The Village Market

803 Words
Nova As I walked out of the castle gates, I couldn't help but notice the stunned expressions on the faces of the humans around me. The memory of the grandeur of the castle was still fresh in my mind as I began making my way back towards the Village. As I strolled through the crowded market, I saw a bustling scene of people bartering and trading all sorts of goods and commodities. The air was filled with the lively sounds of vendors calling out their wares, the chatter of bargaining customers, and the clinking of coins exchanging hands. It was a vibrant and bustling scene, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to the energy of it all. As I stepped out into the open, I felt a sense of strength wash over me. Gone were the days of hiding and skulking around in the shadows of humans. I walked with no fear and no worries, taking in the sights and sounds around me. I could sense that some guards were tailing me, but I didn't let that bother me. I continued my stroll, enjoying the feeling of the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. Now and then, I would glance over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of the guards still following me. But I didn't pay them any mind - I was finally free from the dark woods, and nothing could dampen my mood. As I passed by, I noticed that some of the villagers cast furtive glances in my direction before quickly scurrying away, as if they were afraid of me. However, their behavior didn't concern me in the slightest. I knew that these frail and feeble humans wouldn't be able to stop me, even if they banded together and tried with all their might. As I walked down the street, I couldn't help but notice the glances and whispers from those around me. I knew they feared me, and it gave me a sense of pride and power. Despite their apprehension, I continued my journey, scanning my surroundings for anything that might catch my eye. It was then that I spotted a small stall, where a woman was selling clothing. Among the various items on display, a beautiful leather coat caught my attention. The texture of the leather looked exquisite, and the coat seemed to be made with great care and attention to detail. I couldn't resist taking a closer look, and as I examined it, I found myself drawn to the craftsmanship and quality of the piece. As I was about to approach the woman, my senses tingled with a foreboding feeling. I turned around just in time to catch a glimpse of six heavily armed guards marching towards me with a menacing look in their eyes. Their weapons glinted in the dim light, and I could hear the sound of their boots thudding against the ground as they got closer. It was clear that they were ready to strike at any moment, and I braced myself for what was about to come. As I basked in the momentary feeling of confidence, I decided to grant the guards a reprieve from their impending doom. With the grace of a predator, I swiftly and silently eliminated the first guard, making quick work of him before he even had a chance to react. Every movement was calculated and precise, as I continued to survey the area for any signs of danger. As soon as I approached the next 5 guards, I noticed that they were visibly frightened and didn't dare to make a move. They seemed unsure of how to react to my presence and appeared to be waiting for me to make the first move. There was a tense standstill for nearly a minute, during which I carefully observed their movements and expressions. Eventually, I decided to take action and swiftly neutralized all of them, ensuring that they wouldn't pose a threat to me. As they were laid out on the ground, I took whatever money they had to give to the woman selling the cost. Dressed in my new leather coat that I had recently purchased from the market, I stepped out of the grand castle, leaving the kingdom behind. Making my way towards the dense forests, I could feel the chill in the air as the winter season had just begun. As I walked, my mind raced with thoughts about the impending decision of the King and the possible outcomes it could have on my future. I knew I needed to start planning my next move, so, I took a deep breath and began to brainstorm strategies that could help me achieve my goals. The forest was my sanctuary, and I felt at ease as I wandered through the trees, plotting my next move.
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