Chapter 33: Tainted

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Cairn When morning came the feelings were still there, I could not control myself from pushing Cynthia up against the tree and having s.ex with her, it felt so damn good as I pounded into her wet p.ussy, I was able to be rougher with her than I could Marisoll, when we were both close to climaxing I breathlessly asked, “please don’t tell Marisoll about this.” “Ok, yes! Yes! Yes!” She cried out as she came. I came inside of her a few minutes later and put her gently back down on her feet. Blushing she kissed my cheek and went back inside leaving me alone with my thoughts, I was not one for being unfaithful, but this was a complicated situation for me, I had never been in a relationship outside of an arranged marriage, and this was not a normal relationship between one man and one woman, I shared Marisoll with Ezekiel and while I had made that choice and been ok with it, right now, my emotions were mixed up with the effects of the infection from me biting Cynthia, I felt the bond as much as she did, and I did not know when mystic Zerena’s brew would work it out of her system fully. I was not behaving like my normal self, who was I kidding, yes I was, I slept with many ladies in the past, sometimes multiple in one day, even two at a time, but I always told myself I would be loyal in a relationship, that wasn’t really happening right now. As true wolves we mated for life that was true, but as werewolves we had human intelligence and that meant as men, or women, we could f.uck up in a relationship like anyone else, but it was extremely rare and almost unheard of, a little more common was having more than one mate, this usually only happened when our pack was dying out and the male would need more than one mate to breed with and make more pups, rarer were werewolves like myself where we happened to fall for more than one person, I knew I did not love Cynthia as I did Marisoll, our feelings were new for one another, but I did know I had them and maybe that was just the bond between us talking or perhaps our connection to Esther, I would have to figure it out when the infection of my bite left Cynthia’s body and our bond was broken, then I would have to decide what to do if I did still want to pursue whatever this was between us and how I would go about talking to Marisoll about it, Marisoll and I were the worst at communicating with one another it always ended in violence and fighting, dare I say I might need Ezekiel’s help on the matter. Speaking of Marisoll she came over to me and asked, “how are you feeling?” I shrugged and coldly replied, “fine.” S.hit, I was already off to a bad start. She did not grow annoyed, instead she looked rather meek right now, a look I rarely saw on her. She came closer and slid her arms around my waist and pressed her cheek against my chest, when I did not hold her or respond, she looked up at me and asked, “what is wrong?” “Nothing’s wrong, I’m hungry,” I moved away from her embrace and walked off leaving her there, I hated myself for doing it, but I was feeling so guilty about what I had done with Cynthia, what I still wanted to do with her, I wanted to wait until mystic Zerena’s brew had worked its magic before I spoke with Marisoll and I feared if I let my guard down with her, I might let it all blurt out now, I wanted to be in a clear headspace when I told her and not under the influence of this bond s.hit. While eating with the others I could not stop staring at Cynthia, all I wanted to do was sit by her side, hold her, make love to her, she was all I could focus on. I tried not to stare, but my eyes always seemed to be drawn back to her, Marisoll caught me looking at Cynthia more than three times, and she got up and stormed off. F.uck. I got up to go and talk to her, but Cynthia followed me and her scent made me forget what I had gotten up to do. “Cairn, should we talk to her together?” She asked. I stroked her cheek softly, was meant to say I would do it alone, but our lips were locked together, my tongue claiming hers, and before I knew it we were having s.ex up against the wall behind her house, I f.ucked her twice before I put her down and was able to think more clearly. Werewolves were very s.exual creatures, we basically lived to eat, f.uck and sleep, the bond between us just made me want to constantly f.uck her, mate with her, if I could, I would be breeding with her right now, it was out of control. Cynthia saw me frowning and asked, “what is wrong Cairn?” “The bond between us is not supposed to be this strong and certainly not before you have even had your first shift, it does not feel right, what we are doing is not right either, and yet I cannot stop myself, I really like you being a bad girl, it’s so kinky and hot.” I tried kissing her again, but mystic Zerena caught us and said, “Cairn, what the hell is going on here?” When I turned to look at her, she lost the anger and gave a nod, “I know what’s happened.” “What?” I frowned. “Yes what?” Asked Marisoll appearing behind her and looking like she had been crying. “When a werewolf bites a human a bond is formed between the two, my brew takes time, and it is still helping Cynthia’s body purge the infection, until then, the bond will remain there, but it is not just that, I can sense the taint of darkness inside of you Cairn, you died too close to the dark lords home where the darkness is at its most potent, we killed the dark lord which I think helped in you not turning into something twisted and foul from the darkness, but some of it still seeped into you between your state of life and death, it will make you behave more volatile than normal, more unpredictable, even behave in ways you would not normally behave, I think that combined with the bite is what is making you act so out of character, I fear when you bit Cynthia a tiny piece of that darkness was spread to her too.” “How do you know our feelings are not real?” Cynthia asked. Mystic Zerena looked at her and said, “the two of you have never been interested in one another romantically, you had s.ex once, but you yourself said you would unlikely ever love another after your husband who passed and Cairn is already in love with Marisoll.” “How do you know I said that?” Cynthia asked, mystic Zerena only smiled in answer. “Marisoll loves both