Chapter 27: It's Very Long to Go to the hospital

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Chapter 27: It's Very Long to Go to the hospitalBess Carter sighed and went out to make a phone call. Half an hour later, the assistant of the Real Estate Department downstairs carried all the documents upstairs. There was a large pile of them, which scared Rebecca Bell completely. "Stop being frustrated. You agreed before you understood the whole story." Bess Carter patted Rebecca Bell's shoulder to comfort her. The assistant who delivered the documents to Bell also said with sympathy, "Miss Bell, why did you accept this case? When our company bought Soungdon Real Estate, this piece of land was the most difficult to deal with. It has been delayed for four months, and no one has dared to accept it yet. Why did you accept it?" Rebecca Bell pressed her head and waved her hand, "I don't know why I accept it. Forget it. Tell me in detail what the situation is like now." Outside the office, Martina King saw everything happening inside through the windows when she passed some documents to her assistant. She sneered and raised her eyebrows. Her assistant, Betty, asked curiously, "Martina, is it difficult to handle that case?" "It involves the government. What do you think?" After saying that, Martina King returned to the office, wriggling her hips. You could tell the arrogance through the figure. Betty secretly stuck out his tongue and thought, "It seemed that Rebecca Bell was right in Miss King's frame." After listening to the assistant of the Real Estate Department, Rebecca Bell asked Bess Carter to send him away and read the information for a while. When Bess Carter came back, she was already paralyzed in the chair, covering her head and rubbing her temples. She was dying, "I'm stupid." Bess Carter sighed and sat opposite her. He asked helplessly, "What are you going to do? Go and ask Martina King to take it back? Rebecca Bell, if you do this, you will be suppressed by her for the rest of your life. You will never be able to make a difference." "I know, I know, but..." Rebecca Bell was so regretful that she wanted to kill herself, "How could I have thought that this matter would involve the new mayor? When it comes to the affairs of the government, how can I deal with it?" Recently, a new Mayor Mr. Flores came to Moonhiland. As soon as the new mayor arrived, he acted boldly and responded to the national policies. He put the work of greening the city on the schedule. And luckily, there was such a place in Moonhiland that was suitable to be developed into a wild park. However, Soungdon Real Estate was near the planned wildlife park. Usually, buildings next to the park should be easy to sell. So after being the rebuilding, sales should not be a problem. But there was another problem. The government planned to develop a new city center nearby after the construction of the wild park was completed and make the wildlife park the key landmark of the city. That means the land Soungdon Real Estate was on would be taken over by the government. Even if it was not taken over but sold at the price offered by the government, which would be a loss, too. No matter what, the company would lose money. Rebecca Bell couldn't deal with such a half-baked project. Rebecca Bell felt that she really could not survive. Seeing her so sad, Bess Carter could only say, "In fact, there is another way, and it is also the last one." Rebecca Bell's eyes lit up. "What's that? Tell me!" "To turn to Mr. Johnson!" Bess Carter looked at her seriously and said, "In this situation, only Mr. Johnson can help you." "Go away." Rebecca Bell pushed her away and scratched her hair irritably. "What kind of method is this? Isn't this admitting defeat?" "That's better than you being unable to complete the project and better than being laughed at by Martina King and the entire company. At that time, you lose not only your face but also Mr. Johnson's." Rebecca Bell didn't say anything. She bit her lip and looked out of the window. Bess Carter sighed, "Think about what you should do. Alas, a love triangle is indeed the most troublesome. I'd better stay single." Rebecca Bell wanted to ask what kind of love this was. After all, she has never fallen in love. Rebecca Bell was so anxious about this project that she didn't feel like having lunch during the lunch break. And when she finished reading all the information, she was even more out of confidence. She pinched her eyebrows and held out to her cup, only to find that the coffee there was drunk up again. She had already drunk seven cups of coffee this morning. She sighed, stood up, and walked out. There was no one in the outside office. Rebecca Bell went to the tea room to make some coffee. When she came out, she found the general manager's office open. Thinking of Bess Carter's words in the morning, she began to try to change her mind. Martina King was against her because of Luis Johnson. So, to some extent, he should take some responsibility. Therefore, if she complained to Mr. Johnson and asked him to take back the case, it should not be a shameful thing. The biggest issue was that limited to her ability, she was incompetent in this case which involved so many people. She may need to visit many departments of the government. But she was an ordinary person, which meant she didn't have so many acquaintances in those departments. It would take her several days only to sort out the public relationships. Thinking of this, Rebecca Bell moved towards the general manager's office. Maybe she needed Mr. Johnson's help. When she reached the door, she peeked through the half-opened door, only to find that there was no one inside. "Has Mr. Johnson gone out for lunch? But why didn't he close the door?" As she was thinking, a male voice behind her. "If you are curious, come inside and have a look." Rebecca Bell was shocked. With a shake, half of the coffee fell on her hand. The coffee was so hot that it scalded her skin. She screamed and threw the cup to the ground. She came back to her sense, covered her scalded hand, and looked at the man behind her in shock. She couldn't help complaining, "Mr. Johnson, you scared me." Luis Johnson looked at her scalded hand which turned red. He narrowed his black eyes and dragged her to the tea room to freeze the hand with cold water from the tap. With alternate hot and cold, Rebecca Bell took a deep breath. She couldn't help but pull her hand back. "Don't move." Here came his warning in a low voice which made Rebecca Bell stiffen. After pouring cold water and drying, Rebecca Bell's hand swelled. And she felt sad. Luis Johnson held her hand and looked at it carefully. Then he said coldly, "It's very serious. We have to go to the hospital." "Ah?" Rebecca Bell was a little surprised and quickly waved her hand, "Well, we don't have to go to the hospital. I still have a lot of documents to read." She remembered that there was a scald ointment in Bess Carter's drawer. She should be fine after using it. Luis Johnson furrowed his arched eyebrows and said in a colder voice, "What if you are disabled because you refused to go to the hospital? Our company won't hire any disabled employees." "How can one become disabled because of scald?" Rebecca Bell was defeated and wanted to cry. She thought it was not a big deal. Although the back of her hand was still burning, it was not to the extent of asking for leave. Such an injury would recover by itself. She was strong enough. Luis Johnson, being annoyed at her attitude, pulled her towards the elevator in silence. He couldn't afford her to be hurt.
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