Chapter 23: A False Marriage with Him?

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Chapter 23: A False Marriage with Him?He stroked her soft hair with his fingers as if touching a fragile treasure. He gently held her in his arms, let her head lean against his chest where she could hear his heartbeats. He said, "Think about it. Even if it's not for me. Think about it for yourself." Rebecca Bell went out of the office, but the flush on her face had not disappeared. The big office outside had recovered to order. The colleagues were busy working. But under the busy scenery hid people's actions. Everyone narrowed their eyes and looked in another direction. Rebecca Bell glanced at Martina King's office. There was no one there. Martina King's assistant said enthusiastically,"Dear Rebecca, the secretary has been called away by Miss Reyes. She probably won't be back in a while." Not long after Rebecca Bell entered the office, Miss Reyes came out followed by Martina King. Now that Rebecca Bell came out with an apparent flush on her face, everyone could see it. So after Miss Reyes left, anyone could guess what had happened in the office. Therefore, his colleagues, who had been standing by and watching, were eager to take action again. Now that Mr. Johnson was obviously on Rebecca Bell's side, even Miss Reyes seemed to agree on that. Was there any suspense about their relationship? Rebecca Bell was a little annoyed. These people didn't help her at all. Even if they knew that some office rules would make people feel helpless, she still felt uncomfortable. After a few perfunctory words with her colleagues, Rebecca Bell entered the secretary's office, turned on the computer, and looked through the information from the files, but her mind was absent. Luis Johnson's words just now echoed in her mind from time to time. In fact, he was right. The misunderstanding had developed to such an extent that even Johnson's Grandma and Miss Reyes were alarmed. It seemed like she would be safe if she really had a relationship with Luis Johnson. In fact, Rebecca Bell was not afraid of being fired. It didn't matter which company she worked for. But she was afraid of enraging the old president. Besides if she was kicked out in such a way in which she would become notorious, her career would come to an end. However, was she going to accept Luis Johnson's proposal and make a fake marriage with him? "No, if they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the marriage certificate, it should be a real marriage." She thought. Was it worth a job? The more Rebecca Bell thought about it, the more confused she became. It was all Luis Johnson's fault. If he didn't drink or drive, she would not have worried about his safety and driven him home. She didn't imagine it got out of hand now. Rubbing between her eyebrows, she realized that she had a headache. Martina King returned to the office after lunch. When she came back, she didn't say a word or look at anyone. Even when Rebecca Bell walked past her, she didn't raise her eyes. She was so silent that she seemed to become a different person. After entering the secretary's office, she never came out. And the job of an escort of that day was replaced by Angela Lewis. All of them seemed to have reached an agreement on forgetting the episode in the morning. They hadn't mentioned a word about the affair for the whole day. At six o'clock in the afternoon, Rebecca Bell finished packing and came out. No one in the office. She looked at the General Manager's Office. The door was locked, but she did not know if the people inside had left. While she was thinking, the brown wood door opened. He was in a white shirt with his suit jacket on his arm. He was pulling his tie as he was going out. Rebecca Bell was a little embarrassed, but Luis Johnson's gentle voice slowly overwhelmed her, "Are you waiting for me?" Rebecca Bell didn't say anything. Luis Johnson seemed to be in a good mood. He closed the door and said naturally, "Let's go." "I'm not waiting for you..." Rebecca Bell wanted to tell him the truth. When they walked to the elevator, Rebecca Bell's phone rang. She picked it up and found it was from her home jet. She picked it up. "Hello, Mom." "Will you come back for dinner tonight?" asked Mrs. Bell on the other side. Rebecca Bell checked her time in her mind and refused. "No, I won't. What's up?" "Nothing, just..." Mrs. Bell lowered her voice and said secretly, "I've seen the young man you told me last time. He's very good in all aspects. He's better than Mr. Yang. Your father's antique watch is broken. This young man knows how to repair it. He fixed it for your father. Your father is asking him to stay for dinner. If you come back today, you will meet him." Rebecca Bell sighed and said, "Mom, how can you bring people home like this? What's more, your intention is too obvious. It's not like I can't get married." "If you can marry, then show me. You wicked girl. You are so stubborn. Who says that the man you meet on blind dates can't be a good one? Besides, you won't die for meeting him. With your father and me here, three to one. We can figure out what he is like." "Mom..." Rebecca Bell dragged out her voice and complained. Hearing her voice, Mrs. Bell was unhappy and said, "Forget it. If you don't come back, then don't. Anyway, you have to meet him on other days." "Then let's talk about it on other days." Rebecca Bell quickly hung up the phone. At the same time, the elevator arrived. She lifted her foot and walked into it. Then she found that Luis Johnson, who was outside, stay still. His eyebrows were slightly raised, and he looked at her coldly. Rebecca Bell was confused by his stare. "Mr. Johnson?" Luis Johnson looked away and slowly walked in. The elevator door was closed, and it was as quiet as a grave inside. Rebecca Bell didn't know how she had provoked this gentleman. She touched her nose and moved aside to ensure her safety. When the elevator reached the first floor and Rebecca Bell was about to leave, Luis Johnson grabbed her and said, "I'll drive you home." "No need for that. I won't hold you up." "You won't," he said coldly. He did not allow her to leave and pressed the close button. The elevator closed again and descended to the first basement.
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