Chapter 16: Violent delights

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Marisoll I had upset Cairn, I knew I had, and still, I was surprised by it. I did not know from personal experience, but I had heard many women share their experiences of men exaggerating on their size or if they were indeed big down there, then they loved to show off, I had even heard men themselves share tales among one another of how they gave a lady the best night of her life, that she loved his size and so on. I assumed Cairn would have reacted the same, belittle Ezekiel and tell me how much better he could make me feel or something along those lines, but he had practically run off, Mr arrogant had not responded how I had expected. If big was supposed to be good, then I did not understand why Cairn had reacted so flustered and shy about the whole thing, did I apologise, or would that make it even more awkward between us? I did not know. I watched him eating across from me, he had chosen to sit beside Ezekiel meaning he must be really angry with me, while I had noticed they had grown to tolerate one another they still were not friends anymore than Cairn and I were. Every so often I would drop my eyes when Cairn looked up at me, I would pretend not to notice when he watched me, or when he sniffed the air in my direction, odd, did I smell so bad that everyone could smell me? I had only washed two days ago, and that was a luxury in these times. I watched him wrinkle his nose as if he could rid himself of the smell, I looked around but neither Ezekiel, or mystic Zerena were reacting in the same manner. I was confused, was he just trying to insult me, make me feel embarrassed to get back at me for earlier? It worked, I felt so awkward and uncomfortable, I finished my food quickly and made my way to somewhere more quiet. Ezekiel came and found me a while later and asked, “shall we train?” I nodded fast, glad for the distraction. We sparred, taking turns with hits and blocks, both hand-to-hand combat and using weapons. I was doing good until Cairn came by to watch, I could not focus with him there, I could feel his eyes boring into me, his arms folded while he watched. My cheeks grew hot, my mind went blank and Ezekiel swept my legs and sent me sprawling to the floor. He got on top of me, pinning my wrists, and when I could not break free he grinned down at me. “Either you are very distracted, or you like being underneath me.” Was he flirting with me? I had never had a man flirt with me before, my cheeks only grew hotter. “Both?” I whispered, I wanted to sound more confident, but I could not, a poor attempt at me flirting back, and then I grew more flustered, what if I had misread him, and he was not flirting? I was thinking too much, and maybe he knew this because he leaned down and softly kissed my neck, “then you can stay here if you like,” he murmured. I did not so much see Cairn as felt him storm away. I felt bad, I was setting us all up for disaster, I dare not be so bold and arrogant as to assume they both wanted me, more than likely it was just male hormones reacting to the only available female, but, if they did perhaps want me for more than my body than it was going to be a problem because I liked both of them. I was very attracted to them both, Ezekiel was probably a much better choice for me, he was kinder, sweeter, more gentle, but there was a part of me that also ached for what I knew Cairn could offer, dominance, roughness, kisses mixed with bites. I let Ezekiel help me to my feet and recalled when I had seen him with that lady at the inn, he certainly hadn’t been gentle with her, perhaps he could give me the rough I desired alongside the gentleness. Truth be told I knew I was making excuses for myself, blaming their very different personalities as to how each one could provide me something that the other could not, deep down I knew it was simply greed on my part and I just wanted the both of them. Even though I had spent my time living alone, I was not blind to the world, when the darkness came and destroyed everything, lovers became more scarce, and it became almost the norm to see multiple partners, but Cairn and Ezekiel were enemies, they despised one another and I saw no way in which they would ever share a woman between themselves. I was selfish for thinking such a thing anyway, and most certainly fooling myself in thinking they would ever want me for a partner and not just for passion, besides, nine times out of ten it was a man with multiple wives and not a wife with multiple husbands, so it was silly for me to even think I could have more than one man. I went to find Cairn to apologise and try to make things easier between us, but of course, that did not happen. He was up in one of the trees, leaning back against it with one knee up, arm hanging over his knee with the other leg dangling over the branch. “Can we talk?” I called up. “Not really the chit-chat kind of guy,” he replied, managing to sound both cold and sarcastic at the same time. “Get down and talk to me.” Without a word and as agile as a feline he jumped down from the tree landing on his feet and stood up tall, towering over me as he stepped into my personal space. “What would you like to talk about?” He all but sneered the words. “I wanted to apologise for earlier.” “Ok, and you have, you can go now.” “You make it so difficult to be nice,” I snapped. He leaned down inches from my face and whispered, “well don’t try to be nice then, it does not suit you anyway.” His tone was sarcastic, I tried to be polite, I tried to stay calm, I failed. I slammed my fist into his face making him barely flinch, I was not tall enough to give the full impact I wanted, so I aimed lower and hit him in the ribs, he grabbed my wrist, so I kicked him in the side instead. He blocked my next hit and ignored the blood running from his nose and slammed his fist into my face. I was sent sailing into the air and landed on my back, the air leaving my body, I barely had time to try and breathe before he was on me and hitting me just as violently as I had him, I tasted the blood on my lips as he split my lip, bust my nose, and I’m sure I had a gash in my cheek. I managed to get my legs under him and using both my legs and my body weight I just about managed to get him off me, I straddled him not letting him up to overpower me again, and I hit him as hard as I could, blood was everywhere, both of us covered in our own and one another’s as we wrestled and fought on the ground. I went to throw another punch, but he gripped my fist in his hand and squeezed, I gritted from the pain and then headbutted him. “F.uck! You crazy b.itch!” He growled. He spat blood onto the floor and glared at me, all I saw was hate and anger, fury and a passion to kill me, so why did I kiss him? I do not know, all I knew was my lips locked with his, he froze underneath me, I did not care, was I kissing him right? It did not matter, I was lost