Chapter 30: I Don't Play with Women

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Chapter 30: I Don't Play with WomenShe looked at the caller ID. It was her mother. "Hello." On the other end, Mrs. Bell asked, "Are you home?" Rebecca Bell walked to Bess Carter's seat and sat down with a cup of coffee. She continued to stare at the door of the general manager's office and said boringly, "Not yet. It will take a while. What's wrong?" "Nothing. I thought you were at home, so I sent you a pot of soup. Look at you. You haven't been home for a long time. Eating fast food every day will ruin your body." Rebecca Bell realized something was wrong. She narrowed her eyes and asked carefully, "Are you my mom? I've never seen you so considerate since I became your daughter. You have never sent me any soup or fruit since I moved here." As expected, Mrs. Bell said, "It's not me. Taylor will send it to you." "Who is Taylor?" As she thought, Rebecca Bell had a bad feeling. Mrs. Bell burst into laughter on the other end, "By the way, you still don't know Taylor's full name. Taylor is the one I told you, who may have a bond with us. Do you know? Taylor finished fixing the microwave stove, the electric fan, and the toaster in two days. Oh, and your father's antique tea table that missed a piece of wood on its leg. He has fixed it as well. Your father and I think he is good in all aspects. Just now, he also mentioned you. He asked if you could cook by yourself. He also asked you where you lived. He said he would like to drive me there to send some delicious dishes to you. Chris, I really think you should meet him." Rebecca Bell rubbed her ears and muttered, "Then let's meet the other day outside somewhere. I don't know him. It's not safe to bring him home." "Why not? She is the nephew of one of my friends. We know each other very well." "But I'm working overtime today." "Why do you have to work overtime? Can't you take documents home to finish your work?" "Of course not. How can we make the company's secret documents away? This is against the rules." "Then..." "Well, Mom, I'm quite busy. I won't talk anymore." After hanging up the phone in a hurry, Rebecca Bell let out a sigh of relief. She couldn't help but think, "If this man is really so good, should I meet him? But I have married. Is it cheating?" She didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the thought of cheating on her marriage. Within one day, she could accept her new identity as Mrs. Johnson. She really admired her own ability. Rebecca Bell took two sips of coffee and bent over on the table. Perhaps because she was too bored, she felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Finally, she put them down. At this time, in the Soulyer Clubhouse. Luis Johnson was sitting in a private room of the club. He lit a cigarette and blew a stream of smoke out of boredom. Winston Flores, who sat on another sofa, took a beauty in his arms and said to Luis Johnson with a smile, "Bro, what are you doing? You came here and pretended to be high-hearted? Look at the beautiful women around you. They got depressed." Immediately, a beauty wearing a low-cut suit sitting next to Luis Johnson covered her mouth with a chuckled. She raised her head slightly and took a sip of wine and said, "Mr. Johnson doesn't like a woman like me." Winston Flores laughed even more happily and poked Johnson hard. "See? The beauty states clearly her stand. There is a room upstairs. You shouldn’t fail to live up to the pleasure of lovers." Luis Johnson glanced at him indifferently and said coldly, "This is what you said. An emergency?" Winston Flores said shamelessly, "Isn't that urgent? So many beautiful women are waiting anxiously. If you don't believe me, ask them." A beautiful woman who was singing next to him said timely, "Yes, Mr. Johnson. We haven't seen you for several months. We miss you." Winston Flores teased, "Don't just say it if you miss him. You should do it if you want to. Go ahead." The beautiful woman immediately put down the microphone, walked gracefully to the other side of Johnson, and whispered in his ear, "Mr. Johnson, why don't you look at me? Am I not beautiful?" Luis Johnson raised his eyebrows, glanced at the woman, and sneered. "Your makeup is too thick to see if you are beautiful." The beautiful woman's face suddenly changed and stood stiffly in place. The atmosphere in the private room changed. Winston Flores restrained smiling and patted the beautiful woman beside him. "You leave first." After the woman left, he waved away the two beautiful women beside Johnson. Then, he sat down and asked with a smile, "My Mr. Johnson, what's wrong with you? It's just a joke." "I am not a philandering man," Johnson said coldly. Flores rolled his eyes. "Yes. I know you are not, but you can't spoil the atmosphere. How deep you hurt a beauty's heart." "Oh." He didn't mind at all. Flores was so depressed that he covered his chest. " what? Are you in a bad mood? If you are, you should find beautiful women to have fun with. It's the best way to relieve your sorrow. " Johnson sneered. "I have no interest in playing with them. They are too dirty." " Two clean ones?" "Not interested." "You don't want anything, do you plan to abstain for the rest of your life? It seems that Belinda is amazing. Even after all these years, she still fascinates you. " Johnson frowned and glanced at him. Flores quickly waved his hand and said, "All right, all right. I won't say it anymore. But it's been so many years, and you still take things too hard. I didn't expect you to be such a playboy." "I didn't." "Well, You don't have to explain. I understand that it's always hard to forget the first love." Johnson didn't want to listen to his nonsense. He stood up directly and picked up the coat on the sofa. "Are you leaving?" "Only you can stay in this kind of place." then, he went out of the room. In the spacious corridor, the air was much better. As Johnson walked to the door, he looked at his watch. It was eight o'clock. After getting in the car, he hesitated for a few seconds and drove the car to the opposite direction of his home. Half an hour later, he parked the car across the road of a semi-old community. He looked at one of the windows of a certain building. The window was black. He frowned, picked up the phone, and dialed a number. Rebecca Bell was awakened by the ringing. When she opened her eyes, she was still a little hazy and did not look at the caller ID. She rubbed her eyebrows and answered, " This is Bell. " "Where are you?" The familiar voice brought Bell back to her senses in an instant. She looked at her mobile phone screen hurriedly. When she saw the words "Mr. Johnson's mobile phone number", she was stunned. "I'm in the office. Mr. Johnson, have you finished the meeting?" After a moment of silence, Johnson asked in a low voice uncertainly, "Are you waiting for me in the office?" "Well, I have a work plan for you. Mr. Johnson, have you left? Oh, maybe I fell asleep and you didn't see me. Then, let's talk about it tomorrow..." " No. Just talk today. Wait for me."
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