Chapter 17: Holding Hands, Not Letting Go

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Chapter 17: Holding Hands, Not Letting Go"You're back." Rebecca Bell was thinking about something when an elegant voice came from the right. Rebecca Bell turned her head and saw a well-dressed noblewoman with a smile on her face walking over slowly. She smiled kindly at Luis Johnson and said, "This is the first time I called you back for dinner and you're punctual." Luis Johnson said yes and looked at the second floor. "Your father is answering the phone. He will come down soon." Paula Reyes looked at Rebecca Bell and saw that they were holding hands. There was something strange in her eyes. "Are you Rebecca Bell?" Rebecca Bell was flattered and hurriedly nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Johnson. I am Rebecca Bell." Paula Reyes smiled faintly and said, "Don't be so punctilious. I know you are a friend of my son. Please just call me aunt." Rebecca Bell nodded, but she couldn't call her like that. Paula Reyes just showed her politeness, so Rebecca couldn't be rude. "Well, sit down." Paula Reyes sat beside the dining table. Seeing Rebecca Bell's stiff body, Luis Johnson touched her palm softly with his fingers and comforted her silently. Rebecca Bell felt her palms itch. When she looked down, she was so scared that she almost cried. "When did Mr. Johnson hold her hand? Did they hold each other's hand in front of his mother just now?" The expression on Rebecca Bell's face hadn't eased but became darker and darker. She withdrew her hand in horror and rubbed her palms behind her back with great effort as if there was something dirty. Luis Johnson narrowed his eyes and looked a little uncomfortable. The two of them went to the table, and the servants served the dishes one by one. After a while, the sound of footsteps came from the second floor. Luis Johnson stood up, and Rebecca Bell hurriedly followed. With the help of his special assistant, Beacher Johnson slowly went downstairs. When he saw Luis Johnson, he showed a trace of displeasure on his calm face. And when he looked at Rebecca Bell next to him, he was even more unhappy. "Why did you bring all kinds of people home?" No, no, no, no?! Rebecca Bell's face suddenly turned red, and even her ears were burning. Paula Reyes stepped forward, held Beacher Johnson's hand, and said softly, "Don't scare them. It's me who asked Johnson to bring her home. At this point, we need to have a meal with her." Beacher Johnson didn't say anything, but his expression wasn't very good. Only four people were sitting around the huge round wooden long table, but seven or eight servants were serving them. Rebecca Bell had never seen such a scene. She just didn't know where to put her hands and feet. Luis Johnson kept quietly. From time to time, he put dishes in Rebecca Bell's bowl to avoid embarrassment. All noble young ladies paid attention to eating and sleeping without saying a word. Beacher Johnson respected his wife, and Luis Johnson was raised by Paula Reyes, so these rules were naturally abode by. However, it was difficult for Rebecca Bell. She only felt that the atmosphere at the dining table was so low that she couldn't breathe. The authoritative old father, the gentle but strict mother, and the wordless son, Luis Johnson, when she ate with these three people, Rebecca Bell felt that it was torture for her. After half an hour, the meal was over, and the servant cleaned the table. Paula Reyes helped Beacher Johnson into the living room and sat on the sofa. Luis Johnson took Rebecca Bell's hand again and walked over. But why did they have to hold hands? Rebecca Bell was about to cry. She failed to break free several times. In the end, her hand was held by Luis Johnson and they stood in front of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. "Bang." The sudden sound startled Rebecca Bell. She looked up and saw the old president patting the armrest of the sofa with his hand. His face was dark. "Unfilial son, are you going to piss me off?" He scolded angrily. Luis Johnson looked at him calmly and said, "I'm sorry." Beacher Johnson's face darkened even more.
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