Chapter Fifteen - Leads

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“So what kind of leads have you guys found?” Benjamin curiously asked, so Sachiel began to give him some folders. “Well, we’ve found out that the main base of the Panda Underground, which is the Onyx, exploded right after Ma’am Clara disappeared,” Sachiel playfully smirked, so his eyes widened. “How did that happen? I don’t remember hearing that news underground,” Benjamin wondered, so Sachiel agreed with him. “That’s because they don’t want anyone to find out, we risked our lives to go there just to check on it, and you wouldn’t believe what we just saw,” Sachiel mumbled before giving him a photograph of the place. It was burnt, everything even the walls turned into ashes, whoever did that was skilled enough to easily put the Onyx down. “Also, we found this letter,” Julian mumbled, so Benjamin squinted his eyes at the letter that he gave to him. “Approach the people I love once again and I’ll show you who’s dominant between us,” - Queen of Crestfallen. “C-Crestfallen? But that can’t be right, Crestfallen is long gone,” Benjamin claimed, so everyone inside of Julie’s room became silent. “After their King and Queen disappeared, everyone almost died from the ambush of the Stone Kingdom,” He added, so Sachiel agreed with him. “Yes, but then again Benjamin, who on earth would do this unless they’re the real deal? I think this is why the Onyx was laying low the past months,” She claimed, so those two men just stared at her intently. “What if they were never gone? What if they just lay low to keep certain profiles hidden?” Sachiel added, so everyone wondered for a moment. “If the Crestfallen will rise at the rank again then that means, the former King and Queen had a daughter, but who is she and how?” Benjamin whispered. “And I don’t see why it leads to finding where Clara is,” He added before gazing at those two, so Julian gave him an envelope this time. “You heard that the boss decided to look for her right? This is the reason why he wanted to look for her,” Julian mumbled. Benjamin decided to check on the envelopes and even if he heard it from a meeting before with the Zaveri’s, he just couldn’t believe that someone was speaking with Clara secretly using the sacred communication that allows people to write it on the edges of the paper to make it look like borders. And he knows one person who does this kind of communication, their Mother Angel, he kept his mouth shut because he wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure that their Mother Angel is also linked to everything since he always finds it weird that he knows what was going on despite him managing numerous businesses and their mafia group underground. “I think that explosion was a warning, telling the Onyx specifically not to mess with the people they’re trying to look after, so maybe looking for more clues there would help us,” Julian claimed. Benjamin then raised his head, “We should not get ahead of ourselves since we might step on a mine bomb, we have to tell Zaveri about this first,” He ordered, but Julian clenched his fists. “He’s finding leads on his own and he wants us to find other ones so that we could easily track who lured Ma’am Clara to leave,” He replied. Everyone just heaved a deep long sigh before massaging their heads, “Well let’s set aside that for now since that is a lead,” “We’ll make sure that this information would be useful, so thank you for this Sachiel and Julian,” Benjamin smiled at them before looking at Julie who looked so confused at what they were talking about. “It’s alright Julie, you don’t have to understand it,” He reminded her, but she just shook her head. “I want to understand everything about what’s going on with Clara,” Julie firmly said, so he just sighed at her. He looked at Julian and Sachiel again, they’re not moving at the spot where they spoke to each other a while ago. “Is there something else you want to tell me?” Benjamin curiously asked since those two were just silent while watching them speak with each other. “Well um, we also found out something about Andrea Lopez, someone helped her escape from the prison where Julian held her at the launch,” Sachiel informed, so his eyes widened. “She escaped? Why didn’t we hear about it?” Benjamin almost stood from his chair, so Julian just looked at him intently. “I think the one who helped her was also the one who almost put you down Benjamin, his name was Zephyr Onyx,” Julian informed. Benjamin clenched his hands before lowering his head, Andrea escaping is terrible news, who knows what she’s planning right now together with his new man of hers? “Let’s inform Tristan about that first, for sure he hasn’t heard about it yet, maybe finding Andrea’s whereabouts could also lead us to why Clara disappeared,” Benjamin claimed, so everyone just nodded at him before fixing their things up. “Where’s Raven, Genesis, Uriela, and Gabriel by the way?” He curiously asked, so Julian and Sachiel just looked at each other before smirking. “Oh they’re having inside jobs, God’s orders,”  *** “Raven! Would you just take those f.ucking shades first! My beauty is getting stressed out about you!” Uriela complained, so he gasped before lowering his shades. They’re currently at the black market looking for information or rather, stealing something from someone that they were following. Tristan heard that this man was working for Crayford before, so they might find some information about them. Crayford and Ferdinand were still missing and they don’t understand why their boss still wanted to look for them. “I can’t! This is supposed to be my disguise! Plus, I look more handsome when I wear this!” He started arguing with Uriela again for the nth time, so Genesis and Gabriel just sighed. They’re tired of babysitting the love of their lives, they still don’t understand how they ended up liking these two over narcissistic people. Gabriel then harshly pulled Raven to her side before taking off his shades, “You won’t need