Chapter 29: Come with Me tomorrow night

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Chapter 29: Come with Me tomorrow night"Hmm?" Rebecca Bell was shocked. She turned her head and pointed to her nose. She asked, "Me?" Luis Johnson didn't give her a look. He casually explained, "With my wife." Rebecca Bell had never heard of anyone who went to a business party with his wife. She wanted to refuse, so she said, "But I don't know anything." "If you don't understand, you have to learn." He glanced at her indifferently. With dissatisfaction, he continued. "Are you going to stay in your secretary's office for the rest of your life?" Rebecca Bell kept silent. What he said sounded like she did nothing but breathe. Secretary was also an important position. If there were mistakes in the documents, something unpredictable might happen. "I think I'm fine now." Answered Rebecca Bell. Luis Johnson snorted. He snorted for her attitude of not willing to make any progress. Rebecca Bell curled her lips and looked out of the window. By the time they returned to the office, lunchtime was over. All of the colleagues had been back to the office. Noticing that they come in together, the colleagues began to whisper again. Martina King handed a piece of information to her assistant, Betty. Unfortunately, she met the man and woman who had just come out of the elevator together, which made her clench her hands so hard that she almost crushed the folder. Rebecca Bell tried her best to ignore the gossipy eyes around her. She entered the secretary's office calmly and quickly closed the door. Sometimes, she admired Luis Johnson very much. How could this man be so cheeky? How could he be so natural with so many people staring at him? Not long after she returned to the office, Bess Carter rushed in. Seeing her typing with one hand, she laughed and said, "What happened to your hand?" Rebecca Bell acted like a spoiled child, "It was scalded. It hurts." Bess Carter rolled her eyes and looked at her, "What's the point of following me around like a spoiled child? Why don't you act like this in front of Mr. Johnson? By the way, you're getting smarter and smarter." "What do you mean?"Rebecca asked. "Don't pretend." Bess Carter came over and sat opposite her. "To let Mr. Johnson agree on your idea of quitting that project, you hurt yourself! But it could arouse men's pity. My dear sister, you killed two birds with one stone. I admire you so much." "What the hell?" Rebecca Bell rolled her eyes. She didn't want to hurt herself at all. So she said, "I didn't tell him that I wanted to quit the project." "What?" Bess Carter was stunned. "Was that you didn't say it or you didn't remember saying it? Do you really want to take it over? My sister, are you kidding?" "I... want to have a try." Rebecca Bell thought of what Luis Johnson had said when they were in the car. Although Mr. Johnson's praise was vague, it meant that she might underestimate herself since Mr. Johnson thought she could be described as "smart". She might be able to handle it. Rebecca Bell suddenly felt the warm blood inside her. She nodded hard and looked at Bess Carter, "Maybe I am a genius in business, but I have never tried it before. My talent needed to be activated." "Ha-ha." Bess Carter put her hand on her forehead. "You don't have a fever. Why are you talking nonsense?" Rebecca Bell patted her hand away and said firmly, "If I succeed this time, I will turn into a manager of this level in the future. At that time, I may get a raise in my salary and may be qualified to apply for a private assistant. Bess Carter, if I can, I will promote you. Being a private assistant earns much more than being a public assistant." "You are trapped by money." Bess Carter did not care about her determination. "Forget it, don't even think about it. Since you have decided, please remember this. I don't anticipate you to do it perfectly. As long as you don't make big mistakes and let others laugh at you, you are good. I remember that a few of my classmates in junior high school became civil servants. I will ask them to see if they can make your work easier. Rebecca Bell, you are making trouble. Be careful that you may not get out of the mess." Rebecca Bell nodded with a smile. Bess Carter glanced at her and began to make a phone call. Rebecca Bell felt motivated. She began to type a recommendation with one hand on her computer. After finishing reading all the documents, she found that it was impossible to rebuild the old buildings. But there were still alternate ways. First, let the government take that piece of land, but they would make up for the loss with another piece of land with the same value. Second, leave that piece of land, but they had to provide a commercial district the same as the original area of the land. Both two methods involve asking for money from the government. It was difficult. However, the city planning scheme had been settled. What's more, the wild park had been being built. In addition to these two methods, they would have to lose money anyway else. Rebecca Bell was in charge of the recommendation. As long as Luis Johnson agreed on it, she would take action. It was much harder to type with one hand. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when Rebecca Bell finished typing. She printed it and walked to the general manager's office. However, just as she was about to knock on the door, the office suddenly opened. Martina King walked out. Seeing her at the door, Martina King raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "Are you looking for Mr. Johnson?" Although Rebecca Bell was unwilling to talk to her, she nodded and answered, "Is Mr. Johnson here?" "Mr. Johnson is in an online meeting. But since you have a special relationship, I don't think you care what he is doing. If you want to go in, just go ahead." After that, she took the initiative to step aside. She looked at Rebecca Bell. Rebecca Bell was uncomfortable by her piercing eyes, so she replied with an "Okay" and said casually, "I'll go in later." Then he turned back to her office. They were not loud, and the people in the office were packing up to get ready for getting off work. And on one hear them. But the other secretary, Angela Lewis, heard it. She couldn't help frowning. She lowered her voice and asked Martina King, "Mr. Johnson had left to meet people for business. Why did you lie to her? Martina King, I know you're not convinced, but don't go too far. Don't forget that She has that kind of relationship with Mr. Johnson." In the office, Angela Lewis and Martina King were the most experienced. Only Angela Lewis could talk to Martina King like this. However, she didn't appreciate it. She waved her hand and said, "I know what I'm doing. I played a joke." Angela Lewis's face was full of dissatisfaction. "If it was a joke. What about the case of Soungdon Real Estate? You knew that she couldn't do it, but you still gave her the case. It's okay if it only involves a personal grudge. But you got the case involved. If it's messed up, not only Rebecca but also you will be blamed." "Don't worry, I know what to do. You concerned too much." Martina King was a little impatient. Seeing her like this, Angela Lewis could do nothing but to shut up. She got married as soon as she graduated from college. When she became a member of the company, she had been married. After so many years, her child had grown up. She did not understand Martina King's persistence towards Mr. Johnson at all. However, she did not want her colleague, whom she had worked with for many years, to be in trouble. She reminded Martina of this out of kindness. It didn't matter if Martina King did not listen. It was her own choice. Anyway, she did what she thought she should do. At five twenty, there was no one in the office. Rebecca Bell was still sitting in the secretary's office. She stared at the door of the general manager's office with her chin against the stapler, bored. From five o'clock to six o'clock, and then from six o'clock to seven o'clock, the sky outside the window had darkened. However, the general manager's office kept being closed. Rebecca Bell got a sore back. She stood up and moved, then went to the tea room to make a cup of coffee to refresh herself. At this time, her cell phone rang again.
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