Chapter 34: A New Official took on the responsibilities

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Chapter 34: A New Official took on the responsibilities"Yes, it's a wild park." Minister Watson looked at Angela Lewis and smiled. After that, he changed the subject. "He wants to make a landmark there. It's supported by the higher-ups, but there are still some problems with the funds. He has been busy looking for help these days. I don't know if it can be built on such a large scale." Wild Park was the higher-ups' support project to respond to the national green policy. However, it was not a small matter to build a new city center around it. No matter how much money was needed, the estimate alone could not afford it, let alone practical work. Hearing this, Rebecca Bell muttered in her heart. Now the mayor needed money, but her task was to get money out of his pocket. It seemed that the difficulty of the matter had increased. However, at this point, Rebecca Bell also recognized that it was Lewis who created opportunities. She put down her chopsticks and said for the first time tonight, "Minister Watson, do you know if the government wants to expropriate or buy the land near the wild park?" "Well." Minister Watson took a sip of wine and then looked at Johnson. He lowered his voice and said, "We've talked about these things only here. I heard from the higher-ups that it seems to be expropriated." If it was expropriated, then there was no way to get a penny back. Johnson raised his eyebrows, and his eyes were cold. No one could tell his emotions, but Bell was a little anxious. She hurriedly asked, "Coincidentally, the Johnson Group also has a piece of land there. I don't know if Minister Watson can smooth it over." "Ah?" When Minister Watson heard this, he seemed to suddenly wake up from drinking. He laughed and did not speak. Johnson understood what he meant. Minister Watson realized that he had said too much and did not intend to answer. He could understand that no one would get into trouble when a new official took office. He pulled Bell, indicating that she didn't need to say anything. Bell was a little unwilling, but she also knew that she might have offended someone. She breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and said apologetically, "I'm going to the bathroom." After that, she went out of the room. As soon as she left, Minister Watson called his assistant out first. Johnson picked up the glass and let Lewis go out first. When they left, there were only two people left in the room. Minister Watson put down his glass and looked at Johnson with a smile. "Bro, you are framing me today." "Oh?" Johnson took a sip of wine and did not comment. "That's right. I also said that you were so nice to talk to me. It turned out that you did it for the young lady. Why? Is she your employee? Is she in charge of that piece of land?" "Yes." "It's rare." Minister Watson smiled in surprise. "For so many years, I have never heard of you being close to any lady. It turns out that you have been raised by your side." "Minister Watson, you drank too much." Minister Watson was surprised and smiled. "Well, just take it as I'm drunk. Then please tell the lady that I can't help her with this. The mayor is now punishing the whole Moonhiland. If I talk about these things, I don't know how the people who don't know the truth will slander me. I can't afford to offend them." Luis Johnson had invited Minister Watson, which was just to inquire about the news. To be honest, it was cheap to buy this piece of land. There was not much profit to tear it down and rebuild it. If the government wanted to implement it, they would be generous enough to give it to the new mayor. Maybe they could gain a good reputation and leave a good impression on the new mayor. But the problem was that even if Johnson thought so, this project had been filed before. Now the case had fallen on Rebecca Bell. If Bell could not do anything, all the blame would be directed at her. Such a troublesome matter, he acquiesced that Martina King arranged it to Bell. He also thought that at least he could help Bell to block it. By the way, he can solve the matter, and Bell can gain a firm foothold. In the future, he would give her important things and it would be reasonable. "I'm going to the bathroom." Putting down the napkin, Johnson got up and went out of the room. When Lewis saw him coming out and was about to say something, she saw that Mr. Johnson had already walked to the bathroom. She looked back at Minister Watson looking serious who was eating in the room. She knew that the meeting tonight had failed. Bell washed her face in the bathroom and washed off the thin powder on her face. She wiped her face and looked at herself in the mirror, feeling a little annoyed. After a while, she managed to calm down. Then, she threw the tissue into the trash can and went out of the bathroom with a frown. As soon as she went out, she saw a man in a white shirt standing beside a potted plant tree outside the bathroom. