Chapter 31: Let's Talk Today. Wait for Me

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Chapter 31: Let's Talk Today. Wait for MeAfter that, he hung up the phone. Rebecca Bell stared blankly at the phone that had been hung up. She scratched her head with a grunt, and still did not wake up. However, compared to being sleepy, she felt a little hungry. Getting up, she entered the tea room, poured herself a cup of cereal, and drank it. At 8:20 p.m., the elevator rang. Bell looked outside, sure enough, and saw Johnson walking in steadily. Greeting him, she could not help but say, "Mr. Johnson, I'm sorry. It's all my fault for falling asleep and causing you to make a special trip. I..." "How did you survive being so stupid?" His first sentence with a cold voice made people want to cry. Bell was stunned for a moment, then pouted and said, "I didn't fall asleep on purpose..." Before she finished her words, Johnson saw the half-eaten piece of cereal in her hand. He frowned and asked, "Didn't you eat?" Bell shook her head honestly. "Go pack your things and eat first." " The proposal..." "Take it. I also want to see what amazing proposal worth you forget about eating." Bell: "..." Bell walked back to the secretary's office, tidied up her handbag, and then put the documents on. When she came out, she saw that Johnson had already pressed the elevator button and was looking at her at the elevator entrance. She hurried over and stood beside him obediently. Johnson took her to a famous private restaurant in the district. Bell looked at the menu and suddenly had no appetite. A plate of stir-fried potatoes with green peppers, another name called "Brilliance of Spring". It would cost 89 or 89 yuan. For 89 yuan, she could cook at least 20 dishes on this plate. She hesitated and thought about how to persuade Mr. Johnson to change the restaurant. However, Johnson directly said to the waiter, "Dinner set for 2, please." After the waiter agreed, Bell said in surprise: "Mr. Johnson, you didn't eat, did you?" "Yes." Since Mr. Johnson didn't eat it himself, Bell had nothing to say. After the dishes were served, Bell looked at the dishes on the table and her stomach began to growl. She saw that Johnson took the first bite, and then she also took the first. She picked up a piece of food closest to her and took a bite. She felt that it was delicious. Halfway through the meal, Johnson stopped eating and leaned back on the chair leisurely, watching Bell eat. Being stared at by him, Bell thought that she looked ugly when she ate. Then, she sat up, wiped her mouth, and behaved a little. She looked like a wronged and pitiful puppy who didn't like its owner to stare at her eating. Johnson gave a rare smile and no longer gave her pressure. Then, he looked away. Bell then continued to eat. When she was almost finished, she began to chat with Johnson with some relaxation while drinking water. "Mr. Johnson, the same ingredients, why do other people make so delicious? Is there any secret?" "Yes," he replied flatly. "What secret is that? When I ate it, I felt that the seasoning was different, but I couldn't tell what was different." Luis Johnson looked up at her and said, "That one," He pointed to the "Brilliance of Spring" and said, "The potatoes alone have been soaked in the abalone sauce for at least 12 hours." Rebecca Bell: "..." How could it be so high-end... Sure enough, it was understandable that this kind of dish was dozens of times more expensive than selling outside. After the meal, Bell immediately took out the proposal from her bag and handed it to the man nervously. "Mr. Johnson, take a look, please." The man took it and looked through it. He found that there were six pages. Looking at Bell's injured right hand, he put down it and said to her, "Come here." Bell thought there was something wrong and walked over quickly "Bring the chair over and sit down." The man said. Bell blinked, moved the chair honestly, and sat down next to him. As soon as she sat down, Johnson grabbed her right hand and began to untie the bandage. "Mr. Johnson, what are you doing?" Bell was shocked and wanted to pull her hand back, but the man was too strong for her to pull back. Johnson ignored her and quickly untied the bandage. He found the swelling had not subsided. He said, "The doctor told you to change the medicine every eight hours. Where is your medicine?" Weren’t we talking about the proposal? Why did he suddenly mention changing medicines? Bell thought. Seeing that she didn’t respond, Johnson frowned and directly took her backpack. Sure enough, he found the burned drug inside. "Mr. Johnson, I can do it myself." Bell reacted and said hurriedly. How could she do such a thing to let Mr. Johnson change her dressing? Johnson ignored her protest and continued. He first cleaned the back of her hand with the disinfectant, and then applied for the new medicine with a cotton swab. His palm was very thick, holding her palm, which made Bell feel itchy. She subconsciously wanted to rub it, but the man's warning immediately sounded. "Don't move." Bell immediately froze. Johnson looked at her dumbfounded expression and said, "Don't type in the next few days." "To type?" Bell was stunned for a moment. She looked at the proposal placed