Chapter 32: Why Were They Moving Together?

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Chapter 32: Why Were They Moving Together?Rebecca Bell didn't think about it. This matter was too crazy! "Mr. Johnson, isn't our marriage fake? We'll get divorced half a year later. Why do we have to move in together?" "Do you mean that the marriage certificate is forged?" he asked coldly. Bell was speechless. Of course, the marriage certificate was not forged. It was held in the Civil Affairs Bureau in the morning, but the words can not say... Bell bit her lip and couldn't say a word. "Pack up your things. I'll find someone to move them the day after tomorrow." "Mr. Johnson, I don't want to move..." Bell was about to cry. "We are fake marriage. How can we live together? Besides, my parents don't know that I am married. If I suddenly move, they will know!" "So?" "So I won't move!"Bell said firmly. Johnson squinted, looked at her for a while, and suddenly smiled. "Since you insist, That's ok." Bell breathed a sigh of relief. "It's the same when I move in." Bell: "..." Johnson looked at Rebecca Bell and suddenly leaned forward. His sudden approach made Bell fall backward. Johnson snorted and his warm breath sprayed on her cheek. He walked past her and opened the door of the passenger seat. With a click, the door opened. "Are you moving or am I moving? Tell me tomorrow." Bell almost ran away from the car. She didn't dare to look back along the way and went straight into the community. She was so flustered that it seemed that someone was chasing her. Sitting in the car, Johnson looked at her back and smiled slightly. However, he knew that it would be a little difficult for Bell to agree to live with him. But it didn't matter. The last thing he lacked was patience. That night, not surprisingly, Bell had another nightmare. This dream was even more terrible than yesterday. In this dream, she was not only chased by the wolf pack but also brought to the wolf bed. Then the King of Wolves told her that he wanted to raise her fat and swallow her whole. Then, she was surrounded by food, ordered to eat it all. After waking up, Bell touched her belly subconsciously and still felt very full. She had nightmares for two days in a row, which was simply bad news. Moreover, these had a vicious reaction after being stimulated by Johnson's words. Bell thought worriedly, " Does Mr. Johnson restrict me?" ... After taking over the case of Soungdon Real Estate, Bell left her original work to an intern secretary, and she started working on the case herself. In the whole morning, she had been to the reference room and the real estate department several times. In the afternoon, she had to go to the old building to get in touch with those nail households who refused to move. At noon, Bell finally found time to have lunch, Bess Carter glared at her with disgust and said, "Sister, can you look better when you eat? I don't know how Mr. Johnson fell in love with you." "I'm starving. Do you know how tired I was in the morning?" In the morning, Bell had no appetite or breakfast because of that nightmare. But when she arrived at the company, she was run off his feet with jobs to do. Before noon, she was so hungry that she was almost shocked. Now, this box meal was her life-saving straw. However, when it came to table manners, Bell slowed down the speed of eating. While chewing the rice in her mouth, she asked, "Am I ugly when I eat?" "What do you think?" Carter gracefully picked up a piece of vegetable, put it in her mouth, and chewed it slowly. Seeing that Bess Carter was so gentle, Rebecca Bell remembered that when she had dinner with Mr. Johnson last night, she was also very hungry at that time. Was it the same table manners at that time? No wonder Mr. Johnson had been staring at her at that time. He must have been frightened by her appetite. No wonder Mr. Johnson had been staring at her at that time. He must have been frightened by her appetite. However, when she thought of Johnson, she thought of what he said about moving to the same place. This morning, she was too busy to think about it. Now when she stopped, she suddenly became melancholy again. She asked Bess Carter, "Carter, is it strange to live with someone you don't know?" "Someone I don't know?" Carter thought for a moment and said, "It's not very strange. When I was in college, I rented a house near the school. There were four rooms and two living rooms. The four of us rented a house together. Anyway, we lived separately. we closed our doors and didn't have to pay attention to each other. I lived there for four years." The dormitory where Bell lived in college had never been rented together with anyone, so she didn't know much about it. However, when she saw Carter's "nothing serious" expression, she seemed to have less trouble in her heart. "That's right. It's a fake marriage anyway. I can just take it as shared tenancy, not sleeping on the same bed. I went to Mr. Johnson’s house last time. Although I didn't stay for a long time, I saw that there were two rooms. I can sleep in one room alone. It shouldn't be a problem." She made up her mind that if Mr. Johnson wanted her to move in, she would need a room alone. It should not be a problem. ... After lunch, they entered the elevator and prepared to return to the office. But when the elevator door opened on the third floor, Johnson came in from the outside. Bell was shocked when she saw him, but Carter suddenly began to joke and winked at Bell and said, "Am I too redundant? Just pretend that you can't see me." After that, she walked to the corner of the elevator, turned her head, and pretended that she didn't exist. Bell was speechless. She