
1909 Words
Ten years ago Amelia’s POV “Amelia Russell, get yourself down here this minute.” My mother voice yelled at me, and I shuddered. I just didn't want to go to school today, but I also couldn't stay at home because my mom wouldn't let me. She needed to go to work soon, and if I was not ready in ten minutes, she was going to kill me. I pulled the hoodie over my thick mane of hair and walked out of my room with my bag slung over my shoulder. My mother and I lived alone in a small house she got from grandpa when he passed, and my father wasn’t in the picture anymore. He left when I was just two years old. As I walked down on the small tiny stairs, I heard mom yelling over the phone at someone and I cringed. Mom was a loud person, and she doesn't care whether or not I don't like it. Aside that, she was always so unnecessarily mean at me, nagging me about house chores, but that wasn’t my worst nightmare. My worst nightmare was at school, and I was dreading every day except for weekends when I don’t have to go to school. “Hey, Mom. I'm ready.” I said to her and she nodded, before cursing at whoever was on the phone again, then she ended the call and said to me. "Let's go, Amelia.” Outside, I got into the passenger seat of the car with a sigh, and then I closed my eyes when mom started the car and drove out of the driveway. Closing my eyes, I began to imagine the hell that would happen to me when I got to school, and I didn’t dare miss school or tell anyone about it. Soon, Mom stopped the car and her voice brought me back to the present. "Hey, aren't you going to class before the bell rings?” she asked me, and that made me snap my eyes open. “Have a good day, Mom.” I said and she gave me a small smile. She kissed my cheek even though she knew I hated it and then I got out without turning back to look at her. As I walked into the building of Monte Carlo High, I felt a shivering cold feeling came upon me, it was the usual feeling I got from walking the halls where my tormentors were. They were a group of four boys that were friends and walked around together. They had a leader though, someone they listened to, and does whatever he told them to do. His name was Luke Whitlock, and he just hated me for no reason. It must be why his friends love bullying me. I knew he was just having fun, but his unwanted attention was causing me more harm than good. His attention was so intense that sometimes it felt like his eyes were boring into my soul. I tried my best every single day to avoid him and his friends, but they just wouldn't leave me the hell alone. Luke wasn’t an asshole, no, he was far from it. He was the complete opposite to other people, or at least, I see the way he interacted with other people. He and his friends treated me mostly like I was the dirt on their shoes and I dared not fight back or tell anyone. Sighing, I grabbed my bag, adjusting it as I walked to my locker. I would probably find a dead bird, or a rabbit there this time. The last time, it was chicken poop, lots of it. Carefully, I opened it and peeked to see what surprise awaited me, but there was nothing there, so I sighed, grateful I won't have to have a trip to the bathroom to fix my cloth or hair. My relief was short-lived though, because a large arm soon snake around my waist and pulled me to him. I knew who it was the moment my back touched his front. His breathy mint breath blew against my neck as he spoke into my ear. “Hey Butterfly, meet me in the old staff room now.” He whispered in my ear. The old staff room was in the abandoned wing of the school that would soon be remodeled, but for now, no one used the place except for him and his group of friends, to torment me. I looked over my shoulder to look at him as he walked away without looking back. Sighing, I followed him. I had no choice but to do that, or he was going to do something worse to me. As we got to the old staff room, I paused at the door, looking to see that no one was around. I was on my own today. I walked into the room to face him. He was sitting partially against a desk with his arms folded. Luke was a tall boy with the most intense grey eyes I had ever seen. He had brown wavy hair with a nose so perfect you would think he went under a knife for it. He was handsome, and he knew it; all the girls in school flocking around him told him that much. Perhaps, not showing interest in him like others was why he treated me the way that he did. He never did anything himself though, he would just let his minions and friends do the bullying, and then he would stand there with a smile. “Come here, Butterfly.” He said, beckoning on me with his index finger. I wonder why he always called me that, but I didn’t dare ask him. I