on his knee and suddenly realized something. Then, she laughed and said, "Mr. Johnson, I type it with my left hand. Although typing with one hand is troublesome, I got used to it. In the end, I do quite fast." "An honor?" Looking at her complacent look, he looked up at her and said in a cold voice, "You can't even hold a cup of coffee, what else can you do?" Bell: "..." Well, she was scolded again. After changing the medicine and wrapping it again, Johnson wiped his hands and picked up the document to read. Seeing him take it seriously, Bell couldn't help being nervous. By the time Johnson finished reading, it was already ten minutes later. He put down the document, stared at Rebecca Bell with his deep black eyes, and pursed his lips slightly. Bell was so scared by his serious expression. Was the proposal badly written? Or that her two methods could not be used? She swallowed and asked with difficulty, "Mr. Johnson, is this inappropriate?" "Are these two schemes your idea?" "Oh no, such a heavy tone. It doesn't seem appropriate." Bell lowered her head and nodded pitifully. "Yes..." Johnson looked at her collapsing face and raised her chin to let her look at him. Bell felt the warmth of his palm. She widened her eyes and looked at him in confusion. "Hasn't anyone taught you how to look straight into someone when you talk to him?" Bell pouted and said nothing. Johnson pinched her chin again, leaned closer, and lowered his voice. "What kind of expression is that? I said I don't agree?" Huh? "Mr. Johnson?" Bell was confused by him. She blinked her eyes in confusion. Johnson said in a low voice, "Never bow your head unless you have no confidence in yourself." But... she just had no confidence. Luis Johnson calmly let go of her, slightly leaned back, threw the proposal into her arms, and said, "You can try the plan, and decide how to do it yourself." "Hmm?" Rebecca Bell blinked her eyes. Happiness came so suddenly that she couldn't react. "Mr. Johnson, do you mean that you agree?" Her eyes were shining. She held the proposal, raised her head like a puppy for compliments, and looked at him with wide eyes. Johnson stood up and calmly asked, "Do I look like I'm joking?" Not at all. However, Bell still found it incredible, and... After thinking for a while, she couldn't help asking, "Mr. Johnson, did you ask your secretary to give me this case?" When he was looking at the proposal just now, it was obvious that he had known about it. She had thought that she had been sleeping in a daze before, so she hadn't explained to Mr. Johnson why she had waited for him, but he seemed to know everything. When he saw the proposal, he also looked very calm. Bell guess that maybe it was his idea. "Not too stupid." Johnson picked up the coat on the back of the chair and walked out. Bell quickly followed him and was very puzzled. "But, Mr. Johnson, why did you do this? This case is so difficult. I don't think I can do it in the end..." "You won't know until you try it." He walked to the cashier and settled the bill. Bell looked at his handsome side face and didn’t know what she was feeling. It was easy for him to say. But if she failed, she would be in great trouble in the end. On the way back, Bell had been in a bad mood and did not speak. Johnson looked at her, his eyes sank, and started the engine. "I have an appointment with Minister Watson of the Ministry of Land and Resources tomorrow night. If you have time to be angry, why don't you think about what to say tomorrow?" Bell retorted instinctively, "I'm not angry." After that, she realized that it was not the point. She blinked her eyes and asked, "Tomorrow night? Ministry of Land and Resources?" "You heard it when you called, didn't you" Bell was very surprised. By the way, didn't she need to contact government officials for her case? Then Minister Watson would be the most suitable person. After Bell figured it out, she looked at Johnson with more light in her eyes. She felt that although it was not easy to get along with Mr. Johnson. But as a boss, Mr. Johnson was impeccable. He even helped subordinates build relationships. He was a model boss in China. Through the rearview mirror, Johnson saw Bell's excited face and couldn't help but smile. Only by making great achievements could Bell be promoted and transferred to his side. Martina King was a good secretary, but she had too many thoughts. She needed to be replaced. However, if she changed temporarily, she could not find a suitable person to replace her. Bell was the best choice. To be exact, it wasn't that he suggested Bell take over the case. He just ignored Martina King made things difficult for others. As long as he could achieve his goal, he did not care about the process. After driving for about ten minutes, they arrived at Bell's house. Bell thanked him. When she was about to get out of the car, the man suddenly said, "When are you going to move in?" Bell was confused. "What?" Johnson raised his eyebrows and said, "Legal couples, shouldn't we live together?" Bell couldn't believe it. "Mr. Johnson, do you mean that we should... live together?" Johnson stared at her with a gloomy look. "Don't tell me that you have never thought about it."
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