Discovering My Powers

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Nova finally got up and headed to the camp, where everybody was waiting to see what was going on. Lucas approached Nova giving her a tight hug. David had already told Lucas what happened in the woods. Lucas let Nova go and told her it was nobody's fault and that nobody could have saved Sam. All Nova could do was step away from her father looking confused and hurt. Nova: What are you talking about, it's the human fault that he is gone, it's David's fault for not letting me save my son. How could you just say that to me? Lucas: It's nobody's fault, Nova, I know you are hurting but this isn't the time to blame anyone, especially your husband. You both did as much as you could. Nova: You weren't there father, you didn't see what happened. Lucas: David told me everything Nova, everything is gonna be ok. It's okay to feel hurt right now but don't fall into the darkness, that isn't the way, this is the time for you and David should be at your closest. Both of you need each other right now. Nova was getting angrier by the second to the point she couldn't control herself. Looking at the flames in the bonfire before her, all she could see was red, hurt, and pain. As Nova was in a trance David approached her. Not realizing it Nova managed to lift David into the air above the flame. David: Let me down, please don't do this. Nova couldn't hear anything, all she could think about was revenge. Intensifying the flame even more to watch David burn but the men around the fire were screaming to help David. One man was about to help by jumping through the fire to grab David. Lucas grabs his daughter's shoulders telling her to stop. Nova: How dare you, (pointing at David) he is the reason why Sam is dead and you are enabling him. you always take his side, I'm your daughter I am the one you should be taking sides with, I'm the one that you should care more about not him. The problem is you wanted a son, the problem is you distance yourself from me for any year cause deep down you blame me for mom's death. Because I was born you lost her and you will always hold that over my head. Lucas: That is not true, I have always loved you, you are my daughter. David: Please Nova don't be like this, we all care about you here. You are one of us. Nova: Do I look like one of you? NO. So don't stand there and try to feed me false claims. I am not so gullible as my father. I'm a hybrid and always will be. I don't fit nor belong amongst this pack. With that Nova gathered just a handful of items to leave. As she walked away her father tried to stop her but she just ignored him. Nova no longer cares about the father of her child, her father, and not the pack. Nova headed to her son's burial spot, where she promised her son that she was seeking revenge on the humans. She left her things there and followed the scent that led to the humans. Being the woods was huge the humans should still be traveling. Nova used her vampire speed to catch up to the humans. She kept in the dark, behind the trees. At the right moment, she pounced into the air landing on a man who was leading the others, knocking him off his horse. She managed to suck his blood dry giving her enough strength that she needed. Throwing the nameless man's body to the side she advances to the other men knocking them down one by one. All you could hear was bones crushing, blood splatting, and men screaming from a distance. Once she was done only one man was standing, she moved towards him very slowly while he shook begging for mercy. Nova: Who are you and why have you come into my woods? Speak before I bleed you dry. Nameless Man: I...I just follow orders, please don't kill me. Nova grabbed hold of a man's neck and hung him up high in the air. Who sent you and why have you come she replied. The nameless man said his King sent them there, to kill the creatures in the woods that were killing his people. Nova: Tell your King if he ever sends any more men into this woods I will kill all of you including your king. Now go before I change my mind. After Nova's encounter with the humans, she has been alone for weeks, continuing her training fighting, and swordsmanship. Night and day she trained trying to control and learn about her powers and talking to her son. Nova misses her son so so much however her revenge is more important. It's just her now and no one to rely on but herself. Meanwhile, the nameless human was able to reach back to his kingdom and report to the king what happened and the warning he received from one of the creatures in the woods. Nameless Man: Your Lordship we were blinded by attack, we did not see that coming. We tried to stop it but it was too fast and it killed all the men. I had never seen anything in my life move so fast it was there one moment then it wasn't. King: What do you mean it was there one moment and then it wasn't, for God's sake man what are you talking about you don't make any sense. and tell me how you managed to survive and everybody else didn't. Nameless Man: She was gonna kill me but decided to send you a message my lord. She said to keep out of her woods or we will all surely die including you my lord King: She, the creature is she (the King and the court laughed). A woman dares to threaten me and my kingdom that is preposterous. What would she do, she will not be able to stop me for I am the Great King Osiris. We will gather supplies and anything that we need to go back into the woods in time. Too many of my men have died from whatever lives among those woods.
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