Chapter 32: Bond

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Cairn I searched all around the surrounding area for Esther, but still could not find her, it would be easier for me to shift to my wolf form and use my nose properly, but I dare not risk that after today’s events, I had scared her and the last thing she would want to see right now was me as a wolf. I had bitten Cynthia and I cursed myself for not having better control, I might have just ruined her entire life, if she turned I would never forgive myself for ruining both her and Esther’s lives, life as a werewolf was not easy, nor was learning control, I had spent my whole life as a werewolf, I was a born werewolf, and we had better control than bitten ones and even now, I had still screwed up, it would be a thousand times harder for Cynthia. I sniffed the air for Esther’s scent, but it was scattered all over the place making it hard to pinpoint where exactly she had gone, I managed to pick up her scent about a mile away across some fields, I followed it and her scent grew stronger until I found her hiding in some bushes crying. I bent down, and she jumped back looking at me with wide eyes. “It’s just me, it’s ok I promise. Esther I am so sorry for scaring you.” “You hurt mummy!” She cried and grabbing some grass she threw it at me. Closing my eyes and sighing softly I looked back at her and said, “I know, I’m sorry, I did not mean to. Do you remember when I said why it wasn’t safe for you to play with me as a wolf?” She nodded. “That’s because I think more like an animal, like a real wolf, I can’t always control myself around people I am not familiar with.” “I play with you, and you fine,” she sniffled. “Yes, and that is because as the wolf I see you as a pup, my pup, part of my pack.” “Why not mummy?” “I don’t know her well enough, maybe that could change, but not right now.” “Me safe?” She asked. “Yes, you are safe always, it does not matter if I am a wolf or a human I would never hurt you, and I will make sure not to be in wolf form near your mother again, ok?” She sat there like she was thinking about it, and then she nodded and crawled out from the bushes and came into my arms for comfort. I picked her up and started walking back towards her home, “lets you back home where it’s safe sweetheart.” When we returned, the smell of cooking food had Esther wriggling out of my arms and running inside to find it. I walked in behind her and all eyes fell on me, it was f.ucking awkward but Marisoll came over and kissed me on the cheek, “I am glad you are both back safe, Cynthia’s ok, she’s resting.” I looked into the room and saw Cynthia asleep, my eyes fell to her torn up leg and I cringed inside. Mystic Zerena patted my shoulder reassuringly and smiled, “it’s ok, she will heal, and I have a special brew to remove the infection.” I looked down at her and asked, “so she won’t become a werewolf?” “No. Come, let’s eat.” She dished the food up and handed the plates to Ezekiel and Marisoll to hand out, I took Cynthia’s plate and went over to her, she probably hated my guts now. Taking a breath I gently shook her awake and she woke up, her eyes going wide when she saw me. “You’re a, a, w-w—” I finished it for her, “werewolf, yes.” “You wanted to kill me,” she whispered. “My deepest apologies, I should never have come so close to you in my wolf form, I think more like the wolf and less like a human in that form, you ran, and my brain screamed prey.” “What if I had not run?” She asked, slowly sitting up. “I would have managed it and been ok, but the second I see someone running or even jogging and unaware of me I just think prey, the instinct to chase takes over.” She took the plate of food from me and said, “you like Esther and the others as a wolf, why not me?” She sounded hurt by it, which was surprising, I was used to people flinching in terror and being disgusted by us werewolves, as if we were no different from the beasts and monsters out there. I sat down beside her and replied, “do not take it personally my lady, I just haven’t gotten to know you as well as the others.” “But we were intimate,” she whispered. “It takes more than just s.ex with someone one time for me to form a bond.” It felt awkward talking about this, so I stood up and lightly touched her shoulder, “eat up, regain your strength.” I left her and went back to the kitchen to grab my own plate of food, they had left the meat raw for me, I was grateful, but I still did not feel comfortable eating it around everyone else, so I found somewhere quiet outside to eat. Esther found me behind the house, I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall while I ate, even around her, I felt a little uncomfortable. “Can me taste that?” She asked, looking at the raw meat curiously. “Definitely not, it would make you very sick, don’t ever eat raw meat ok?” “But you get to.” “Yes because I’m not human, I am part wolf and the wolf needs the raw meat.” She looked down at her lap thinking about it and nodded. I ruffled her hair and said, “you should go see your mother.” She got up and ran inside without a word, laughing, I finished my food. I felt ashamed of myself for hurting Cynthia, for losing control like that, it could have ended so much worse, that’s why