Chapter 18: Don't Do Something Little

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Chapter 18: Don't Do Something LittlePaula Reyes sighed, rubbed her husband's chest, and said, "You're old. Don't be angry and ruin your health. Luis, you're silly. Your father cares about you." Luis Johnson said nothing. Seeing this, Beacher Johnson was furious. With another "bang", he slapped the armrest of the sofa again. Rebecca Bell was trembling with fear. "What's going on? Is this a quarrel? But why is it happening in front of me? Why me standing here and being frightened? I'm just a small employee of the huge company and an outsider for the Johnson family." "Luis, have you decided?" The atmosphere was so bad that Paula Reyes didn't want things to get out of hand. She glanced at Rebecca Bell and asked her son hesitantly. Luis Johnson nodded with a deep face. "I'm sure." "But you..." Paula Reyes exhaled and looked at Rebecca Bell with a worried face. After the news had spread, she had initially only treated it as a little gossip. However, when Beacher Johnson saw it, he was very angry, and she could only call her son to confirm it. But she didn't expect that her son would swear that it was true and he liked that girl. This matter was serious. Paula Reyes investigated Rebecca Bell before her son came back from his business trip. The background of this girl was clean, but her identity was too normal. Her parents were all teachers and the girl was a secretary of Luis, but she was mediocre among the secretaries. As a mother, Paula Reyes subconsciously thought that Rebecca Bell had seduced Luis Johnson. However, after a thorough investigation, she found that this girl was honest and should not be such a scheming person. But even if she was not bad, she was just an ordinary girl from an ordinary family, who could not be a good match for her son. After Luis Johnson returned home last night, Paula Reyes went to his residence and talked with him for more than an hour. But his attitude was very firm, which didn't seem to be a joke. He even prepared to get married to Rebecca Bell. Paula Reyes, who had always been able to control her emotions, was stunned for the first time. She could only suggest bringing Rebecca Bell back for dinner first. She needed to make it clear to her face. If she was clever, this girl would accept compensation and leave her son. The father and the son were incompatible as fire and water now. Paula Reyes was a little tired. Seeing Rebecca Bell standing behind Luis Johnson timidly and looking like a little white rabbit who accidentally broke into the forest, she thought that she could only start from her perhaps. "Miss. Bell, can you accompany me to the kitchen to prepare some fruit?" "Ah." Rebecca Bell was shocked by that. Paula Reyes stood up and asked, "May you?" Rebecca Bell nodded hurriedly. "Yeah..." "Mom." Before she finished her words, Luis Johnson interrupted her abruptly. He frowned and looked very unhappy. Paula Reyes smiled and said, "What's wrong? Are you afraid that I may hurt her?" Luis Johnson said coldly, "Stop playing tricks. I've made up my mind. It doesn't matter whether you support me or not." After that, he pulled Rebecca Bell out. Rebecca Bell was held in a daze, and the angry roar of the old president could be heard from behind. "Unfilial son! This..." Rebecca Bell was at a loss and was pulled far away by Luis Johnson. He didn't let go of her until he could see the car. As the warm touch on her hands disappeared, Rebecca Bell immediately put her hands behind her back and stirred her fingers, feeling very uneasy. Luis Johnson looked at her lowering her head and her look was with great care, he felt inexplicably a little better. "Scared?" "Yes." Rebecca Bell nodded hard. She was really scared and didn't know what was going on at all. After thinking for a while, she raised her head and asked, "Mr. Johnson, what did you say about your decision? Was it about me?" The situation just now was very vague and complicated. Rebecca Bell couldn't understand it, but she could guess something. It seemed that the boss and his wife thought that she and Mr. Johnson were a couple. However, Mr. Johnson didn't seem to want to explain. But why didn't he explain? They were not that kind of relationship. Today, in the company, Luis Johnson promised to cooperate with her to act in front of her colleagues, but he broke his promise. Not only did he fail to clarify their relationship with others, but he also made it even more complex. Taking the situation both in the villa and in the company into consideration, Rebecca Bell had a bold guess which was too bold to make it conceivable.
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