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at her as if he was waiting for her. "Mr. Johnson, why did you come out?" Bell blurted out. Johnson did not answer, but looked at her and said, "You have to think about the backup plan for that case." "Has Minister Watson rejected it?" "Yes." Bell lowered her head in disappointment, feeling that her head was hurting. She rubbed the space between her eyebrows and said with a sigh, "Forget it. I'll think of another way. Mr. Johnson, thank you for your help today. I haven't got any results yet. I'm sorry." She lowered her head and looked very pitiful. Johnson raised his eyebrows and knocked on her head. With a “dong” sound, it was extremely loud. Bell didn't expect that he would suddenly hit her. She covered her head and looked at him in confusion. Johnson raised her eyebrows, lifted her chin, and slowly leaned against her ear. He said in a low voice, "Have you forgotten what I said? I said that you should never bow your head unless you have no confidence in yourself." He had drunk a lot tonight, and the two of them were very close now. Bell smelled the faint smell of wine in his breath. It was not very strong, but it could not be ignored. She said carefully, "Mr. Johnson, you drank too much." "Ha." He sneered, and suddenly, he slowly leaned over. His thin lips had been printed on her soft pink lips before she could react. The two lips touched. In almost an instant, Bell's mind was full of comments. "Use honorifics to your husband? Huh?" Taking a sip on her lips, he pressed against the tip of her nose and said solemnly. Bell: "..." Rebecca Bell's heart almost stopped beating now. Her mind was blank, and her body froze. Seeing her like this, Luis Johnson slightly raised his lips. Her warm palm pressed against her back and pressed her into his arms. The thin dress seemed to be useless at the moment. His temperature passed through the cloth and almost burned her skin. Bell felt that she should do something, but Johnson's masculine aura was too strong for her to resist. She watched helplessly as he held her in his arms and wrapped her in his heat. He leaned his chin against her head and whispered in her ear, "Rebecca Bell, you are my wife. You are already my wife. So, don't make me unhappy when you talk in the future." Bell: "..." He must be drunk! He must be drunk! He didn't drink much before, but he was already so drunk. Bell wanted to get out of his arms, but the man was so strong that she couldn't get rid of him. She took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Johnson, you... let go of me. You're drunk!" He frowned and suddenly let go of her. He pressed her against the wall next to him and said in a deep voice, "It's all thanks to being drunk." After that, he suddenly held her chin and kissed her again. Johnson's thin lips, with a touch of coldness, pressed against her soft lips. She felt dizzy and desperately pressed her hand against his chest, trying to push him away. The deeper he kissed, the heavier his kiss became. The more she struggled, the harder he sucked her lips. In the end, he even tried to pry open her teeth and invade them. Bell was anxious. The strong smell of alcohol sprayed out from his breath. She did not know what to do. At this time, the sound of high heels came from outside, as if someone was coming to the bathroom. She did not want to be seen by others. Relying on her strength, she opened her mouth, and when Johnson was about to stick the tip of her tongue into her mouth, she bit him hard. With a burst of dull pain, Johnson let go of her lips and breathed heavily against her forehead, spitting all his breath on her face. Bell felt a trace of blood on the tip of her tongue. She licked her lips and recognized the smell of blood. She hurriedly raised her head and held Johnson's face. When she saw that a piece of his lips had been bitten, she was embarrassed and did not know what to do. This bite seemed to have awakened Johnson. He lowered his eyes and looked at Bell, who was holding his face in a panic. He raised his hand and pulled her hand away. Bell reluctantly withdrew her hand. She saw Johnson twisting his lips with his thumb and wiping a trace of blood. He looked at the woman in front of him with a deep look. Because Bell had washed her face before, she didn't have any makeup on her face, not even lipstick. Now she was kissed by him, and her lips, which were originally pink and tender, looked red. Johnson's eyes darkened, and he asked in a low voice, "Bite me? Huh?" "No, no..." Bell quickly waved her hand and said anxiously, "It was you who suddenly kissed me, so I was impulsive. Mr. Johnson, you are drunk..." Johnson knew very well whether he was drunk or not. Deep alcohol made people drunk, and shallow alcohol would only make people excited. Just now, he was just excited. Rubbing his eyebrows, he pursed his lips and said to Bell, "Your teeth are so sharp. It seems that I should make a dentist appointment for you." Bell's body tightened. She could not tell if he was really angry or if he was just joking. They had been here for a long time. After all, Minister Watson was still in the private room. Luis Johnson looked at Rebecca Bell again and turned to leave. Bell was silent for a while. Then she raised her hand to rub her lips and followed him. Minister Watson was used to drinking. When they went back, he was a little stunned. Bell found it unbelievable. After all, as a government official, how could he get drunk at social meals? Johnson knew that because of the nature of the company, the Johnson Group was very close to the Ministry of Land and Resources. He usually had a good relationship with Minister Watson in private. With him, Minister Watson could rest assured. There was a room downstairs. Johnson asked Angela Lewis to arrange it, so he asked Minister Watson to sleep in the hotel tonight. Anyway, it was Saturday tomorrow, so he didn't have to go to work. Lewis went upstairs and took down what was left in the room, including Rebecca Bell's clothes and backpack. Bell took it, and Lewis suddenly said, "Bell, I remember that you have a driver's license. You can send Mr. Johnson back. He drank, so he can't drive." "Me?" She had just experienced such an embarrassing thing. Now she was asked to send Johnson home? It would be even more embarrassing when they were in the car.
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