Chapter 15: it is monstrous?!

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Cairn I caught up to Marisoll, but she shrugged me off when I tried to stop her from walking. “Why do you hate me so much?” I snapped. She finally stopped walking and laughed bitterly at me. “Is that a trick question? You’ve hated me from day one.” “If I recall correctly, it was you who threw the first punch with your arrows, almost killing Ezekiel.” “I did not know why you were there!” She snapped back. “And I did not know why you were attacking us, what was I supposed to do, welcome you with open arms?” I sneered. She shoved me and growled, “I fed you, I gave you a place to sleep and still, you were cruel, you’ve been nothing but cruel towards me this whole damn time!” “You haven’t exactly been nice to me, either.” “You do not make it easy,” she laughed harshly. “Neither do you,” I retorted. “Just leave me alone, Cairn,” she sighed. It was my turn to sigh, I was not accustomed to being the nice guy and certainly not the one to offer my hand first, but if we were to fight the lord of darkness together, then I needed to push aside my issues with Marisoll, it did not bode well to have someone at your back who may hesitate on saving you or helping you in battle. “I do not want to argue with you all the time, I wasn’t trying to start an argument Marisoll, I genuinely wanted to know what is wrong because I can tell something is bothering you.” She looked at me warily, still not trusting my words, but the heat was gone from her voice when she said, “it’s nothing, honestly.” More quietly I asked, “you’ve been acting strange around Ezekiel, he hasn’t hurt you, has he?” A giggle escaped her lips and she slammed her hand over her mouth and mumbled, “no, not at all.” I was not used to shy girls it seemed and so it took me a moment to think back on her behaviour, the bashfulness, the shyness, unable to meet Ezekiel’s eye, stammering over her words around him. Smiling I rose an eyebrow and stepped into her personal space, she stepped back and ended with her back up against the tree. I leaned my forearm above her head, our chests almost touching and looking down at her, I murmured, “you and him had some fun?” “I am not in the mood for your games, Cairn,” she whispered. “Who says I’m playing games?” I softly stroked her hair over her shoulder and ran my finger down her cheek. “Want to show me what it was that you did?” She shook her head and looked down at the floor. I knew I had to gain her trust after what I’d done at the inn, gently I tilted her chin up making her look at me and whispered, “show me, please.” I knew she wanted to, I wouldn’t push her to do anything if I thought she was not interested, but I could smell her arousal just like I had back at the inn before we erupted into another fight. I ruined things back there, I know I had, I wanted to make things right if possible. She ran her hand over my groin and quickly dropped it. “Like that,” she replied shyly. I could see on her face she was expecting me to finally show my true colours, to laugh in her face and torment her like I had in the past. She kept her eyes down, and gently I took her hand and placed it back on my groin. “Just a quick touch, or longer?” I asked. “Longer,” she whispered. “Show me.” She stroked me over my trousers, and it felt good, I grew hard, and she stroked it more firmly. I unzipped myself and let it fall out on display, but it did not have the desired effect I was hoping for. Marisoll jumped back and looked at it fearfully, “that is a monstrous size,” she whispered with wide eyes. I tried to make light of it and replied, “Ezekiel not big then?” I grinned. “He is, but you are truly a monstrous size, that is not a normal size, Cairn.” Of all the battles I had faced, all the deaths I had experienced and none of it cut me deeper than her words just did. I quickly put it away and zipped myself back up. “Uh, yes, well, you showed me what I asked for anyway, so thank you, I’m just going to uh, go find some food for us.” “Cairn, wait,” she reached a hand out, but I quickly stepped out of reach. “I should go,” I smiled. “Cairn, I did not mean to upset you.” “You didn’t, it’s fine, I best go before it gets too dark to hunt.” I rushed off but felt her arms wrap around my waist from behind. “I’m sorry,” she whispered and said, “I did not expect this reaction, most men in these areas would love a woman to gasp at his big size in fear, I thought you would be the same.” I tried to keep the annoyance out of my voice but failed keeping the bite out of it, “well, then you do not know me very well at all.” I pulled away from her and left before she could follow me. What did I care what she thought of me? We hated one another, and it was stupid of me to have thought we could have had some sort of truce between us. I stormed my way through the tall grass as I delved deeper into the big open field that led towards a forest. Why did I not like women being afraid of my size? Was Marisoll stupid? Of course I did not want them in fear, I liked my women to enjoy themselves not lie under me in terror while I had my way with them, is that what she thought of me? That I was such a brute, I would get off on such a thing? I was only making myself more angry as I walked along, lost in my thoughts. I could admit that I had not had many lovers in the romantic sense, half the reason was that they were not looking for a bad boy kind of man, the other half was my size in bed, Marisoll was right, I was big, werewolves often were, and more often than not I had to pay for a lady of the night as they were usually able to handle it, I had tried courting women but when it came to intimacy it usually did not go well, they found it painful, except one. I had at one point in my life been almost married to a princess, an arranged marriage between our parents, it meant more money for our castle and in return, they would have protection from ours, we were known