this,” She informed before throwing it on the ground and stomping on it using her heels. Raven gasped, “Baby! Why did you do that?” He cried while sniffing, so Uriela laughed out loud, but was stopped when Genesis put a mask around her face. “Stay quiet or you both will blow our cover,” He warned, so they both just sighed before crossing their arms against their chest. They all stopped after noticing that the one that they'd been following disappeared, so they decided to up their game and sprinted on the deepest part of the mountain. After they managed to find that man back, they all looked at each other intently before nodding. They’re going to approach that man and corner him. Raven and Uriela decided to block the paths where people there could see what they're about to do on that corner as Genesis and Gabriel approached him. Genesis swiftly grabbed his back, but that man immediately gave him a punch that he instantly avoided. He grunted when Gabriel appeared on his side and gave him a huge blow on his back, “A-Ah! W-Who are you? What do you want!” That man complained while panting, so she just glared at him. “I just want you to answer my questions, do you know where Serene Crayford and Klaus Ferdinand are?” She raised her eyebrows, so that man just shook his head at them. “N-No! I don’t know where they are!” He exclaimed, but Genesis tightly gripped his wrists behind his back. “You were working for them right after they disappeared, surely you must know something,” He whispered, so that man gulped while shakingly shook his head. Gabriel gave him a signal to take whatever he has in his wallet, it might have the information they need. “I-I did, but I didn’t know what they were planning! I just know that Serene decided to do something illegal because our head before trusted her to take over the business of selling young women to billionaires,” He replied. “Their business was on the edge after her parents died and when our head decided to speak with her, things went well and as you can see, her business started to rise in the ranks,” That man added. Genesis heard about Serene’s illegal businesses from Julian before, and he knew that’s why she rose in the ranks again. “Where is your head?” Genesis asked as he successfully took the wallet from his pockets swiftly, “Answer me,” He threatened. “I-I don’t know I swear! Please, spare my life, I want to change!” He pleaded, so Genesis harshly let him go. “Change? You’re walking around the black market and you want to change? Don’t fool me,” He hissed before walking away from him together with Gabriel. “Did you get it?” Raven curiously asked, so he just nodded while taking out the wallet that he took from that man’s pockets. “I don’t know if this will help us, but it’s a lead,” Genesis informed everyone before they sighed in disbelief. “There!” They all flinched when they heard someone shout, so they glanced on the other side and saw that man they were harassing a while ago called some delinquents. “They were the ones who harassed me, get them!” That man demanded, so everyone who had a baseball bat on their hands started to run after them. “Ahh! Run!” Raven screamed before they started running away and forgot that they knew how to fight those hooligans. *** “King Vladimir, what do you want us to do with the prisoners, our people are getting tired of their bodies,” Lois bowed his head at Vladimir who was sitting on his famous big chair. “Who wouldn’t get tired if you kept on claiming her, Lois? Every single day, can’t your d.ick have some rest?” He rolled his eyes, but Lois just shook his head. “It’s a crime to do that, I need to release my fluids or this would not get any longer,” He informed, so Vladimir just massaged his temples. He doesn’t get why he needs to hear those unhelpful statements from his people, they’re all trying to get into Serene’s pants. She was like a gem to them since her skin was fair, soft, it was everything their people wished for a woman to have. He doesn’t care because Serene doesn’t seem to mind, he heard that she even requested a gang to have her and c*m at her all at once. She was a wild woman that their people got all crazy about. “Clean them up, I’m still going to need them demanding their people to help me while we look for the Queen of Crestfallen,” He clenched his fists, if only he knew back then that woman was the child of Arthur and Claire, he would’ve finished her in her office. “Vladimir, you called me?” Andrea appeared at the front door while wearing a seductive red dress. “I did call you, come here and give your daddy a kiss,” Vladimir playfully smirked, so Andrea sniggered before she went towards him to give him a long, passionate kiss, so Lois was surprised upon seeing that. He never thought his boss would come to win Andrea’s favor, everyone was trying to attract her ever since she was saved by Zephyr, but it seems like Andrea only likes Zephyr and Vladimir to have her. They both gasped for some air before looking at each other intently, “Can I go visit you in your room tonight?” She whispered while using her fingers to roam around Vladimir’s body. He shook his head, “No, Lowella would be sleeping with me this time and you know that right?” Vladimir raised his eyebrows, so Andrea pouted. “Fine, maybe I’ll go to Zephyr's room then,” She sighed, so he just chuckled at her before caressing her perfectly shaped waist. “I didn’t call you here to ask you to sleep with me, I called you here because finally you’re allowed to see him,” Vladimir smirked, so her eyes widened before stepping away from his lap. “R-Really? I’m going to see Tristan?” She almost clapped her hands, but she was reminded by the fact that he rejected her, so she clenched her fists. “Yes and this time, you can plot your revenge, together with Lois,” He smiled, so both of their eyes widened. “I want you both to help and stop Tristan whenever he finds information about his wife, we’ll take them one by one this time,” To be continued…
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