This Is Me

866 Words
My name is Nova, every human around the room was in fear and frozen. Once I established who and what I was the guards started to advance on me. One of those guards had the nerve to stab me in the back with his sword and I immediately fell to my knees making it seem as though I was dead. Staying on the floor for some time until I heard footsteps walking towards me. I immediately jumped up back onto my feet and whoever stepped toward me walked backward trying to create enough space between us. At this point, I was pissed off, not only was I stabbed but also my shirt was ruined. It was hard for me to pull the sword out because it was too long. I broke the handle of the sword and slid the blade through the other side until it came out of my stomach. Dropping what was left of the broken sword and slowly turned around, looking at my attacker. The look on his face was pure fright. Slowly walked up to the man and then I heard the King scream out for more guards to come and try to obtain me. Moving too fast for them to see, I grabbed hold of my attacker in a very tight grip and kept his head tilted to the side so I could feast on him. Biting into his neck and then I heard more screams around me. I just drank enough his his blood and let him drop to the floor hard. With blood trickling down my mouth and chin, I looked around me at all the humans and loved how much they feared me. All these humans will pay eventually, and I will be the one to set out your punishment. All around the room, I noticed the humans were entirely still; no muscle moved. The only thing that permeated the air was the palpable feeling of fear. It was as if they knew that they were utterly powerless against me. I felt a surge of confidence and control, knowing that I had complete authority over the situation. No one in that room could have even hoped to stop me, and I could make any decision I pleased without any fear of opposition. With a determined focus, I surge forward toward the King, my feet pounding against the ground in a blur of motion. His expression is one of shock and surprise as if he can't quite believe how quickly I've managed to reach him. I can see the gears turning in his mind, as he tries to make sense of the situation. Despite the urgency and intensity of the moment, I remain calm and collected, ready to kill the King at any possible moment if I had to. As I gazed into the piercing, unyielding eyes of the King, I could feel the weight of the moment bearing down on me. The tension in the room was palpable, with the hushed whispers and murmurs of the gathered crowd fading into the background as my attention remained fixed on the King's unmoving form. The only sounds that filled the air were the heavy, rhythm of the humans breathing and the rapid thud of their hearts beating in their chest. I knew that the eyes of everyone in the room were on me, waiting with bated breath to see what I would do next. [Nova] You will stay away from my woods and if I catch your men lurking around my woods again, I will kill them all then I will come for your family. Starting with your youngest and working my way up, then your queen then lastly you. The King, sitting before me, appeared visibly shaken. Sensing his nervousness, I gracefully pulled away from him and quickly flew back to the spot I had been at just moments before. The humans who were gathered around us all looked on in shock, their faces frozen in fear as they watched my every move. Despite their fear, I remained calm and collected, keeping a watchful eye on my surroundings. As I stepped out of the grand throne room, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. The sight of humans cowering in fear and uncertainty before a monster always amused me. The heavy doors closed behind me, muffled the sound of my footsteps as I made my way down the long, dimly lit hallway. The flickering torches on the walls cast eerie shadows, making the space feel even more ominous. I knew that once I left the castle, I would be followed. It was just a matter of time before they sent their guards after me. But I wasn't worried; I had lived in the woods for centuries and knew every nook and cranny like the back of my hand. I would be safe there, away from the prying eyes of the kingdom's rulers and their minions. As I walked, I couldn't help but wonder what the humans would do if they knew what lurked in these woods. They would be terrified, no doubt. But for now, I savored the feeling of walking amongst the humans for the very first time.
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