Chapter 22: I Didn't Thief

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Chapter 22: I Didn't Thief"I didn't steal it." Gritting her teeth, she tried her best to keep her voice from trembling, but in vain. "Rebecca Bell, as long as you give it back to me, I won't make trouble anymore. You've watched the video. I went out of the tea room, and then you went in alone. When I came back to look for it, the watch was gone. I beg you, just give it back to me, please." Martina King said pitifully. In front of Paula Reyes, of course, she had restrained her previous arrogance. "I didn't steal it!" Rebecca Bell pursed her lips and looked straight at Martina King with certainty. Martina King instinctively wanted to let out her temper, but when she realized that the situation did not allow her to do so, she suppressed her anger and tried to speak as slowly as possible. "If you feel shy because of too many people around you now, then why don't you give it back to me privately? Give my watch back before you get off work today, and I'll pretend that nothing had happened. Otherwise, I'll do what I have to. Mrs. Reyes, I remember that stealing is also a crime. There seems to be a rule in the Johnson Group. It says that they will never hire one who had committed a crime." "Why don't we call the police?" Without waiting for Paula Reyes's answer, Luis Johnson, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said coldly, "Theft happening in the company can't be tolerated or covered." As he was speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed. The phone was connected. He describe the thing in detail, then hung up the phone and looked at the crowd, "Before the police came, all of us should stay here. No one is allowed to leave." Martina King's eyes widened and she tugged at the corner of Paula Reyes's clothes uneasily. Paula Reyes sighed and looked at her son. "It's a shame. The company's affairs should be dealt inside." "Since the secretary has been involved in the crime, the police will need to interfere with. Thus, such a situation will be prevented from happening again." Johnson said calmly. After a pause, he ordered the security guard, "Let's broadcast the video again." The security guard immediately played the video. Because he knew the exact time, he went straight to the most important part. After a few minutes, Luis Johnson got everything and glanced at Martina King with a meaningful look, sneering. Martina King felt cold all of a sudden. She bit her lips anxiously and moved closer to Paula Reyes. Paula Reyes patted her hand, comforted her silently, and said to her son, "Come here. I have something to tell you." Then she looked at Rebecca Bell and said, "Come here, too." Rebecca Bell gritted her teeth, lowered her head without saying a word, and followed them. The three of them entered the office. The door closed, isolating the whispers outside. Paula Reyes walked calmly to the sofa and sat down. She looked up at Rebecca Bell, who did not look well, and then looked at Luis Johnson, who looked relaxed. She sighed and said, "Did you pretend to call?" "Yes." Luis Johnson admitted it. After all Paula Reyes was his mum who knew him best. She said helplessly, "Don't blame Martina King. I asked her to do it. You don't have to consider the pressure from your father. I will." Luis Johnson did not say anything. It was not the first time that they had such tacit understanding. "Rebecca Bell." Paula Reyes suddenly said. Rebecca Bell looked up at Paula Reyes. "I'm sorry about this. It was all on me. There are some things that you must bear if you would like to have a relationship with Johnson. If you can't bear it or solve it, then your future will be very hard. Are, are you ready?" "Mrs. Reyes, Mr. Johnson and I..." She would have been about to say that they had nothing to do with each other, but when she saw Luis Johnson cold as he was, she suddenly choked. Paula Reyes looked at her for a while, sighed, and stood up. "It belonged to the young. You guys solve the problem yourselves. I have something else to do. I have to go first." Then she took her bag and walked out of the office. The door closed again, and the office was quiet. After a long while, Luis Johnson said, "Why didn't you say that just now?" Rebecca Bell knew, by "that", he meant "they had nothing to do with each other". Rebecca Bell said awkwardly, "I would have been about to say, but your mum left too fast." "It's not too late to chase her outside now." She pursed her lips and said, "You'd better say it. Yesterday didn't... didn't you say that this matter is very complicated? If I said it, it would ruin your business." Luis Johnson glanced at her, walked over, looked down at her, and asked mischievously, "Do you care so much about me? Huh?" Rebecca Bell wanted to retreat, but the man held her back and pulled her into his arms. "Don't you really think about what I mentioned last night? Or are you dissatisfied with the price?" His fingers moved along her exposed arm and slowly stroked upward. His fingertips rubbed her skin, leaving ripples. Finally, he touched her face, and his slender fingers rubbed against her chin. He lowered his head and pressed against her ear, "For example, if what I said like "I won't touch you" made you unhappy. I can change it. If you want me to touch you, I will do so. I can touch anywhere of you." As he finished his last words, his lips just touched her earlobe. His cold lips and her hot earlobe rubbed against each other. The hot and cold alternation made Rebecca Bell so scared that her heart almost jumped out. "Mr. Johnson, you, you, you..." She tried her best to push her hands against his chest, trying to break free from his embrace, but the strength of a woman was not as strong as that of a man. In his eyes, her struggle was worthless and couldn't do any help. "Rebecca Bell, I've said that I needed a wife, and you are the most suitable one. Moreover, my mother has agreed. At this time, anything you say will be a misunderstanding. It will only irritate more people. They framed you for stealing this time, then what about next time? They have thousands of ways to afflict a person. Only I can protect you."
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