
1548 Words
Amelia’s POV I looked around the house and I realized that Luke Whitlock’s family wasn’t just rich, they were loaded. I had never been to his house before and this was the first time I had been invited. The people around were all laughing and talking in pairs or a group, while some were on the couch. I looked around the place to see if Luke was in sight, but he wasn’t. I knew it was better for him to see me than for him to think I had defiled him and not showed up. Suddenly, I felt so thirsty, but I knew there was no water in sight except I go to the kitchen, and I didn’t wanted to wander to the quiet part of the house alone. I knew the party wasn’t extended to that part of the house because people were talking about only staying in the living room, on the patio and out back at the poolside. I walked to the bar to get myself a drink and that was when my nightmare decided to appear. He walked to the bar and came to stand right behind me; doing that seem to be his thing, causing an anxious heat to run through my body at his close proximity. He was so close the muscles in his chest rubbed against the thin fabric of my tank top; the one I borrowed from my mom's closet because I had nothing to wear to a party. He wasn’t touching me, but damn I felt like he was, and a shockwave exploded from my chest through my body, and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered around. What the heck was happening to me? I asked myself, but then I realized that it was because I was feeling nervous and dreading what he had planned for me tonight in his house. Calm down, Amelia. I told myself as I scooped up some ice and added it to my drink, forcing myself to take slow breaths. He shouldn't have this win too, he shouldn't know he was bothering me like this. That was completely unacceptable. "Hello, Butterfly.” He said, his voice sending shivers down my back. "Hello." I said back, my voice shaking. I moved to the left to get out of his way, but his arm shot out to block my passage. I wonder what to do to him, maybe kick him or yell at him to leave me alone but that was all mouth. All of that could only happen in my dreams. It was in my dreams that I could be that brave. I would have just poured the drink in my hand on his face in my dream, but not here. I wished there was something a sixteen year old girl like me could do that would make the demeanor of his eighteen year old self falter, but there wasn’t. “Follow me to my room. There is something I would like to show you.” He said, collecting the drink I had in my hand. With a 'no choice’ nod, I followed him. The house was really huge, and I love the way it was set. I don’t know what Luke had to show me but I knew I would be going home after whatever it was before my mom got back home. We got to his room and damn, his room was nice. It looked so cozy and nice, and everything basketball lined one wall. He loved basketball and would probably play it professionally in the future. As I looked around, I felt him slam into me from behind, something wet and cold spilling all over my top. “s**t!” I whispered as I look down at myself. I had ruined my mom's top. “I'm so sorry, Butterfly. I didn’t mean to. I was going to place it there,” he said, pointing somewhere. “It's fine.” “You can go into my bathroom and get rid of the top while I go to my mom’s to find you something.” He said. “Oh, it's fine. I'll just wash it when I get home.” I said, but he was already out his door. Sighing, I walked to the mirror in his room and looked at the red stain the wine left, and without thinking, I removed my top, leaving me in my black bra. I removed some tissue from the tissue box on the dresser and was still busy trying to clean out the top when the door opened. “There she is,” someone said, "our own little seducer.” I turned to see a boy and two girls at the door, recognizing them as the school queen bees, and the boy; their tag. He was holding a phone in his hand, filming me. The top I was holding fell down and even more people started to troop into the room, then came Luke and Zach, his best friend, and the remaining two of their group. Luke looked like he didn’t know what was happening for a second, and then he smiled, as he said something to Zach, as if this was his plan all along. I looked at him with a questioning look, but he just shrugged his shoulder. Quickly, I used my hands to cover myself up, and then with tears blinding my eyes, I picked up my top and ran out of the room. I was a fool to think that he would be nice because he had been the one to invite me over. They followed me, chanting as I went. "She's the new school seducer. That's who she is.” I kept running until I was on the road with no one in sight. I quickly wore the top and then I removed my sandals. Thankfully I was wearing a short and not a skirt, so I was able to run. As I ran from the Whitlock house, I promised myself I would get my revenge against Luke, against the boy who hated me for no known reason, and made me hated myself, no matter how long it took me. ** Luke’s POV Shit! s**t!! s**t!!! I heard noise coming from my room, and I knew whatever was happening had something to do with Amelia. As I rushed over, I saw two girls and a boy standing in the room, and Zach was suddenly behind me, then Cam and Sean. “What’s going on?” I asked, but no one said anything. I looked at Amelia to see she was only in her short and underwear, and I clenched my teeth. I had told her to wait while I got something for her, so why wouldn’t she listen. “For what it’s worth, she’s got a nice body.” Zach whispered behind me, and I looked at him with a small smile, then my brain told me there was nothing to really smile about right now. I turned back to see her looking at me, at the same time Zach said. “What are you going to do now,” and I shrugged. Amelia had a look in her eyes, like she had just been betrayed, and then she grabbed her top and pushed past everyone, racing away. I stood there rooted to the spot for a moment, then I turned to Sean and Cam, knowing this was something they did. “What just happened?” I asked and they looked at me in surprise. By now, more people had trooped upstairs. Sometimes, I wonder how we became friends. Right, our families were friends. “I know one of you called them to come see her here, didn’t you?” I asked. For a moment, they stared at me without saying anything, probably contemplating on whether or not to lie, then Sean spoke. “Well, what’s it to you, Luke? Why do you care?” He asked me. I raked my hair back. “Really? So you’re going to stoop that low? Can’t you use your brain sometimes?” I asked and he grunted under his breath. “You hate her too man.” Cam said, smiling. “You’ve always watch us play around with her, so what’s different now?” He asked. I could feel my jaw ticking, and my fists were clenched beside me. I wanted to hit that smirk off his face, but I heard Zach whispered behind me. “Don’t do it, Luke. You’ll only make things worse for her.” He said. That was true, but I still wanted to beat these asses. Instead, I sighed and said. “Party’s over guys. You’re all done.” I yelled the last part. As they started to leave, I sighed and thought about Amelia. Damn, she was going to hate me now and think I did this. “You know, it’s best you stay away from her. You always get her hurt when you don’t.” Zach said and I clenched my teeth. Maybe I was going to do that, maybe it would solve both our problems. Maybe I would forget about her easily if I ignored her, and maybe she wouldn’t get any unwanted attention anymore. Those were a lot of maybes, but they would have to do.
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