The Werewolf Pack

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Lucas: I can not believe what just happened, I lost my my beloved and now my daughter, what did I do wrong to deserve this fate. David: I sorry about all this, it was all my fault, please forgive me. Nova lefted because of me Lucas: It was not your fault, Nova is hurting right now, just give her some time and she will come back to you. Everyone in the pack was wondering how was Nova able to lift David up into the air without touching him. Even the fire the blow a blaze like that was it her doing and if so how was she able to do all of that. Lucas called for a pack meeting to discuss what happened with his grandson and the humans that dared to come into their woods. A Lot has happened and they need to know what will be their next move. Lucas called for the meeting to start and all the men gathered. Lucas: David said himself and Nova spotted humans in the woods killing off werewolves and vampires and unfortunately the humans has taken away my grandson. We need to be on alert for we do not know if they will try to strike again. If the humans are getting this close to our camp it's but if we find a new home. I don't want anymore of my pack dying. If you are going outside the camp do not go alone. We do not know what weapons and skills they may have obtain over the years so please be prepared. Lucas Beta Nathan raise his hand to speak Trying to use her powers like before, Nova was having a hard time. Remembering how she used them before which was through anger. That shouldn't be so hard considering what's been happening in her life at the moment. Nova focus on the sadness, the hurt, and revenge feeling and channeled that into rage but also staying relax and tried to focus on an item she could move. Starting on trying to move her sword took some time but she was able to manage it after hours. Three months have passed and it has been quiet, no humans, no werewolves, no vampires, just peace or at least that's what she thought. Hearing noises coming from the north side of the woods which is where Nova last saw a human, she quickly gathered her sword and headed in that direction. Speeding through the woods with her vampire abilities she quickly got to the location of the sound and no time. Hiding in the shadows behind the trees Nova observed what was going on around her. Indeed these are humans and she can smell them, it disgusts her. The smell of humans made her sick. This was the first time Nova watched humans moving about just to learn the ins and outs. Seeing what they were doing she noticed the weapons and knew what they came in the woods for. Just waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on them. Nova stayed there overnight just observing them and waiting for their next move. Nova noticed the nameless man she let go that day and wondered why he came back. She was wondering did this nameless man ever told his leader her words. Curious Nova came down from the tree and walked towards the human camp. Some of the men notice her coming and just stare wondering who is this mysterious beauty. Nova walked up to the nameless man, however he did not notice her until it was too late. The other men started to surround her to figure out who was this beauty and why has she come. Nova: Why are you and your leader's men in my woods The nameless man quickly turned around and was frightened by what he saw. With stumbling words he pleaded to Nova that it wasn't his fault he was just doing what his leader told him to do, please don't kill me. Once the nameless man said those last words the other men quickly armed themselves with weapons ready to attack. The men were a little frightened because they did not know what Nova was capable of. all of them just waiting to see what is her next move. Nova: None of you have to die, all you have to do is just leave my woods and never return, is your choice if you want to stick around and die or not. Nova is set on a boulder waiting for the men to decide on whether they want to die in the woods or pick up their things and leave for good. The men lunged towards her with their weapons ready to kill but she was too fast for them. One after another after another taking them down easily. This time she left no man alive, she warned their leader what would happen and he did not heed that warning and now she must do what she needed to do to protect the woods and all of the immortals within it. Thinking of a plan to stop the human from entering the woods only one thing came to mind which was making a nice visit to their leader. Nova took a head covering from one of the bodies to hide her face and made her way to the end of the woods to human lands. She was excited for she had never stepped foot outside the woods before, worrying about what would it be like. Outside the woods, Nova didn't know that there were so many humans, too many humans for her liking. She wasn't sure how to find the right leader so she continued to travel for days until she saw a big castle on top of a hill. Nova headed in that direction noticing that the men guarding the gate had similar clothing as the men she killed in the woods. She figured this must be the right place but as she got closer it was a long line going inside the gates and everyone was being checked but for what she did not know. Nova tries to blend in with the other humans, that shouldn't be a problem for her because she has been watching them for days, learning how they talk, how they move, and how they walk. When it was her turn to pass the gate one guard stopped her and she did the only thing that should could do and that was prepare herself to strike. However, the man did something that surprised her, with a smile on the guard's face he said to her you are very beautiful and with a soft hand he let Nova go. Nova continued moving about looking at all the wonderful things that this city offered. Being mesmerized by the colors and the amounts of people living there. Thinking to herself how lively the city is during the day. Nova made her way towards the castle not knowing what to expect but all she knows is she must talk to the leader. Staying relaxed and calm the entire time not trying to show her mortal side. nor did she want unnecessary bloodshed so she tried to keep a low profile. Once you reach the doors to the castle there are more guards there so she tries to walk past them but they stop her and ask what was her business there. Cheerfully she stated that she needed to talk with their leader about important information. The guards corrected her stating that she could not just see the King without proper protocol. Nova hoped she wouldn't have to use her powers or kill anyone just to see their so-called king but then again she didn't care one way or another. One of the guards grabbed her arm and in one quick movement Nova's eyes turned fully black and her nails extended. Nova managed to fit her fingers around the guard's neck perfectly snapping it and before his body could fall to the cold hard ground, Nova had her teeth sink into the other guard's neck. Once she was satisfied with her thirst after days of travel without feeding she climbed the castle walls to avoid any more guards. She moved quickly and silently around the halls in search of the king. Nova saw a lot of people walking towards two big doors, so she figured it would be the best place to check for their leader. Nova made her way out of the shadows of the hallway and made her towards the door however there were four guards ready to stop her with their swords lifted, being annoyed with the guards and no longer having fun, Nova used her telekinesis to snap your necks with ease. She opened the door walking slowly observing everyone. The whole room went silent, wondering who she was and why she was there. Looking at the colorful clothing and all the different faces and weird hair, Nova approaches a woman touching her hair and clothes. Everyone looked amused and wondered what was going on. King: Who are you woman and how dare you come into my kingdom without my knowledge? guards take her away. Nova still looking around then she finally replied to the king, you do not scare me king nor do your threats frighten me. The king was very annoyed that she wasn't speaking to him directly but was focused on other things around her like he did not matter. King: What do you want and what exactly did you come here for? Nova: I have come for you Once those words fell from her lips the guards had their swords ready to attack once the King gave the orders. Nova: With a smile on my face which is putting everyone on edge, I like it. You see King I asked one of your men to send my message to you, however, I don't think he did relay the message to you or maybe you didn't care, furthermore you didn't hate my message so now I've come to visit you. King: What message woman and how dare you come to my court and speak to me in this manner, who are you? Nova: With a deep evil laugh, she replied, I am one of the creatures from the woods, I am the creature that killed your men I am called Nova.
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