walked to him only stopping at a few feet away. I wasn’t really tall, but I wasn’t short either, and I was a brunette with an hint of gold in my brown eyes. I looked up at him, but not directly, my eyelashes framing my cheeks. “Why do you have a hoodie on?” Luke asked me but I didn’t have a reason, so I couldn't say a thing. This was the first time he was talking to me without his friends there to insult and laugh at me, but it didn’t stop me from being nervous. My sweaty palms gave my nervousness away, and when I spoke, my voice did even a better job. "I huh, I don’t…” I stammered. He suddenly stood up from the desk and walked to me, leaving little space between us, with our body almost touching. "I always tell you, Butterfly, you have to talk when you’re asked a question.” I said. For a moment, I could have sworn his eyes flipped from my eyes to my mouth, but I must have been seeing things, because his intense eyes were staring into mine again. If he wasn’t much of a bully, I would have loved his eyes, the sound of his voice even, and the way he looked. He was handsome no doubt, but he was a bully. I know he never bullied me himself, but he was their leader, and I knew they were doing that to me because he told them too. “I'm sorry.” I said quickly. It was better that way, than to argue with him. Luke had never hit me, but he had done worse. One of his friends had pushed me one time I almost felt down the stairs, but I was quick to grab onto the rail. I saw him telling that friend something, but I was sure it was something about how he didn’t do a proper job. One time, for yelling in his face to leave me alone, and he had grabbed me so hard I had a bruise on my wrist. I knew he didn’t mean to do that because of the look in his eyes when he saw what he had done, and he had even told his friends to leave me alone for a couple of weeks after that, but they had resumed their bullying again, only they never touched me that way again. “Anyway. I wanted to tell you Zach will be having his eighteenth birthday party later tonight at my place. Be there, Butterfly, and don’t be late.” He said, looking down at my lips again. This time, I was sure I wasn’t seeing things, and it made my body shiver. ** Luke’s POV I often wondered what it would be like to kiss Amelia Russell, but I had never tried. Inviting her to Zach’s party could be an opportunity though. I wasn’t sure why I felt that pull towards her, but maybe kissing her would get her out of my head. I swallowed hard as I looked at Zach who was sitting in my living room. My parents were out of town for some meetings so I told him he could have his party here. He smiled at me with a grateful nod and I smiled back. “The party should start soon.” I said, looking at the wall clock, and soon enough, we both heard the door bell, telling up that the first batch of people were here. About an hour later, the party was already in full swing, but I kept looking at the door from the couch I was sitting down at, waiting. I wasn’t sure I wanted to admit who I was waiting for, but I knew it in my head. Why wasn’t she here anyway? I wondered to myself. Maybe she wasn’t coming. Sighing, I stood up from the couch and found my way to the kitchen, bumping bodies on my way. “Are you all right?” Zach asked behind me and I turned to look at him. “Yeah, sure.” I said, frowning a little. He watched me for a moment, then he nodded. “Hmm, but it seem like you’ve been moping around since the party started.” Zach said. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said with a shrug, and Zach nodded. I could see the corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. I wasn’t sure what he was smiling about, but I didn’t ask. Grabbing a red cup, I filled it in with water, and started to walk back to the party. As soon as I got out and started to walk out towards the pool, I saw Amelia standing at the bar, probably trying to get a drink, and my heart raced. Damn, she was looking nice. She was wearing a very simple outfit, but she looked so good, and I knew she would smell even better. There was this strawberry s***h banana flavor scent she always had around her, and I just love it. I knew how much my friends were an ass to her, and sometimes, I wanted to stop them, but I knew they would suspect that something was up with me, so I just leave them mostly. It was easier to just stand by than letting people know I felt something for her. Plus, whatever it was, I wasn’t really sure I wanted it, or maybe that was just what I told myself. I started to walk towards her, but after tonight, I would be able to tell what was what, whether or not I was just intrigued by her, or I wanted her.
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