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Present Ten Years and One Months Later. Amelia’s POV I had just finished working out when I saw her, beautiful and sexy Saline, Zach Bennett’s fiancé. She was a model and I had been trying to be her friend for ages, for a reason. Remember Zach? Luke Whitlock’s best friend. I was trying to find a way to be in their circle, because I needed to meet Luke again, and I would, whatever it took. Well, I knew it’s been ten years, but my grudge ran deep. I saw her walked to towards the female shower stall and quickly I packed my bag and walked there as well. I began to undress and when I was done, I stood there naked while other women around had their towel on. I didn't mind because I knew how I looked. I was a curvy woman with flesh in the right places, and I knew that, so I didn’t have to hide my body. My breasts were perfect c cup, with wide hips, small waist and an average size butt, so I love the attention. Slowly, I picked out my phone and took my time to do nothing on it, then I dropped it to walk to one of the stall with my strawberry mixed with banana flavored shampoo so I could have my shower. After showering, I walked out with a small towel wrapped around my body to my bag. I could feel some pair of eyes on me, but I pretended not to notice. When I was done toweling off my body and hair, I used the general hair dryer and twisted it into a bun at the top of my head before dressing in a grey sweatpants and white tank top. As I started to walk out of the room, someone stopped me. Smiling inwardly, I turned and it was who I was trying to get their attention, Saline. “Hello,” she said with a smile. I smiled as well. "Hello,” a question in my eyes like I was concerned about why she had stopped me. “You look so perfect. I was so jealous when you were naked the other time.” She said, then she quickly added when I squinted my eyes. "I’m not a pervert or anything.” I laughed and shook my head at her. "You don’t have to worry about that,” I said looking her up and down. "You sure look like a model yourself.” I said. Saline nodded. "I am a model.” She admitted and I faked a gasp, acting surprise. She giggled and said. "We should meet up for drink or something later, if you don’t mind, and if you have the time.” She said, looking like she had been bored and she needed the fun. I shrugged. This was going way better than I planned or thought it would. "Why not.” I said, removing my card from my bag and handing it to her. She examined it for a few second, then. "Oh, you're an interior decorator.” She asked and I nodded. “I think I know someone who might need you.” She said and I smiled. "I promise to do a great job. I can show you some of my work later. I'll just have to bring my iPad.” She nodded. "Yeah, you should do that. Huh, I'm sorry I have to run now,” she said looking beyond me to the door. "I have a meeting with my agency.” She said and I nodded. “Oh, my name is Amelia,” I said, hoping she would offer hers. I needed a reason to know hers when I blurt it out, because I had almost done that twice already. “Mine’s Saline, but you can call me Sal. Everyone does.” She said, pointing her hand towards me. I took it with a smile. "It's nice to meet you.” “Likewise.” She said, releasing my hand. “I'll call you about that drink.” She said as she waved and then she started to walk out. Smiling to myself, I said. "You better.” Outside, I got into my car and started it. I was going home to dress up so that I can go to work. I worked as an interior decorator, bringing color and life into people’s home. I was really glad that I was able to get this woman today, because I have been keeping my eyes on her for a while, getting to know her so that I could use it all to my advantage. I hoped that she called me though, because if she doesn't, then it would ruin my plan. *** Amelia’s POV A few days later My firm was on the line if I didn't get a gig soon. I was hoping that I would get one a few weeks ago but it fell through. I wasn't even thinking about Saline and why she hadn't called me. It doesn't mean I would find another way to get my revenge, I was just putting it on hold. I had to focus on working even harder than before if I wanted us to survive, and if I didn't want to not be able to pay my three employees. I was still thinking about all of our potential clients and how I would start to give them a call when the ding sound of the elevator pulled me out of my thoughts. “You have a meeting with one Ms. Delia.” That was the first thing my secretary, Ava said to me when the elevator opened, and I stepped out. Frowning, I looked at the door of my office. "I don't understand. You allowed someone into my office when I'm not there?” I asked and she shook her head. “No, I didn't. She's not in your office. She called saying her boss needed an interior decorator as soon as possible and she got your card from someone.” She said. I wasn't sure I was following. My firm wasn't big or anything, but I sure don't take walk-ins, plus this person wasn't even here. “She wanted you to come to the house first thing when you get here.” She handed me a piece of post it note with a number and an address on it. “Come on, boss. This is a big deal you don't want to miss out on. She mentioned something about the person being a star, and you being discreet as you come.” Rolling my eyes, still not sure I understood her, I nodded and said. "Fine. I'll go check it out, and then we’ll see. If you don't see me in three hours, or hear from me in an hour, call the cops.” I told her. I knew I was a drama queen, but I wasn't always like that. I just wanted to have fun anyway, and be chill with my employee. I walked back out of the front lobby, to the elevator and then I pressed the ground floor where the parking space was. My office was on the fifth floor of The El-Cara building, a very tall building on the main street, here in the city. Walking out of the elevator when it stopped, I walked to my car and got in it; a car my mother used while I was still in high school, though, but it took me to places I needed to be. That should show that I wasn't rich, and my business was still struggling a bit. I had an apartment in the good part of town, and a car to take me around. I was surely lucky. Getting in, I drove to the address, and it took me about twenty to twenty five minutes to get there. I wasn't sure. The house; if I got the address correctly, stood on the corner of the property, with a basketball court at another corner, and then there was a drive way in the middle. It was a brownstone mansion, and I could tell whoever own the house was rich. This would do my business a lot of good, so I would have more means for my plan to ruin Luke Whitlock. I drove into the property and stopped at the front of the house. I got to the front door and pressed the doorbell. Waiting was my forte, so standing here for three minutes didn't really bother me. The door pulled open and a short woman in her mid thirties looked up at me. "Hello, how may I help you?” she asked. “Huh, my name is Amelia Russell, and I’m looking for Ms. Delia. I'm the interior decorator.” I told her. “Oh, that's me. I'm the personal assistant and I've been waiting for you. Come inside and I'll introduce you to my boss.” She said. Nodding, I looked around before entering and following her when she closed the door.
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