Chapter 28:The Lord of the Honorary Family

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Chapter 28:The Lord of the Honorary FamilyThe floor slowly descended, but Rebecca Bell was still struggling, "Mr. Johnson, I'm fine. I..." "Rebecca Bell, don't you understand?" Luis Johnson pursed his lips, and his deep dark eyes became sharp. "You are my wife now, which means that any part of your body belongs to me, including this hand." Rebecca Bell was speechless. She was a human, not a thing. Even if she married him, they should respect each other. How could it be related to the issue of belonging? Rebecca Bell felt that Luis Johnson's words were nonsense, and she really wanted to refute them. But looking at the man in front of her, who wore a look that said "if you dared say one more word, I would make you in trouble", she had to swallow the protest that reached her throat and was about to be thrown up. When the elevator reached the first basement, Rebecca Bell thought of something and hurriedly said, "Mr. Johnson, you still have work to do. I can go to the hospital myself. Oh no. I forgot my mobile phone and wallet. I'll go back and get them." She went back. Luis Johnson grabbed her collar and said in a cold voice, "The hospital accepts paying on credit." "How could the hospital accept? They don't have my account registered." "They have mine." Rebecca Bell was stunned and blinked, "Mr. Johnson, do you really want to send me to the hospital?" "Why not?" Rebecca Bell thought, "It's not that I don't want to go, but I didn't expect you to be so idle, Mr. Johnson. You told me that you would be busy with all kinds of affairs every day." Luis Johnson pushed Rebecca Bell into the car. Rebecca Bell did not dare to resist and obediently fastened her seat belt. Before he started the car, Luis Johnson grabbed Rebecca Bell's hand again. He rubbed her red and swollen hand with his warm fingers and asked softly, "Does it hurt?" "It's fine." In fact, Rebecca Bell felt very pain. It was like it was about to burn, but she couldn't tell Luis Johnson the truth. It seemed that she was acting like a spoiled child. Luis Johnson looked at her and said, "Bear with it for a while. It won't hurt anymore." After that, he let go of her hand and started the car. There was a hospital near the company. When they arrived, Rebecca Bell wanted to do the registration by herself, but Luis Johnson had already stood silently in front of the payment window. Rebecca Bell thought it was amazing. In the morning, when she was in the Civil Affairs Bureau, this man was proud and would never lower himself to be in line for such a little thing. How could he change his attitude in less than half a day? After registration, Luis Johnson turned around and saw Rebecca Bell sitting upright in a chair in the hall. She lowered her head slightly, and slowly stroked the back of her scalded right hand with her left hand. Her movements were very light. She raised her hand and blew it to cool it down. Her face went twisted. Anyone could tell how painful it was. He pursed his lips and walked over. Noticing that he was coming, Rebecca Bell quickly put down her hand and stood up to greet him, "Have you finished registered?" "Yes." He replied. He took her hand and led her into the elevator. The skin department was on the third floor. There were few people at noon, so it was their turn before long. The doctor took a look and said that it was lucky that the icing was in time, otherwise, it would be more serious. Then he asked the nurse to apply medicine to Rebecca Bell's wound. The young nurse looked very beautiful. She was wearing a pink nurse uniform. While using the medicine, she glanced at Luis Johnson, who was next to her. Everything was good for Rebecca Bell before she realized that the young nurse became very slow to spend more time watching the handsome man. Rebecca Bell couldn't help wondering why Luis Johnson was so attractive to women. Why did it seem to be like any woman would fall in love with Luis Johnson? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but turn her head and stare at him. Luis Johnson's facial features were delicate, his skin was smooth, his temperament was good, and he was tall. It seemed that he was good in all aspects. However, it was useless for him to be good-looking because he was too difficult to get along with. If one wanted to be his girlfriend, she probably should have the characters of a noble. Maybe only the princess matched him. Just as she was lost in thought, she suddenly met a pair of dark eyes. Rebecca Bell was shocked and her face blushed quickly. Luis Johnson raised his eyebrows and met Rebecca Bell's eyes. He leaned forward and asked, "Am I so attractive?" "Ah, I didn't... Ah..." He suddenly approached her. Before Rebecca Bell could react, her hand suddenly ached. She turned her head and found that it seemed to be Luis Johnson's sudden movement scared the nurse and her hand trembled. The young nurse quickly apologized. "Sorry. I'm sorry." Rebecca Bell shook her head awkwardly, indicating that she was fine. However, Luis Johnson suddenly said, "If you don't know how to do it, you can ask someone else to do it." The young nurse didn't expect so handsome a man to speak in such a straightforward way. She blushed and shrank her neck. She sped up the treatment. Rebecca Bell looked at the look of the little nurse and could that her heart must have been broken. " Mr. Johnson is indeed cold-blooded and won't take pity on beautiful young girls." When Rebecca Bell came out of the hospital, her hands were like a pig's feet. As a result, she couldn't even open the car door. Luis Johnson did it for her. She got in the car silently. Just as the car was started, Luis Johnson's cell phone rang. He picked it up and listened to it. Then he answered, "Let's have a meal with Minister Watson of the Ministry of Land and Resources tomorrow night. Well, make a reservation in Soulyer." Soulyer was a chain restaurant. Its headquarter was in the capital city. Rebecca Bell only heard of its fame. It was said that nobody but VIP could enter it. However, there was also a problem with this kind of senior club. Rebecca Bell raised her hand and pulled Luis Johnson's sleeve. The man looked back at her. She said with lip language, "Cad Hotel." Luis Johnson frowned and said to the other side of the phone, "Wait." Then he looked at Rebecca Bell. Rebecca Bell got embarrassed. Then she said, "Mr. Johnson, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your phone, but it's better to have dinner with the people from the government in a public restaurant. Soulyer is too private. If you treat them there, people in the society may think that you are doing an illegal deal." Rebecca Bell thought of this and wanted to say it. But after that, she felt that she was being nosy. Who is she? Mr. Johnson was much more experienced and had met countless people, so how could he not know these things? Did he need her to tell him these things? Or Mr. Johnson intended it to be Soulyer so that he could make an illegal deal. Luis Johnson stared at Rebecca Bell's face for a while, which made her blush. Then he looked away and said to the other side of the phone, "Change it to Cade Hotel." Rebecca Bell glanced at him, only to find that he was also looking back at her after hanging up the phone. Their eyes met. Rebecca Bell licked her lips and said, "Mr. Johnson, I didn't mean to say that..." "You're right." The man started the car and said, "You are considerate. And you are not as silly as you look like." Rebecca Bell became speechless. She thought, "Did he praise me? He didn't seem to. Mr. Johnson, your way of speaking is so impressive!" The car left the parking space. Rebecca Bell curled up in her seat and looked out of the window. The man in the driver's seat suddenly said, "Come with me tomorrow night."
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