wanted to ask her not to joke, but it was not good for her to make trouble in the elevator. So she shut up and stood there quietly. When the elevator reached the seventh floor, the man beside her suddenly asked, "When are you off work today?" Bell knew that Johnson was talking about the dinner with Minister Watson tonight, so she said, "It's about six o'clock. I'll go to the old building later." Johnson asked, "By yourself?" Bell: "And colleagues from the Real Estate Department." Johnson asked, "A woman?" Bell: "A man." Luis Johnson said, "Oh." Rebecca Bell: "..." Why did this "oh" sound so bad? But before she could figure it out, Johnson said again, "Call me when you're done." Bell wanted to say that it was unnecessary. She could find the Cad Hotel and go there directly. But at this time, the elevator arrived and Johnson went out directly. Carter rushed over almost in the next moment and wrapped her arms around Bell's neck from behind. She asked fiercely, "Tell me, when did you become like this? You refused to admit it a few days ago. I didn't expect that you would be so intimate with him in just a few days. Tell me quickly, when did you kiss for the first time and when did you have a one-night stand for the first time. Tell me everything!" Bell was almost strangled to death. She desperately pushed Carter away, touched her neck, and said helplessly, "When are we intimate? We just said a few words." " He asked you when you got off work and asked you to call him after you finished work. Is this an ordinary boss and subordinate? Bell, do I look like a fool?" Carter continued. Bell said helplessly, "There is a special reason. After work today, we will go to Cad Hotel..." "Cad Hotel Hotel? My god. You have gone bad, and you went to a hotel with a man! Can't you stay at home? Or is there any difference between hotels?" Bess Carter was in a state of excitement. Rebecca Bell was speechless. She grabbed Carter's shoulder, looked into his eyes seriously, and said word by word, "We are going to meet our guests in Cad Hotel." Carter blinked his eyes in disbelief. Bell curled her lips and said, "It's for this case. You also know that this case must be contacted with the government personnel. Mr. Johnson is going to have dinner with Minister Watson of the Ministry of Land and Resources tonight. I'll go with him and find if I can make up a few words." "Do you mean that Mr. Johnson specially made an appointment with the minister of Ministry of Land and Resources for you?" "Did you listen to me?" Bell knocked hard on Carter's head and said, "It was Mr. Johnson who invited the minister to dinner. I happened to meet him, so Mr. Johnson kindly asked me to go with him." "How can you be sure that Mr. Johnson invites the minister for you?" "I can't tell you. How can Mr. Johnson do such a thing for me? It's Mr. Johnson, Mr. Johnson!" Carter stared at Bell for a while, then suddenly laughed and said, "It's hard for Mr. Johnson to deal with a woman like you." Bell stared at her. Carter stopped talking about it and pulled her into the office. Just now in the elevator, Carter could tell that something was wrong with Mr. Johnson's tone. It was obvious that Mr. Johnson looked at Bell differently, but Bell didn't know anything. Carter couldn't help being anxious as an onlooker. In the afternoon, Bell followed her colleagues to the old building very early, because this building was ruined, and the elevator was no longer operating. Bell followed them to climb seven floors before climbing to the first nail household. Because she was a woman, the two male colleagues of the Real Estate Department usually took care of her, but after talking for an entire afternoon and climbing more than a dozen floors, Bell was still very tired. These nail households were not satisfied with the compensation price, but now the government was not allowed to tear it down. These people had nothing to fear. They felt that there would be no danger anyway. As long as they were nailed a little longer, they would get more money. Why not do it? However, these people were indeed asking for an exorbitant price. Maybe several families had reached an agreement that the price would be the same. It was just that the total cost of the real estate now was double, and the extra 20,000 yuan for the demolition fee. It was easy to pay for the demolition, but double the cost was unreasonable. The two male colleagues repeatedly emphasized that at most 30 % of the house area would be added, but the residents did not agree. The last afternoon, they returned empty-handed. It was not until then that Bell knew that it was not only troublesome to deal with the government's affairs, but also it was very troublesome to take back this building. It was already half-past six when they came out. Bell looked at her mobile phone and found that there were two missed calls. One was from Bess Carter, and the other was from Luis Johnson. She checked the time and called Johnson back first. The phone rang twice and was picked up. "Is it over?" Bell sighed and said, "It's over, but still no success today." "If it's easy, we don't have to wait for you to take over." Bell thought about it and agreed. She sighed and asked, "Mr. Johnson, are you in Cad Hotel now? Am I coming directly?" There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone. At this moment, a black panther drove over and stopped in front of Bell. Bell was stunned. When she saw the familiar car, she bent down and saw the familiar man in the driver's seat. She widened her eyes and asked, "Mr. Johnson, when did you get here?" The man did not answer, but urged, "Get in the car."
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