for our ruthlessness, our violence and our powerful army, no one dared stand against us and if they did no one had ever lived to tell the tale, so other royal families from all over were desperate to work with us, to marry their daughters to me, my father had refused until we began struggling for money. No one knew our reputation was helped by being a bloodline of werewolves, but they didn’t need to know that, and apparently neither did my new bride to be, it was another of many arguments between my father and me. It felt wrong not to tell her, to not let her know what she would be marrying herself to, the danger it could put her in, but of course all my father saw was the money her family could offer. For all my arguing against the marriage, I never expected to actually fall for her, was it true love? No, but given time I knew it would have been, she was not just beautiful with her locks of long white blonde hair, silver eyes, full lips and slender frame, she had a beautiful heart too, kind and always smiling, she was never arrogant and never looked down at the maids, she treated everyone equally. Was I as perfect? Hell no, I wasn’t, I was how I’ve always been, cold, cruel, a torment, but she still loved me anyway for reasons I would never understand. She was the only person I would ever have shown a softer side to if given the chance, but we did not have long enough together before I p.issed my father off so bad he kicked me out of the castle, banished me. Not before we had spent nights together in bed though, and she had always enjoyed me no problems, so screw Marisoll, I did what I did best when I felt attacked, I attacked her back, if only in my head, blamed her prudeness, her being a virgin, heck, convinced myself she liked micro d.icks like Ezekiel’s, did all this petty thinking make me feel better? The micro d.ick part did a little, I smirked to myself thinking about it and being so distracted I didn’t hear or see the infected goat, yes, you heard that right, a damn goat! It looked every bit as monstrous as you would expect a satanic looking beast to look, glowing yellow eyes with flecks of red, razor sharp teeth with a jaw that was barely hanging on, rotting flesh and bits of exposed insides on display. Karma for mocking Ezekiel in my head, I suppose. I drew my sword and got into a fighting stance, I barely had time to blink before it charged towards me making this unnatural mewling guttural sound. I danced out of its way just barely, the smell alone of its rotten flesh was almost enough to knock me out, but I could not block my sensitive nose, I needed my hands free. I dodged again when it charged but not fast enough, its horn caught my side, ripping a layer of flesh off. “F.uck! You f.ucking ugly f.uck, s.hitface!” I threw a bunch of curse words as if that would help my pain. All the pain did was ramp up my rage, bringing the wolf to the surface, I didn’t need to control it right now as no one else was around, but I still chose not to shift if I could help it. It came for me again, and I wondered if the f.ucking thing understood my words because it charged more furiously than it had the last time making me drop my blade as I skidded out of the way, I managed to grab hold of its horns and swung myself around and on to it back, it bucked and kicked violently, trying to throw me off, but I held on firm, when its bucking became less violent, and it lost breath I managed to reach down and grab my sword as it ran around. I hopefully set the poor thing free from the hold of the darkness as I lifted my sword and brought it down into the back of its neck, killing it instantly. It crashed to the floor, sending me sprawling across the floor with it. I got up off the floor and dusted myself down and then sheathed my sword. Animals were lucky, if they died they stayed dead, they were not cursed to keep coming back to this hellhole over and over again like us humans. All this traveling, then slaying and ending up with a massive chunk of flesh torn from my side and I did not even find us any dinner, what a waste. I grumbled all the way back to the village, and cursed when I saw Marisoll had found food for us. I tried to ignore her, I knew why I was suddenly interested in her, and it was not because I liked her lovely personality all of a sudden. I tried to ignore it, wrinkled my nose as if that would help, but it did not, she was in heat and my wolf wanted her. About a week before a lady had her moon time she smelt like she was in heat to us werewolves, I was lucky with mystic Zerena because wizards like herself were infertile, if they wanted to create more of their kind, the males would lie with humans, I did not have to worry about her having any moon time, I knew it was a ladies period of course, but most werewolves preferred to call it a ladies moon time because it was just more polite, the female wolves seemed to prefer that term at least. I sat beside Ezekiel, it did not make me ecstatically happy, but right now, it was better than sitting beside Marisoll, pfft, wouldn’t want to scare her with my giant c.ock now would I, I inwardly rolled my eyes, on a deeper level it was just yet another reminder of the monster I was, most werewolves were proud of their size, I liked it sometimes, nothing beats hearing a woman tell you how good it feels, how good you fill her p.ussy up and make her feel everything, hearing her moan all that as she’s coming is hot, I’m male, I enjoyed that s.hit, but I would have preferred to be a little less big and have more choice of lovers in my bed, and my size reminded me of what I was, average size for a male werewolf was around seven inches, I was a ten and that was not even that big in werewolf standards. I needed to stop thinking about my d.ick, I focused on the lord of darkness instead, wondering if he had any weaknesses, everything had a weakness, we just had to figure what his was.
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