proposed to have dinner in Cad Hotel. Two ladies came to the private room. Minister Watson knew Angela Lewis, but he didn't know Bell. Seeing that she was the woman brought by Johnson's secretary, he was stunned. He looked at Johnson with some embarrassment. "Bro, let's forget about this." Johnson raised his eyebrows and narrowed his black eyes. However, when he looked at Bell, who was standing at the door, he frowned again. Lewis was good at doing things, but she was not good at picking clothes. On this kind of occasion, if you dress a little bit revealing, it will make people imagine. Looking at Bell's clothes, she wore a small dress with her shoulders exposed. The tight cloth wrapped her well-proportioned body, and her long hair, which was over her shoulders, revealed a faint grace. Her whole person showed an extraordinary charm between a girl and a mature woman. She was exquisite, pure, and beautiful. The combination of the two was exactly what a man liked. His eyes sank, and he darkly looked at Bell. Lewis found that the atmosphere was a little awkward and knew that Minister Watson misunderstood Bell. She quickly explained with a smile, "Let me introduce you. This is the female companion of Mr. Johnson today." Minister Watson was stunned. He looked at Johnson and said apologetically, "Sorry, Bro. I misunderstood you just now." "It doesn't matter," Johnson said lightly. Then he looked at Bell and called, "Come here." Bell walked over obediently and sat down beside Johnson. Her back was straight. Probably because she was nervous, she put her hands on her knees and stirred them tightly. Seeing that she was uneasy, Johnson gently held her hands to comfort her. Her hands were very small, and he could wrap them with one hand. The touch of her hands was warm and soft, which made him very satisfied. But when he saw Bell's exposed clothes, he was not satisfied. Then, he took off his black suit jacket, stood up, and put it on Bell. A strong masculine aura enveloped Bell. She was shocked and looked up at him like a startled rabbit. Johnson sat down and said indifferently, "There's a cold in the room. Don't catch a cold." This word was so gentle that Bell was not used to it. However, Minister Watson next to her was embarrassed. He had mistaken Rebecca Bell for a bar girl. Although he apologized, he did not expect that Johnson would value her, a mere female companion, so much and give her his clothes. It seemed that they had a deep friendship. He hoped that his words did not offend Johnson. At this time, the dishes were also served on the table one after another. Bell didn't say a word from beginning to end. She just watched Mr. Watson and Johnson toast each other and talk about the recent news. It seemed that they were just chatting about the old days and not a business. Bell did not mention too. She just slowly ate the dishes that Johnson had picked for her. They were all small food that was easy to get in the mouth, and it would not be disgraceful to eat them. After half of the meal, they seemed to get down to business. Minister Watson was the first one to be mentioned. "I heard that the Johnson Group has been competing for a piece of land of the mountain recently. That piece of land is relatively barren, and the Johnson Group is planning to build a building there? I'm afraid it's not convenient for us to travel there." Minister Watson said tentatively. In a few days' auctions, the piece of land would be auctioned in public. There were only a few small companies that went to bid. The Johnson Group was stuck in it, which was eye-catching. Luis Johnson held the wine glass in his hand and took a sip. He said casually, "It is cheap, so I bought it. It's useless now. Maybe it will be useful in the future." "Hahaha, that's true." Minister Watson was probably drunk and his words were a little loud. "Now that we've changed the mayor, no one knows what the new policy is like. When the time comes, we might develop some wasteland." Johnson didn't say anything, but Angela Lewis said, "I heard that this new mayor is very capable. He was transferred from the capital city. He has made great achievements as soon as he arrived. Rewards have been sent."
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