Chapter 26:Provocation

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Chapter 26:Provocation20 minutes later, the car arrived at the company. They entered the elevator together. When they arrived on the first floor, Rebecca Bell went out to swipe her entrance card. Luis Johnson went towards the elevator to the tenth floor. When Rebecca Bell finished swiping her card, she saw a man and a woman waiting outside the elevator. Seeing her coming out of the elevator, Martina King was holding a few pieces of information in her arms, frowned, and couldn't help scolding her. "Rebecca Bell, do you know you're one and a half hours late?" Rebecca Bell involuntarily looked aside only to find Luis Johnson was buried in his documents. Then she quickly looked away and apologized honestly, "I'm sorry, but I asked Bess Carter to take two hours off for me. I thought..." "I didn't receive your request for leave." Martina King interrupted her mercilessly and said with a poker face, "It's always impossible for me to ask for leave verbally. You called me early in the morning and asked for a leave of two hours. If everyone asked for leave like you, what do the office rules do here? You're more than an hour late today, and it's the same as being absent for half a day. If there's a next time, you will receive a warning letter..." "c***k!" Before Martina King could finish her words, the man next to her had already closed the folder and looked at her indifferently. "I approved Rebecca Bell's request for leave. Or do I need Secretary King's approval for an employee's approval?" "Mr. Johnson, I didn't mean that..." Martina King hurriedly apologized, but she was extremely resentful inside. Mr. Johnson's attitude was clear. He was on Rebecca Bell's side."What right did this little b***h have?" Martina King thought. Biting her lips, Martina King tried to calm herself down and said to Rebecca Bell, "Since Mr. Johnson has agreed, you only need to apply for leave later." Rebecca Bell nodded and said, "Yes." After that, she looked at Luis Johnson again, only to see that the man had taken the lead to enter the elevator and press the button. Martina King hurriedly followed him in. The elevator door closed and they gradually went up. She sighed and felt that she had probably offended Martina King this time. The elevator was not far from the main entrance of the General Office. And most of the colleagues in the office had heard it. As soon as Rebecca Bell walked in, Bess Carter came over and said in a low voice, "Martina King approved your leave at first. I don't know what happened to her just now." "Forget it." Rebecca Bell didn't mind at all. Bess Carter hesitated for a moment and said," Rebecca Bell, do you know that Mr. Johnson came in just a few minutes before you? Were you together last night." They came to work one after another in the morning, so it was easy for others to misunderstand that they might have stayed overnight together last night. Rebecca Bell quickly explained, "Of course not. I asked for leave because I had something else to do. It has nothing to do with Mr. Johnson." "Really?" Bess Carter didn't believe it. Rebecca Bell nodded, lowered her head, and hurried into her office, looking like she was running away. Seeing that she really didn't want to mention it again, Bess Carter gave up the idea of catching up with her and asking. At half past eleven, the meeting upstairs was over. Martina King came downstairs with Luis Johnson. Luis Johnson seemed to have a lot of things to do. As soon as she arrived, she entered the office. After Martina King confirmed that he had gone in, she threw the documents in her hand to her assistant and went straight to Rebecca Bell's office in her high heels. Without knocking on the door, she went straight in. Rebecca Bell was typing when she saw Martina King coming in. She stopped and looked at her. "Secretary King?" "According to the meeting, a new project is about to start. I plan to let you be the manager. Do you have the confidence?" Rebecca Bell looked at Martina King in confusion. She did not quite understand what she meant. "Secretary King, are you saying that you want me to watch on a project alone?" "What's wrong? Are you not qualified?" Martina King pulled out a chair and sat down opposite her. The situation changed a little fast so that Rebecca Bell couldn't respond. But when she noticed King's aggressive look, she guessed something. It was nothing more than personal revenge. She licked her lips, looked at her seriously, and hinted, "Secretary King, I have never participated in the project process." Usually, no one would ask a secretary to manage a project alone, which was common sense to all in the office. "So you're not qualified?" Martina King ignored her hint and sneered. Her lips curled high into a smile as she continued, "I thought you were something, but you turned out to be that kind of woman who can only rely on the relationship with Mr. Johnson. It seems that I overestimated you. A woman like you can only order the things on the bed. Who knows what's in your mind?" "Secretary King, I think you misunderstood." Rebecca Bell suppressed her anger and tried to be as calm as possible. "I have nothing to do with Mr. Johnson. If you keep thinking so much, I can do nothing. But Secretary King, you are professional. Please don't bring your personal feelings to work, okay?" "c***k!" Martina King slammed on the table and suddenly stood up, "How dare you teach me a lesson? Rebecca Bell, who do you think you are? Tell me, what did I do to make you think that I brought my personal feelings to work?" "What you said and did now were all with personal emotions." Rebecca Bell wanted to say that. But if she said that, they might fight. She held back her words, turned her head, and stopped talking. "You can't say it, can you?" Martina King felt as if she had won. Her tone was sharp as she said, "I've done everything meticulously, so of course, you can never find anything wrong with me. But you, you've been so busy lately that you lost your mind, didn't you? You've been in the company for a few years. What else can you do other than typing and reading documents every day? You don't even know how to do business. How can Mr. Johnson fall in love with someone like you?" To put it bluntly, it was for Luis Johnson. Rebecca Bell felt wronged very much. She was an adult in her twenties, but she was scolded like a primary school kid. She gritted her teeth and looked straight up at Martina King. "It's his business whether he likes me or not. I can't decide his mind." "Well, well..." Martina King was so angry that she clenched her fists. "I didn't expect you to be so eloquent. Don't waste it." After she finished speaking, she turned to go the door and spoke loudly to the assistant outside, "Betty, take the red folder I brought back just now." Betty quickly found the folder and handed it over. Martina King took it and walked back to Rebecca Bell. She threw the folder on Rebecca Bell's desk and said coldly, "Last week, the company bought this Soungdon Real Estate. There is a project of rebuilding an old building. A few stubborn households have not moved so the project could not be carried out further. Since you are so capable, you should be responsible for this case." "You..." "What's wrong? Don't you dare?" Martina King raised her chin towards Rebecca Bell, and the corners of her mouth curled in disdain, "If you can't, say it. I won't let a useless person ruin the business." This was intolerable. Rebecca Bell knew that she could not be impulsive at this time. If she was, she would be fooled. But she felt uncomfortable inside. Finally, she gritted her teeth and stood up. She was still impulsive, "Okay, I'll take it over." Martina King squinted at her for a while and suddenly smiled. She smiled before she patted Rebecca Bell on the shoulder and said hypocritically, "Come on. I'm waiting to see your achievements." After that, she left, wriggling her hips. Rebecca Bell stared at the arrogant woman, gritting her teeth. After everyone left her, Rebecca Bell focused her sight on the folder on the table. She opened it and read through it. The more she read, the worse her mood became. Sure enough, she knew that Martina King was up to no good. She was indeed trying to frame her! Ten minutes later, Rebecca Bell came out of the office with a long face and called Bess Carter in. Bess Carter had heard the whole story from outside. When she finished reading the document, she stared at Rebecca Bell and said seriously, "This time, you are dead. Although the details are not given, all other people in this company know how troublesome it is for Soungdon Real Estate to get the land. If you are going to take it over, I bet I can start saving money to buy you a funeral wreath." "Don't talk nonsense." Rebecca Bell also regretted it very much. She buried her head in her hands and said, "Don't worry so much. This is a case of rebuilding the old building. Other documents should be in the Real Estate Department. You can go and get the documents first and get someone to send all the information to me. I want to have a look first."
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