in a passion I could not explain, a violent passion that took me over, and he finally responded. He kissed me back, hard, bruising kissing, I was right about him too, he was a biter like I wanted, he bit my lips in between kisses, he reached down and yanked his trousers down, flipped me onto my back and tore my clothing off leaving me naked and bare below the waist, he shoved himself into me hard and violently, thrust into me drawing screams and moans from my throat, both pain and pleasure took me over, he filled me up more than I felt my body could handle, but this was not a time for talking. He pinned my wrists above my head when I tried to take control and thrust into me so hard I almost passed out, from pain or pleasure I was not sure, but he brought me to climax, and I came screaming out and bit his shoulder to muffle the noise. “Go on, you dirty f.ucking b.itch, come on me,” he growled. I tasted blood, his blood, and it tasted exquisite as I bit him harder, I felt him lose rhythm as he pounded me relentlessly, felt his body jerk and shudder as he released himself inside of me. I smiled for maybe a half second afterwards before it disappeared. Cairn did not hold me after, he did not lie beside me either, he got up and quickly pulled his trousers up, grabbed his torn open shirt and pulled that back on too. “Cairn—” I tried, but he interrupted coldly, “don’t, that wasn’t meant to happen, I guess the violence excited us a little too much, but it was a mistake.” He walked off leaving me on the ground alone, I pulled my clothes back on and stood up wiping away a tear that had escaped me. Now the moment of violent passion was over the pain hit me enough to knock me to my knees, I had forgotten about his size, had not even noticed it as we gave in to our urges, now though, I most definitely noticed it, I ached and throbbed between my thighs, I felt like I was on fire down there too, even my stomach hurt inside. I looked down and saw a thin trail of blood running down my thigh, what had he done to me! Fear took me over, and I could not seem to catch my breath, I fell to the floor hyperventilating when he came back over. I tried to be strong and look normal, but I was on the damn ground panting pathetically, there was no acting strong right now. He frowned when he saw me and asked, “what the hell is wrong with you?” I shook my head, and I saw him pick up the sheath for his sword off the floor, so that is what he had come back for? I waited for him to leave, but he bent down in front of me. “Breathe, Marisoll, you are having a panic attack, calm breaths.” It took a while, but eventually, I was able to breathe normally again, but I could not stop my body from shaking. He looked me over cold and unreadable, I saw his eyes travel to between my thighs, saw him notice the blood on my legs and his eyes lost some of that coldness. “F.uck,” he mumbled, “I forgot you were a virgin.” He held a hand out to me and helped me to my feet. “You should have said something, I would not have been so rough with you.” I had not cried since my parents died, but I broke down in tears in front of Cairn. I felt humiliated crying and sobbing in front of him, I waited for him to sneer or torment me, but he pulled me into his arms and held me close. “I am so sorry, Marisoll, did I hurt you?” I shook my head and sobbed, “I wanted it, I enjoyed it, but now it hurts down below, I don’t regret it, but I don’t understand why I am bleeding, am I going to die?” I dared to look up into his cold eyes, but they were soft and gentle as he looked at me. “No darling, you won’t die.” He stroked my hair away from my face and pulled my head against his chest. “You are too pure for this retched world.” “Me? Pure?” I sniffled a laugh. “You thought you were going to die, that’s a very innocent thing to think because you bled a little after s.ex,” he smiled softly. “So it is normal to bleed?” I asked. “For a virgin such as yourself’s first time yes, it doesn’t always happen, but yes, there is nothing to worry about.” “It really hurts,” I whispered, hiding my face against his chest so he could not see my embarrassment admitting such a thing. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. He took my hand and led me to the river. I didn’t fight him as he undressed me, and I did not admit how much it cheered me up seeing him undress too, seeing all his perfect and glorious body, muscles rippling, although I am sure it showed on my face as my eyes traveled over him. He pulled me into the water with him and washed me, it was freezing cold, but over time you somewhat got used to washing in such cold conditions. The wind blew across my cold wet skin making me shiver, Cairn saw me, or maybe he heard my teeth chattering because he pulled me in against his body, I clung to him and his warmth, he felt hot to the touch and it was divine. “Do you mind?” He asked, his hand slid between my legs to wash me there too, I opened them wider, and he gently washed and stroked it, making a soft moan escape my lips. “That hurts?” He whispered. “No, the very opposite.” He rose an eyebrow and stroked me more firmly, slid his fingers between my folds, found my c.lit and stroked it, played with it until I was moaning and panting, gripping his waist, my fingers digging into him. He knew all the right places to touch, he brought me to climax again, I cried out, my body limp against him as he took control, working his fingers faster. When my moans became more quiet and the last waves of pleasure left my body he asked, “feel a little better?” I saw him grinning and shoved him playfully, he laughed and then grew serious as he ran his thumb over my split lip. “I’m sorry, I should really stop responding so violently to you.” “I like it,” I teased. He smiled but replied, “you are a lady, I should treat you with more respect, I shouldn’t be hurting you.” “It’s just how me, and you work, Cairn, and I like that, I’m not some damsel in distress who needs protecting and men tripping over themselves to open doors for me.” He snorted a laughed, “I can certainly agree to that.” I wrapped my arms back around him, snuggling against his body, that pain between my thighs had calmed a little. It was a quiet for a while, and then I ruined everything and I did not even understand why, it made no sense because all I asked was, “why are you so hot to the touch? It feels nice.” He pulled away from me and mumbled, “I am still hot from the fighting and the s.ex I suppose.” “No, you are very hot to the touch, like a fever.” He grew cold all softness gone from him and said, “if you are feeling better than I shall like to leave now, you can find your own way back.” “But—” I tried. “You are not a damsel in distress who needs help and protection, right?” He gave me a teasing smile and then climbed out of the river and grabbed his clothes, walking away and leaving me in the river, in the dark, alone.
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