Chapter 25: They're Married

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Chapter 25: They're MarriedRebecca Bell didn't sleep well that night. When she woke up the next day, she got purple under-eye circles. She slowly got out of bed and rubbed her head as she went to the bathroom. She didn't know why she had a nightmare last night. In her dream, she was chased by dozens of wolves for a long time. She was so tired that she still felt sore in the back. When she brushed her teeth, she found herself haggard in the mirror. Then she thought of what Luis Johnson said last night, she couldn't help but feel frustrated. She used a facial mask before she fell asleep. She didn't expect that when she woke up, she would look more ugly. After washing up, Rebecca Bell stood in front of the wardrobe and was in a dilemma again. Was it better to wear a white suit or a blue suit? Although they were all working suits with similar styles, it seemed that the blue one was much brighter. However, the white one was easy to match and would look better in a photo. While she was hesitating, Rebecca Bell's phone rang. She picked it up from the nightstand only to find a line of strange digits. "Hello? Who is that?" She asked. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, a low male voice sounded. "Me." The familiar tone made her still for a moment. She asked uncertainly, "Mr...Mr. Johnson?" "Yes." The voice on the other end stayed calm. Rebecca Bell was a little restrained and asked carefully, "Didn't we meet at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau?" "Didn't you save my phone number?" The man was concerned about another thing, and his voice was deep and hoarse. Rebecca Bell was slightly stunned. Although she was one of Luis Johnson's secretaries, she did not do the escort job. It is reasonable for her to not know his private phone number. Though it was normal, the other side seemed to be blaming her. Rebecca Bell felt she was innocent. However, it was unkind to talk back to the boss. She paused for a moment and said honestly, "I will save it." The man on the other end of the phone responded with a "Hmm" and reminded her, "Nine o'clock. Don't be late. I have a meeting at nine forty." As exaggerated as it was, they needed to rush from one site to another for marriage. Rebecca Bell raised her head gloomily. Tangled, she looked at herself in the mirror and then at the set of clothes that she could not decide on. She felt she was like a little fool. "Wasn't it just a marriage? What's more, it is a fake one. Did you need to pay so much attention to it? Mr. Johnson was so unrestrained that he rushed to work after getting married. He didn't waste any time."She thought. But she answered, "Okay, I got it." After hanging up the phone, Rebecca Bell looked at the watch. She finally put on the white suit and put on simple makeup. Then she went out. During the morning rush hour, it was not easy to wait for an available taxi. She took the bus and changed twice to arrive at the Civil Affairs Bureau. Before she got close, she saw a rather eye-catching Jaguar parked there. The familiar car number made her certain about the owner and she went forward. But when she bent down to take a look, she found that there was no one inside. "Where is Mr. Johnson?" She wondered. She looked around and saw a man in a suit with his hands in his pockets looking at her coldly at the door of the inner hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Rebecca Bell rushed over and stopped in front of the man. She looked at her watch and said with a smile, "It's still two minutes to nine. I'm not late." Luis Johnson's thin lips were slightly pursed, but his eyes were cast on the crowd in the hall, and no emotion could be told from his eyes. Rebecca Bell was stunned for a moment before she came to her sense. Yes, even if she was not late, she had to line up to go through the process. Taking Mr. Johnson's superior position and proud character into consideration, it was her who should come early and went to line up. However, she had been here so late, and now she was at the end of the line. She didn't know what time it would be when it was their turn. Mr. Johnson might not be able to catch up the meeting at nine forty. Rebecca Bell licked her lips and felt inexplicably guilty. She didn't even dare to look at Luis Johnson. She passed by him silently to take their number. When she came back, she saw that Mr. Johnson was on a phone call. "It'll be postponed for half an hour, and the same with the following schedule." Rebecca Bell blushed as she listened to him. She felt that it was caused by her. Many couples chose today to acquire their marriage certificate. They waited for half an hour before it was their turn. And the following process took another 20 minutes. When the fresh red booklets were handed to them, Rebecca Bell was pulled into the car by Luis Johnson before she could take a closer look at them. When she wore the seat belt in a panic, Mr. Johnson had already started the car. She did not look at the marriage certificate and put it in her bag. When she looked at Johnson, she found that he was placed casually beside the handle. She pouted and was a little unhappy. "Mr. Johnson, you need to keep this carefully." "Hmm?" Luis Johnson raised his eyebrows and glanced at her. Rebecca Bell said seriously, "You can't lose it." "Oh?" Luis Johnson looked at her. "Why?" Without thinking, Rebecca Bell replied, "Of course, it's because we still need it when we get divorced!" Luis Johnson was stunned and then couldn't help laughing. Though Luis conceals himself in such a way, Rebecca Bell didn't realize that she had said a little too much. She continued, "Even if it's not for a divorce, it's not easy to explain if it's found by others..." "It is indeed hard to explain." Luis Johnson calmly took over her words and said casually, "It is indeed a shame for me to be seen the bride in the marriage certificate photo was you." After that, he picked up the red booklet and put it into the inner compartment of the box. Rebecca Bell had nothing to talk back.
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