when I saw Marisoll looking loved up with Ezekiel I did not go over and join them, I did not feel up to facing them yet. It was getting late and everyone was preparing for sleep, so I found my own spot away from everyone else, I think they knew I needed the space so no one tried to encourage me to sleep closer to the home. I found a quiet area behind the house on the grass and unrolled my bedroll, laying down on it, I folded my arms behind my head and looked up at the stars thinking of the events today, I never wanted that to happen again, from now on, I had to make sure I kept on top of my raw meat diet, it would help me have better control in similar situations, if someone were to run, I would still give chase, but I would just have to make sure I was not in wolf form around others . I fell asleep eventually and must have been having a good dream because I felt good, really good, I did not usually have s.ex dreams but it felt like one, I could feel my c.ock hard, could feel the pleasure, it felt so real I woke up. I groggily opened my eyes and saw someone’s hands down my trousers frantically working me, their hand moving up and down along my thick hard length hard and fast, I expected it to be Marisoll but looking at the face above me, I saw Cynthia. “What are you doing,” I mumbled sleepily. “I want to pleasure you, I want your wolf to like me.” “Mm, you keep doing that he’s going to love you,” I moaned. “I mean it,” she said, then she pulled her dress up around her waist and straddled me, sliding down onto me slow and careful. “F.uck, you feel good,” I breathed, my hands falling to her hips, she started riding me slow at first and then gaining speed, when the last of my tiredness went away I remembered Marisoll, tried to mention that, but Cynthia unlaced the front of her dress letting her b.reasts spill free, letting me see them as they bounced under the moonlight and all my thoughts flew out the window. My more primal instincts took over, my wolf side so close to the surface I was surprised I had not shifted, Cynthia felt good, wet, tight, she smelt good too, like a mate. She sat up on me with her hands on my chest riding me more frantically, I held her hips encouraging her, “that’s it Cynthia, come on ride me, milk my c.ock, that’s it you bad girl.” She seemed to like my dirty talking because she moved faster so I carried on, “you’re such a naughty girl, that’s it, f.uck, milk it baby, milk my c.ock, f.uck I’m coming, it’s coming, f.uck!” I exploded inside of her, a lot, I could feel it already dripping down her thighs as she came on top of me crying out. I wanted to f.uck her again, and I did, I f.ucked her three times during the night, when I was done with her and we both lay there sweaty and entangled with one another she said, “I would like to be more than just a lover of yours.” When I looked at her, she said, “wouldn’t it be great? We could be a couple, a real couple, and you could be a proper father to Esther, she would love that.” I pulled away from her as my senses returned and sat up, I realised what had happened between us. “Uh, Cynthia, don’t get me wrong, I like you, but this shouldn’t have happened, I’m with Marisoll, she’s my mate.” “Oh my,” she held a hand to her mouth looking guilty but said, “isn’t she with Ezekiel?” I nodded, “she is, but you know as well as I do that in these times it is not so rare for more than two people to become involved romantically.” “I am aware, yes, you do not think Marisoll would want to share you?” I rose an eyebrow at her and smirked, “you like me that much?” She blushed and looked away, sighing I said, “it is just the effects from the bite, the infection is still working its way out of your system, but it can create feelings of lust and love towards the one who bit you, like a bond I suppose, it will pass.” “You feel it too?” She asked. I nodded, and she sat up beside me and held my hand. “I liked you before you bit me as a wolf, it is not just some bond Cairn. You are so good with Esther, she loves you, what woman wouldn’t want that in a man?” She smiled up at me and by the gods wasn’t she beautiful. I tucked her chestnut brown hair behind one ear and looked into her stunning blue eyes, I loved Marisoll, with every fiber of my being, but there was something about Cynthia, perhaps it was just the effects of the infection still inside her body, or perhaps it was the shared love we had for her daughter, just as I knew there were things Ezekiel could give Marisoll that I could not, looking into Cynthia’s eyes I was starting to feel like there were things she could give me that Marisoll could not, a family. I felt like s.hit thinking like that, it was not her fault, it was not any females fault that we could no longer have children, the darkness had stolen that from us, many years had passed by, and it was rare to see children, they were either killed by beasts or worse and if we did see children they were from before the darkness, no one aged, children we saw should have been men and women long ago, their minds did not grow either and perhaps that was a blessing, a small mercy because I could imagine nothing worse than having the mind of an adult and being stuck in a child’s body.
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