myself and Ezekiel, what if that is the case for me with Cynthia?” I asked. She smiled at me and said, “I know how you werewolves work, once you choose a mate you love her and stay mated to her for life.” “Not true, some of us have more than one mate.” “That is extremely rare and usually for breeding purposes, but I do not know much on the subject of werewolves, I suppose we will just have to wait and see when the effects of the bond wear off, won’t we?” “What about the darkness?” Marisoll asked. Mystic Zerena replied, “the faster we destroy that ring the better, it was probably why Cairn could not fight for control when he attacked Cynthia, his own mate standing in the way should have been enough for him to regain some sort of resistance.” Marisoll grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Cynthia, “I know it is not your fault, but I am keeping Cairn by my side until this bond thing between the two of you wears off.” She walked off, dragging me with her and I asked, “what if I did want Cynthia? What if I want you both the same way you want me and Ezekiel?” I regretted the words the instant I looked into her eyes, she tried to hide it, but I could see the hurt and pain in them, could see unshed tears she was trying to hold back. “I could not stop you, it would not be fair of me, but I’m not sure I could be with you either, I am no good at sharing and I explained this to you both before we become a couple.” “I had s.ex with her,” I blurted. “What?” She asked stunned. “Cynthia, we had s.ex.” “When?” “Last night and today.” More quietly, she asked, “how many times?” “A lot of times, I’m so sorry Marisoll, but I want to be honest with you, I cannot help the way I feel about her and maybe mystic Zerena is right, and it will wear off when Cynthia’s infection clears up, if that is the case I will spend the rest of my life trying to make this up to you, but if my feelings are true, I do not know what to do because I cannot live without you either.” She broke down in tears and tried to hide her face. “I’m sorry,” I whispered and pulled her into my arms, holding her tightly. She sobbed into my chest hard, and I had to hold her to keep her from falling to the ground. “Do not cry Marisoll, please do not cry, I love you and that will never change.” “You love her too!” She sobbed. “I am not in love with her like I am you, I have strong feelings, but that is all for now.” I grabbed her face between my hands and kissed her. Felt myself growing hard for her the more she cried, she felt it too and glared at me, “you like me crying?” I shook my head, “it is not like that, I hate seeing you upset, but, I don’t know how to explain it, just seeing you so innocent and vulnerable like this it makes me want to protect you, to hold you and take it all away, let me.” I kissed her again, and she did not pull back so I pushed her to the ground and climbed on top of her, pulled my trousers down and hers, and then I was inside of her mounting her hard and fast, she tried to get on top, but I pushed her back down and pinned her wrists above her head, f.ucking her harder, “I’m in control this time,” I grinned, feeling more like myself for the first time since coming back from the dead, being away from Cynthia helped a little, right now all I was focused on was Marisoll. She reached up kissing my neck, and then she bit it, she sucked on it, I laughed breathlessly, knowing it was her way of claiming me as she gave me love bites. She tried to take control again but only succeeded in being flipped onto her stomach with her up in the air for me, “Mm, this looks promising,” I grinned. She narrowed her eyes at me, but I s.lapped her hard and pinned her neck down to the floor. “Behave Marisoll, stay there and keep still.” I thrust into her moaning, I knew she liked hearing me moan for her, so I made sure I was loud enough for her to hear. I stopped moving at one point and let her bounce her on me, let her slide her p.ussy back and forth on me, it felt so good and was not long until I was thrusting into her again, f.ucking her until we both came, my hot sticky come dripping from her p.ussy and looking so f.ucking hot. Turning around, she looked up at me smiling, and I smiled back, she was so incredibly beautiful to me, I knew Ezekiel had not found her very attractive before they became a couple, but I always had, human men could be shallow creatures, I knew a lot of them found women like mystic Zerena beautiful, big b.reasts, blonde hair and blue eyes seemed to be a favourite, even Cynthia with her chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. Not in all parts, but a lot did have a negative view to courting a black woman like Marisoll, us werewolves did not care much about looks, so I had not known that could even be an issue until Marisoll mentioned it once, I knew Ezekiel did not care about that, he did like blondes, but it was not a race thing, it was an Ezekiel thing, even brunettes like Cynthia were never his first choice and as much as I liked to wind him up about mystic Zerena I knew he was very much in love with Marisoll and attracted to her now, he might occasionally glance at mystic Zerena but it wasn’t anything like how he used to be, no more than a lingering crush that was slowly fading. Right now, I felt that way about Cynthia, like my feelings were fading, perhaps mystic Zerena was right that it was just the bond, and perhaps being close to Marisoll helped push it back, I felt better when I was close to her. It was as if she could sense my thoughts because she sat up and straddled my lap and said, “if you truly have feelings for her, I will try to work on my own insecurities, I can’t expect you to share me and not be willing to return the favour.” I kissed her forehead, “thank you my love, but I can feel those feelings slowly fading away, I think mystic Zerena was right about the bond and the darkness, besides, like you said, you warned us you could not share us even if we have to share you, we knew what we were getting ourselves into when we accepted you as a mate.” Smiling she leaned in and kissed me and all I could think was how could I ever for a second have thought I could love anyone else when my whole heart and soul belonged to her, she was everything to me and I loved her in ways I could never explain.

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